r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for leaving my wife after she got pregnant by a revenge affair?



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u/Argon847 6d ago

She also got assaulted. Stealthing (taking the condom off midway without the others consent) is rape.

Came here to say the same thing. I'm glad more people are raising awareness about this because it's a fucked up, revolting crime.


u/McMenz_ 6d ago

It’s a seperate and nuanced issue.

She was sexually assaulted and it’s horrible that happened to her, if it’s true she should report the man to the police and get medical treatment.

Seperately she also cheated on OP and the assault doesnt change that. She didn’t consent to sex without a condom but she did consent to sex with another man with a condom. If the scenario had played out as she consented she still would’ve been having sex with another man.

ESH - (her judgment has nothing to do with her being assaulted and it doesn’t mean she deserved to be assaulted in anyway).


u/No-Opportunity-5522 6d ago

Exactly! So now we trust strangers to be honest when we screw them. wtf! The condom is irrelevant. The condom could have broken, and the consequences could be the same. When we consent to sex we are consenting to the consequences! Getting knocked up is hers. Her revenge screw got her screwed..literally!


u/Carche69 5d ago

Oh shut up. Consenting to sex is NOT consenting to getting pregnant.

And yes, we should be able to "trust strangers to be honest when we screw them." Obviously, that’s not realistic because people are shitty, but anyone with a decent bone in their body should be trustworthy during sex, stranger or not.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago edited 5d ago

Go kick rocks! What are you, 12?You're stupid and ignorant as hell to trust a stranger with your body! Having sex itself comes with possible consequences such as pregnancies and diseases. You roll the dice every time you have sex but you would probably just lay up with anyone who will lay up with you! Good luck with that, Bright one!


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

Ew. If you go to an amusement park and get injured from a ride, you can sue. Just because you got on the coaster does not mean you consented to anything and everything that COULD go wrong. You consented to having a good time (probably with friends.) Not to being harmed in any way. The theme park is supposed to take the necessary precautions (as are you) to keep yourself safe, and informing you of anything that could go awry, and if they’re having a problem then you aren’t allowed to ride the ride. They make you buckle in/get barred in, as an added layer of protection from the possible consequences of riding a ride. If you endured harm due to their negligence, that is on them BECAUSE. YOU. DID. NOT. CONSENT. TO. ANYTHING. THAT. COULD. POSSIBLY. GO. WRONG. Same goes for sex between consenting adults.

Hopefully nobody pokes holes in your condoms because it would be funny to stick you with a child/STD that you did not consent to because you wanted to use a condom. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I guess you would though, so shame on you.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

I don't understand why it's so hard to understand. Bottom line, actions cause consequences. Rather, it's good or bad. No one screws and hopes for a std or pregnancy, yet we know that when we have sex unwanted consequences can occur. You can be on birth control and still become pregnant. We all know that no matter how protected we are, unwanted consequences can happen. It's crazy how the focus is strictly about a married woman getting pregnant by someone who took the condom of. Let's just totally ignore that she cheated to get back at him. No accountability? Shame on you for believing people don't need to be held accountable. She would not be in this situation at all if she had left his cheating ass but instead decided to revenge cheat, and this is the consequences of her actions. I'm not saying it makes it right, but actions have consequences.


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

I’m also so incredibly disappointed that you’re a woman with these opinions. It’s giving “don’t tell the feminists, but I enjoy being a stay at home mom.”

I feel like lots of men are this dense, but why are you arguing that it’s okay for men to assault women?


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

If you're stupid enough to think i'm saying it's OK for a woman to be assaulted then believe what you want to. You don't know me, and your assumption is ridiculous.


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

Lmao. I didn’t say anything about that. The natural consequence is divorce. An STD is a consequence of unprotected sex. If you’re properly using protection, neither should occur. If she consented to sex WITH a condom, him taking it off during the act is a violation. If OPs wife did leave OP for cheating, she may very well have slept with this same man and had the same thing happen then. Is it still her fault? If the bars popped up on the roller coaster midway through a loop, the park couldn’t say “oops, we latched the bar before they went off so that’s on them, they should have known there’s a microscopic chance they’ll pop open on their own. Too bad they got on the ride, if they sue im going to tell the judge they got in the ride knowing that could potentially happen” If she left OP,

Do I need to find a simpler comparison, or are you comprehending this? The consequences for cheating are divorce. They’re both pretty gross, inside and out. They deserve each other tbh. In case you didn’t hear the first time, divorce is the natural consequence for infidelity. The consequence of having intercourse with anybody, where you both decided you guys would use a condom, is maybe some shame/guilt depending on each situation. The concurrence was the AP wear a condom. It became a form of sexual assault when he had her consent for one thing (protected sex) and took off the protection without her consent. It is assault. The wife cheating is dumb, disrespectful, disloyal, dickery, you name it. The only things that it is not are as follows: (1) Grounds for assault, (2) Grounds to be murdered, or (3) Grounds for pregnancy/an STD or STI. It is not part of the equation of assault.

The same way it is immoral to have sex with the Dean of a higher education facility in order to get a leg up for your child’s admittance, it is assault if someone consents to have sex with that Dean only to find out that the Dean was just pretending to have sex with the victim. Incredibly immoral, yes. Should the victim have done it? Probably not. Should they be taken advantage of and made a victim, for making a bad choice with their free will as a human? No. The natural consequence is they feel dumb because they slept with the Dean and their child still didn’t get in.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

No part of my responses ever said being assaulted was OK. This post was about the guy asking if he was the ass because he wanted a divorce, and yall disregarded all accountability and went straight to she was assaulted. At the end of the day, you only have the story this guy posted. You don't even know if this shit is true or not. You don't have the woman telling her side. He could have used that part to make himself look good and thought throwing in that part would make him look less of a douche. He hasn't said hardly anything to the responses. Why is that? If it was her telling the story, it would be different, but she's not.


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

Ew. If you go to an amusement park and get injured from a ride, you can sue. Just because you got on the coaster does not mean you consented to anything and everything that COULD go wrong. You consented to having a good time (probably with friends.) Not to being harmed in any way. The theme park is supposed to take the necessary precautions (as are you) to keep yourself safe, and informing you of anything that could go awry, and if they’re having a problem then you aren’t allowed to ride the ride. They make you buckle in/get barred in, as an added layer of protection from the possible consequences of riding a ride. If you endured harm due to their negligence, that is on them BECAUSE. YOU. DID. NOT. CONSENT. TO. ANYTHING. THAT. COULD. POSSIBLY. GO. WRONG. Same goes for sex between consenting adults. Hopefully nobody pokes holes in your condoms because it would be funny to stick you with a child/STD that you did not consent to because you wanted to use a condom. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I guess you would though, so shame on you.


u/Carche69 5d ago

I said you should be able to trust a stranger with your body—you both have incentive to wear protection not only to prevent pregnancy but also to not pass STIs to one another. Any decent and halfway intelligent person—stranger or not—would wear protection to cover their own ass just as much as to cover their partner’s. The man OP’s wife cheated with has screwed himself over too unless he wanted to co-parent a child with her for the next 18 years (which I highly doubt.y doubt was the case).

And not that it’s any of your business, but I have never had sex with someone I didn’t know, but it really doesn’t matter. Like I said, you should be able to trust that someone won’t do what that man did when you’re having sex with them. What he did is considered rape and in many countries, he could go to jail for it.

Also, I missed the part where the guy was a stranger to the wife? Did OP mention that somewhere in the comments? It’s not in the OP anywhere.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

You're the one that came to me rude telling me to "shut up" like I personally attacked you and like I don't have a right to my opinion. I could care less about you or your sexual history. What world do you live in where you believe you should be able to trust a stranger? Trust is built and earned over time, not given out to everyone who crosses your path. What part of the story do you see that she knew the person?? I don't see see that in the post.We don't have all the facts, just his side. She could have easily slept unprotected with the person, got pregnant, and now claimed he took the condom off. If its true, then that guy is a piece of shit! No one knows what happened except the 2 of them. Everything could have been prevented if they both didn't stepped outside the marriage. This is where the consequences of their actions come into play. He cheated, and he got cheated on. She cheated and got knocked up.


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

How sweet, you care! If you were smarter/less ignorant, your opinion would be the correct one. It’s “I couldn’t care less” implying that you care so little that caring any less would be negative cares, which I guess I have to explain, is not possible. So when you say, “I could care less,” you’re saying that you care at least a little bit. From the looks of it, you care a whole lot though because you’re writing books to a stranger who, in your own opinion, doesn’t have your best interest at heart anyway. There’s no point in arguing if that’s the case, right? They’re just being “rude” and “a meanie head” by telling you to shut up, so that they can educate you.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

Some people like you just need to be heard, it just won't be by me.


u/HolidayShoe1639 5d ago

If that was the case you wouldn’t have replied 🤡


u/Carche69 5d ago

Yeah I told you to shut up with that nonsense you were spewing about consenting to sex being consenting to pregnancy.

And I see I was right about telling you that, because now you’re on here spewing some more nonsense about OP’s wife lying about being stealthed. So shut up.


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago

Go to hell, you piece of shit.


u/Carche69 5d ago

Can you not argue your position without name calling?


u/No-Opportunity-5522 5d ago edited 5d ago

But you're not asking the person who told me to shut up to argue without being disrespectful. That's perfectly ok, right?


u/Carche69 5d ago

None of that makes any sense, so I have no answer for you.

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