r/AITAH 4d ago

AITAH for leaving my wife after she got pregnant by a revenge affair?



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u/Jealous404 4d ago edited 4d ago

on your point 2, so many women are unappreciative of their own rights. i can not fathom the idea of women restricting their own rights. it's not a matter of IF you have to go through it, it's a matter of WHEN. I'm a female in college and seeing women be manipulated by media, religion, and politics disgusts me. we were supposed to be smarter. I am concerned to the point where I don't want to date anyone. I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore. edit: also would like to add social media causing so many people to be close-minded and only think for themselves. out of hand.


u/vyyne 3d ago

Not wanting to have an abortion yourself doesn't mean you don't value the choice or want others to have a choice. It's CHOICE.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

men will never understand. i almost want to stop calling them men and switch to "boys"


u/pppjjjoooiii 4d ago

Asking out of curiosity. Is it really that common that every sexually active women will eventually have to consider an abortion? I grew up in a similar community to OP where these things are not discussed freely.

Either way you’re absolutely right. 


u/Additional-Ad-7720 3d ago

I mean, I am currently pregnant with a planned for and wanted baby, but if the genetic testing comes back positive for Down syndrome, I'll likely terminate the pregnancy. 1) I don't want to bring someone into this world who will be dependent on others for the most basic things to survive. 2) I'm not prepared to quit my job and care for someone with those kinds of needs 24/7 3) I have T1 diabetes and just keeping myself alive every day is such a struggle. It's extremely important to me to bring a healthy baby into this world.

So I am extremely grateful I live somewhere where this is a choice available to me.


u/Financial_Turnip_611 3d ago

Not to say you're wrong about aborting, but many people with downs are fully independent and many more largely are with minor assistance with more complex things.


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

generalization should not be used regularly

edit: as someone with digeoge syndrome from birth, i can say i am not at all independent. slowly getting there and shit takes more effort than u'd think. world isnt nice to us.


u/Curious_Ring_2813 3d ago

Its a spectrum, but it comes with fairly common issues, its more likely they will not be fully independent.

My uncle with Downs died before 10 due to issues with it

My Aunt lived until her 60s, but the last years of her life were horrible from Alzheimers, and she was never more independent than a 12 year old.

My boss's son cannot feed himself and needs constant supervision.

It was one of the main reasons I didn't want kids when I was younger. Now I realise that in general I am too selfish to be a good parent, and seeing how selfless you had to be to be a parent with Downs children just showed it more obviously to an outsider. Every kid requires a lot of work, those with disabilities are the same and sometimes lifelong.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

That’s messed up. Conditional love, where does it end? If your baby is foreseen to disappoint your expectations, then… I’m shocked that this isn’t a joke. First thing to know about parenting — you can’t be prepared, no matter how much you’ve planned for it, and it won’t be what you expect.


u/TechSupp047 3d ago

Is an act of mercy not an act of love? This world is cruel and horrid to those with disabilities and disorders. If you can't afford treatment, if you don't have someone to care for you, if your caretaker dies... People will always try to take advantage in some of the worst ways. Raping people in comas, who can't say no, abusing those who can't stand up for themselves, keeping them chained up in filth and starving for disability cheques, selling children as sex slaves. If something happens to a parent, their disabled kid might be on their own and until people can be better, there are other things to think about other than "conditional love".


u/Jealous404 3d ago

exactly. what use is love if the entire world is in poverty, wars, and depression? that's doing your child a disservice... there's a reason why birth rates are going down internationally. person above should open their eyes.

also sorry if i bombarded your notifications with all my rants haha...


u/Jealous404 3d ago

also you clearly are not a woman. who are you men to think that you have a right to save the baby over your woman's life? a healthy baby with a stressed mother wont do either. unappreciative. you clearly do not respect your partner and do not take their opinions into account.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Don’t even know where all this is coming from. Choosing to abort a child because of disabilities somehow is sparing them from neglect that you would inflict or allow others to inflict on them? Yes there is potential suffering in life. As a parent we should do all we can to protect our children and provide a healthy life and future. Choosing to abort a child because of disabilities is about preemptively deciding that the circumstances are inconvenient and not worth it to you. That’s not an act of love or mercy.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

"healthy life and future" when the impressions on disabilities is this bad in the world. i am NOT going to give birth to a child that has guaranteed health complications whom will get bullied or worse for their whole lives for it. you really do not understand how stressful it is. constantly worrying about your child when theyre in school. my parents are going through it. i would not want to put myself nor my child in that amount of stress. you are so hypocritical. im giving my child mercy by not experiencing what i have. wont give them a chance? so be it. the world wont give them a chance anyways. i've been there.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

You can choose what you provide for your child if you send them to school or what options are available to you there are always alternatives to public school. You just have to find solutions to problems one step at a time that doesn’t mean terminating the child because life is hard.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

then it also shouldnt mean you have to take away our choices (because it's hard for you to accept it)


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

How am I taking away choices by sharing my opinion? I’ve already mentioned that my opinion doesn’t matter and that it’s everyone’s own prerogative

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u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Can you clarify how I’ve been hypocritical at all? I have never claimed that life is easy. I think the best choices are the hardest. It doesn’t have to be a smooth, easy life to be worthwhile.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

hypocritical because you are trying to decide for us based on your own experiences. but then you'd be protesting if we ever did that to you.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

I’m not at all. I did not say anything about deciding based on my experiences. I said that I do take risks because you claim that I don’t. And I think if people want to buck up and do what’s best for their child, they can put their own inconveniences aside.

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u/Jealous404 3d ago

this is not to say i do not want a child. i want one, with the right partner. all things take time. even if we abort, we'll have one later anyways. what's wrong with that? are you going to make a single women keep their child that they didnt want THAT time from sexual abuse? that doesnt mean they dont ever want it, unless theyve explicitly sworn themselves to virginity.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

I think abortion is one of those issues that my personal stance on it doesn’t affect other peoples choices so I can’t say there’s anything wrong with that. I personally will not abort but obviously it’s very personal choice, to each their own prerogative. I just think it was a whole new realm of messed up that someone would abort based on specific criteria. And in general, I think it’s a very unfortunate and shortsighted action, but clearly my opinion is not of the foremost value in someone else’s decisions


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

In my opinion, the aborted child is still one you had, you just let them go; so if you aborted a child and had one later, you would be the mother of two children, one that you just decided was worth keeping. That’s a stance that I can’t keep straighten my head — I would never be able to justify how I only saw the life I chose to let live be worthy of life


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Think of what you tell your kid “I could’ve aborted you too! But you fell in line with how comfortable I was in my life so you got to live.” That just shouldn’t be what it’s about.

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u/Jealous404 3d ago

you will have to ask your partner before you take ANY actions. BOTH partners should be communicating. i refuse to engage someone who will not talk about these personal topics that affect both of us. similarly, do not try to control things that have nothing to do with you yet. focus on the present of what will be good for you. not power over your current or future partner.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

We were not talking about partnerships, and I think it would be tragic if someone aborted a baby that was wanted by their partner and clearly if a girl wants a baby and her partner doesn’t, she will have the baby

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u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Learn to manage stress. Being a parent is stressful. You’re going to let fear and stress dictate the decision over allowing a fetus to see the light of day? Pick yourself the fuck up. And I am a woman


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

if it's going to end up harming the baby and me in the long run with no cure to the disability... what's the point? it's not about love. it's about safety. safety always comes first. you forcing children into this world with issues is NOT un/conditional love. as someone with digeorge syndrome (albeit kind of minor) and other physical health issues, i still hate my divorced parents for it, for pushing me and for forcing me to live in this hell without a choice. "dont hate your parents" you say? yea. you have no idea. cant even say im depressed in my own house.

ps and not to mention my parents dont believe in unconditional love. no, this is not a joke. YOU treat it like a joke.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

None of ask to be here. You’re saying you wish you’d been aborted, you resent your parents for your birth? Damn.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

Yes. I am one with disabilities. I do not see the good in this world. My Asian parents make it worse since they dont believe disabilities exist. They think I asked for it but I've been like that since birth.

I am thankful for some things. But the cons outweigh the pros. Especially in this economy. If you like it here, good for you.

Here's a lesson: dont assume everyone goes through the same things as you do, good or bad.

also my parents are divorced. are you also going to argue against my experiences?


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Yeah, my parents are divorced too. You can sit there and blame your parents that you have a disability but fuck do what you wanna do with your life. You’re here. Don’t sit there in a pity party about it and use it as fuel to encourage abortion of disabled people.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

Well. you dont have to put your child through that same pain. you have a choice. if you force your child to go through a similar situation, who's to say you're not the evil one? why you want to restrict a choice for the future based on your current circumstances? you want to be prepared for the worst. how can you do that if you wont give a choice?


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

It doesn’t have to be the same pain you can be more responsible about how you handle their disability and their feelings

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u/Jealous404 3d ago

and to add on. YES you CAN be prepared for parenting. that's why those fucking parenting classes and books and resources exist. it's for you to prepare. what the fuck. "wont be what u expect". it is YOUR own life. you are in complete control and you tell me that? what would Jesus say. also from the getgo you will know if your child is born with any complications. there is zero excuse for you to be that uneducated, no matter how young you are. if you say you're not of age, you're not supposed to be here then.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Also, you don’t have to know anything about me to validate if my perspective is OK. I have had three unplanned pregnancies and I have been self-supporting and I am now married currently pregnant with my third child. I love my kids and I wouldn’t change a thing about life — the best thing I have done is live and roll with the punches and do what it takes. You always make room for what matters.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Not to mention a lot of life is intuitive. I did not take a single birthing class and I gave birth without any pain meds. I did it twice and I’m planning to do a third time you can suck it up and be a parent prepared or unprepared.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

There are things in life you can plan for, and there are many things in life you can’t. Sure, you can take classes and know about certain things to expect but you absolutely are not gonna be prepared for everything. You absolutely have no idea who your child will be and what their personality will be like and the struggles you will face in the future. Most of life is not a guarantee, not predictable and not possible to plan around.


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

knowing what to expect doesnt count as being prepared? then define prepared. If we follow what you say, you cant be prepared for anything. you cant prepare for your new job. you cant prepare for college. you cant prepare for your interviews. what a waste of resources. not a guarantee yes, but you can definitely be prepared for the worst. you are in control of your own life. clearly you have never taken any risks. that's life. just accept it. you cant fight fate, but you can still make your own choices of which path to take. read the Percy Jackson books. they talk about fate a lot.

being prepared does not define outcomes alone


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Prepared for some things not everything. Book readiness and theory is different than the actual living of life and the way things go. Never taken any risks? I’m saying get ready to take the biggest risk of all, parenting, because you can feel prepared and do things to be prepared but it really is a drop in the bucket. You have to experience it to learn what you actually need to know. And exactly, being prepared does not guarantee outcomes. You gotta roll with the punches and make the best of a situation. Not choose to abort a baby because of Down syndrome — that’s absolutely absurd, and barbaric. That’s all I’m saying.


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

Did you not read my other comments? I have had has 3 unplanned pregnancies, found a way to support my children before getting married, and did the births without medicine. You are in college. And you think I don’t live in the real world??


u/Dreamsforpeace 3d ago

No epidural or nothing. I’d say that’s scary and painful and a risk.

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u/Automatic-Smile-9103 3d ago

You’re getting downloaded, but you’re right because what is this person gonna do if their baby does end up with type of disability that was either non-testable or they just got an incorrect reading; that they did take and their child ends up with a disability already tested for. what are they going to do? blame the hospitals or are they going to take care of their child because clearly they have very conditional love.


u/Additional-Ad-7720 3d ago

I just wanted to add, since you said it's not talked about where you live. There are many other reasons for abortion besides just down syndrome.

There are ectopic pregnancies, where the embryo implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. This will kill both the mother and child without an abortion.

There are documented cases in states with bans of mothers being forced to bring non-viable babies to tearm and give birth, which just so traumtic and heartless. Examples include babies that developed without functioning hearts, lungs or brains and only live a few minutes after birth.

Sometimes, the baby dies in the womb, but her body is unable to remove it on its own, so they need an abortion to remove the dead baby. There are documented cases in states with abortion bans where the doctors refuse to remove the corpse for fear of going to jail, and the woman ends up getting sepsis and nearly dying due to having a rotting corpse inside of her. they'll only do anything when the mother gets "sick enough" because the medical term for a miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion" so doctors don't know where the line is in the law.

Something they don't tell anyone, even where I live with comprehensive sex ed, but a miscarriage is extremely common. At least 25% of pregnancies, but they think up to 50% due to unreported pregnancy/miscarriage. Some women in states with abortion bans are getting charged with murder for having a miscarriage. And believe me a miscarriage is traumatic enough on its own without jail. I legit thought I might die when it happened to me.

Then, there are the commonly stated reasons of rape and incest, but even without those and planned pregnancies like mine, there are lots of reasons a woman might need one. Turns out growing a whole human is complicated, and a lot can go wrong.


u/Jealous404 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yes. Abortion should be considered. Birth pills and condoms are not 100% effective. They are NOT like bullet-proof vests, contrary to popular un-educated beliefs. Our periods can make it worse too. Sometimes it's also not the right time to have children and you can change your mind. Like, if you just got a new job you really want to do for example. I would never put my future partner through that stress and I expect the same respect back.

i also must stress that if a woman says "no", no means no. "stop" means stop. if you didnt bother asking the woman for consent even if she gave in, that should be considered rape. if you dont want to go through that, please do not put others through it. this is such a simple basic logic. cheating goes through the same logic.


u/heatedwepasto 3d ago

They are NOT like bullet-proof vests

That's a pretty bad analogy. Bullet-proof vests are also not like bullet-proof vests.


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

well... i mean. you get my point. i stand corrected


u/SomebodyFeedRiss 4d ago edited 4d ago

1 in 4 women will have an abortion in their lifetime.


u/heatedwepasto 3d ago

If you mean induced abortion, that's a highly dubious claim. Under 10 % of women in my highly liberal country with easy-access-to-abortion and free, universal health care and no stigma surrounding abortions, get an abortion in their lifetime. Please back up your claim with a reliable source.

If you don't mean induced abortion, the numbers are meaningless. Roughly half of zygotes are discarded. Countless natural abortions take place in the embryonic stage without the woman ever knowing. It doesn't mean anything at all.


u/CamelliaSinensiz 3d ago

There are more reasons than just “oops I got pregnant and now need an abortion” to need an abortion. People can get pregnant as a result of rape. They may not financially be able to care for a child or for prenatal care. They may be in an abusive or otherwise dangerous situation. They can have life threatening reactions to the pregnancy. The fetus can have so many complications that some of the pregnancy books i read while pregnant would just throw a few in at the end of each chapter. The fetus can fail to thrive in the womb, at which point you have dead tissue inside of you that will eventually become septic and kill you. You can have a fetus that will likely only live a short (hours, days or months) expensive and painful existence before dying and some parents don’t want to put their children through that sort of life. They can have preexisting conditions that make pregnancy dangerous (for instance, my mom’s cancer was fed by her last pregnancy, making it way more complicated than it was before). Any miscarriage that requires medical intervention is an abortion. An ectopic pregnancy (embryo is implanted outside of the womb) requires and abortion and is a guaranteed death otherwise. People generally hide how ugly pregnancy and birth is until you’re actually pregnant and then you get the stories of people’s broken bones and hemorrhages and c-sections without anaesthesia and husband stitches and hg so bad it hospitalized them and loss of bone density to the point that their teeth fell out and being allergic to the fetus and having to be hospitalized because of it and the horrific damage it can do to joints and muscle groups in the core, but really it needs to be common knowledge so people stop acting like pregnancy is no big deal


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

I feel the opposite… Social media, 100% pushes and ENCOURAGES abortion

This is what I have seen with my own eyes since I was a preteen. You said something about people forming their own beliefs… yeah, that was something that was discouraged the entire time I was growing up. I grew up in the “deleteus fetus” generation. And they legitimately think it’s funny. I’m not trying to push my experience on you I just wanted to share. Well, you felt like it wasn’t allowed… I was taught that it’s the only option !!! Getting a procedure like that done is a decision that should not be made lightly. It is a very difficult decision that someone should make when they’re in sound mind. And we need to encourage women to stop getting in that position to begin with. I understand. Accidents happen. But people are told it’s OK to be reckless. It’s OK to get multiple abortions, just because you are sexually irresponsible

I used to hear people say what I just said, and I thought that they were stupid. But I was the one who was stupid. I was the one who saw no value in human life. Please understand… by desensitizing a WHOLE generation like this- HAS CONSEQUENCES!!! We have encouraged a soulless generation.


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

"100% pushes and encourages" as if the thread you are on right now does not count as social media. read. 🙄 stop being ignorant and maybe people will like you for once.

i advise you to reread OP's post and see if they encourage abortion. you are not stupid. you are dumb. nicest way i can put it. (also you mention WE need to stop getting ourselves into that position. like we wanted to)

hardest way i can put it: you are a narcissistic and should seek help. growing up with narcissistic- i can tell who is one, serious or unserious, right off the bat. how? you base your proof on your own feelings. your first sentence. not reality. you say it to make yourself feel better even in this seriousness, when others are clearly suffering. and you pin the fault on the victims. correct me if i took it the wrong way.

edit: it could also just be plain ignorance. those things are hard to tell apart.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

I wish you could hear yourself. I wish you could step aside from your own bias and just listen to how you actually sound.

Multiple times I said your experience could be different, and I explained mine. And you’re calling me arrogant.

You are clearly the arrogant one. Look at your behavior. Look at your word choice. I used to think like you too ! And I’m not encouraging you start thinking how I think now. But I’m encouraging you to not be in a fucking bubble lol

We all have different experiences based off of our location and background


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

"different experiences". yea. our and our future children's safety could be based on your experience alone. like our own opinions dont matter. why do you think you can rule us? you're not the one giving birth. it may be your child but you'll never know what it's like. but also... my child isnt your child so, fuck off. You're the one in a bubble if you're telling a woman to think about it for themselves. I am thinking for myself. You clearly havent read my responses and jumped to conclusions.

I'm not at all against pregnancy.

I am against being forced like this into pregnancy. That's the same level as rape. You would not want a child from an affair either. And you wouldnt want a child when you're still in college or at work's busy season. think from our pov. it's not your body. Abortion is a tool, and should be used as a tool. Not an excuse of power. How would you feel if we restricted your sexual activities? Made your semen illegal? For you guys it would be killing a baby because you need men to make a baby.

It will your baby and your responsibility.

You telling me to think? OP is a great example of your kind of people. You should learn from them. Rejecting based on your imaginary beliefs until the last possible moment when you need it. This is why I have left Christianity. I am an atheist. You people just reject the reality until you've met it.

You have your own experiences and you telling me to hear myself like I cant have mine.

edit: you men making these stuff political is why im not happy. it is why im not ever dating a guy. They are way too fragile. LGBTQ+ is the consequences of your actions.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

You are so weird and you have such a disgusting stick up your ass

Where did I ever say that it should be 100% illegal to get an abortion at any time ? Where did I say that? I’m the only person who can get pregnant? I never said any of that. I never shamed anyone for getting a medically necessary, abortion, and abortion that was only a choice, etc.

I NEVER SAID THAT!!! if you didn’t have such a stick up your ass, we could have a conversation and you would know that about me. Despite my personal beliefs, I am a person who consistently says that restrictions surrounding abortion, should NOT be in law. So before you get caught up in your narrative, please think. I never said anything that you’re implying, and now you just sound emotionally charged. You also sound very guilty. No one said you had to feel bad at all. All I’m saying, is that this is way too normalized IN MY SOCIETY!!! The people I GREW UP AROUND!! It seems YOU ARE the one who thinks you’re the only person in the world. I never projected any of my beliefs onto you, you’re the one that did that!

I would really advise you learn how to have appropriate conversations with people. You sound so attacked when I never said that. I never attacked you.

All that I said, was in the climate I grew up in, it was extremely normalized. Too normalized. Encouraged. And I say multiple times that’s just my experience, yours could be different. And you scoff at that? You say “you have a different experience”- in an ironic, condescending way😂

I’m honestly really embarrassed of you if this is how you choose to communicate on a consistent basis.

No one ever attacked your beliefs. I never said anything should be in law. I never said that. For myself, I am pro-life. For others I will always be pro choice. I will always believe in a woman’s right to choose

HOWEVER !!! Women are being taught that there are no consequences to a decision like this. And firsthand, if you surround yourself with women who trust you, and can be vulnerable around you, they all tell you that it’s something something they regret- EVENTUALLY! Even if it doesn’t happen in one year or two years. They always always always regret it eventually.

And I’m not saying access should not be allowed. But I’m saying women should seriously be educated on the psychological and physical effects of abortion and they should stop normalizing it so much!!!!


u/Jealous404 3d ago edited 3d ago

"women are taught there are no consequences to this decision" please elaborate. i am a woman so i want to know what you're thinking. saying im being wrong and weird. if we regret not having the baby, sure. it's better than regret having the baby. you are talking as though killing babies is all we think about. maybe it's being normalized because of the increase in human trafficking and sexual abuse. there's more than one issue here.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

“You are talking as if the killing babies is all we think about” - It’s not all you think about, but but your thoughts surrounding the subject are very shallow. You don’t allow yourself to think deeply.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

I am not thinking deeply? I am explaining myself yet im not thinking deeply, telling you those issues are linked together. I see.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

You’re going really off-topic. We’re saying one point and then you pull out sex trafficking. Genuinely, I’m open to having a discussion with you. Maybe in private messages or something. But you really need to reread your responses and be honest with yourself. You really jumped to conclusions and tried to assume my beliefs FAST! I’m not shaming anyone here. I just recognize the effects psychologically, and physically when women have abortions. I know many girls who had abortions at 15 and by the time they were 21, it finally hit them and destroyed them. Sure, it never happens to some people. But the women I’ve seen it happen too, it’s heartbreaking. They should have at least been offered counseling afterwards.
I don’t think it should be in law. I never made it political. Let me put it like this. You assumed I was a man, assumed I was being political, assumed I was Christian. None of those things are true. If you wanna have a discussion, you need to put your assumptions aside. Much love.

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u/Sxdashley 3d ago

Where did human trafficking and abuse come up? I’m so confused?!??


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

I wish I could sit down with you in person person because the way this conversation is going is so confusing.

I’m always open to have difficult conversations with people. But you’re just really jumping to conclusions using strawman arguments at this point.

You’re acting like I disagree with you on the basis of abortion and law. I don’t. I’m saying culturally there should be a change, and we should value human life more.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

Also…when I say there’s no consequences I don’t mean that in a spiritual or moral way exactly. I’m not trying to shame women and say that they SHOULD feel guilty.

I’m only saying, every single woman I know who has had an abortion regrets it eventually. Even if it’s five, 10, 20, 50 years later.

Time really does change perspective and how you feel about things things. And something as serious as human life is a big decision.

Also, one more time I’m not judging women at all. I know it’s a very difficult decision. I just know that it is far too common for these procedures to be booked very easily, (FROM WHERE I AM FROM!!! CALI!!!!) and they never really educate women on the long term psychological/physical effects.

I believe women should have a right to make this decision. But I don’t think a lot of women really know what they’re doing. I don’t mean that in a condescending or disrespectful or belittling way. The women in my life that I love have cried to me, saying that they didn’t know what they were doing.

The subject should be less taboo, so we can do real research about the long-term effects. It should be accessible, and women should be able to give informed consent. Truly, informed consent.


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

Also, you dumb Cunt, I’m a woman. Look at my post. I just got a copper IUD removed.

I am against women women being encouraged to make these huge decisions regarding fertility without having actual informed consent.

Please get the stick up your ass. I’m really not sure what’s wrong with you


u/Jealous404 3d ago

what have I done to deserve this amount of disrespect "cunt".


u/Sxdashley 3d ago

I definitely shouldn’t have said that 🤦‍♀️ I’m sorry. Sometimes I fight attitude with attitude but I quickly remember I don’t want to be that way. I will be honest, I found it very cunty that you assumed all of these things about me. also, I don’t know where you’re from culturally, and a Cunt is very serious in some countries 😂 Bad word choice I am sorry. I meant it light hearted, in response to your insults repeatedly calling me dumb. Still shouldn’t have said that. This is a complex discussion, and I should always remain respectful in order for us to learn from each other


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

Killing a baby isn’t a right.


u/Far-Run-4707 3d ago

Killing a baby isn't right, because that's murder. Aborting a fetus is exactly that. A different thing..


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

Where’s the line? At what exact point scientifically does it become a baby? At what point is it a human life?


u/Far-Run-4707 3d ago

A fetus is, scientifically, a fetus, until parturition.


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

Nice dodge.


u/Far-Run-4707 3d ago

You literally asked me at which point, scientifically, a fetus becomes a baby and I answered. Where is the dodge?


u/leolo007 3d ago

A 1 inch fetus is not a baby, we can agree to disagree on that.


u/The_Unfettered_One 3d ago

Is it human?


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

At what point is it a baby? My wife certainly viewed our kids as babies from the moment she got the positive test, is she wrong?


u/Nicolash99 3d ago

Yes, and it shouldn't be considered a baby until birth, as there is always the possibility of the pregnancy bringing complications, potentially killing both individuals.


u/heatedwepasto 3d ago

After the first trimester, chances of complications plummet. This also marks the end of the embryonic stage and the beginning of the fetal stage. At this point the baby has arms, legs, a brain, eyes, a heart that beats and so on. It is essentially a mostly complete little human baby. Halfway through the pregnancy, the baby can survive outside the womb, and most of the rest of the pregnancy is spent strengthening the lungs, practicing facial movements, sucking, gripping and so on.


u/Nicolash99 3d ago

I know, but just because the risk of complications plummets, it does not mean they don't exist. If there are complications there should not be a legal reason impairing the doctors to perform an abortion to safe a person's life, which is a part of society, has friends and family. If you choose to save the baby here, you have an orphan. The fetus' survivability outside the womb, with a bunch of medical care and attention, is no argument for me. I don't want more orphans, if people do choose to not have a baby, they should have the choice to abort. You seem to forget the rest of life, what about the parents and what about the kid who has to grow up in an orphanage?


u/heatedwepasto 3d ago

I think you're putting some words in my mouth that aren't there. I'm saying that the fetus definitely is a baby, long before it's actually born.

I'm not saying you should prioritize child over mother during birth. I'm not saying there should be legal restrictions on medical abortions in emergencies. I'm not saying there should be any legal restrictions on abortions in the embryonic stage (first trimester).

I'm just saying that after the first trimester, most complications are ruled out and the fetus is a baby. That's all.

As for "what about the kid who has to grow up in an orphanage":

This is a societal problem, not a medical problem. It's solved by having good foster families in a welfare system/state.

Do you have kids of your own? I'm guessing no, but if you do, would you really prefer to kill them prenatally than having them be raised by loving foster parents?


u/Nicolash99 3d ago

Then I guess you have a mental problem, because where are all those perfect foster families? Oh they don't exist, because they are literally just some caregivers... it is better than an orphanage, but anything but a solution, you are just pushing the issue forward. I am aware that you aren't capable of making any points, so have a nice day.


u/heatedwepasto 3d ago

Wow, double personal attacks. Way to concede.

I think I live in a better country than you do, because we have a well-functioning foster care system. We also take abortion rights for granted, so we don't have to have silly discussions about their legality.

Maybe that is also why we don't feel the need to resort to personal attacks when we're out of arguments?

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u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

So 9 months in, fully developed and viable it’s not a human life? I’d love to hear your defense of that.


u/Nicolash99 3d ago

In case the mother's life is endangered, and it can be until the baby is born, abortions should always be legal. I also see problems with fixing specific weeks as deadlines, due to the regular unregularities in pregnancies.

I am not really understanding, why you are trying to put words in my mouth, nor do I understand why it is so important to you (maybe because English is my 5th language).


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

Aside from the absolute nuts, no one wants to force a mother to die, but the position you are taking is not a pro choice position, it’s pro life with an exception for the mothers life being in danger, you would not be welcome with this stance in any Democrat organization.


u/Illustrious_Concept5 3d ago

She can have her beliefs on it but doesn’t change fact, people believe in different religions but doesn’t mean they are all true


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

Some people believe murder is ok, doesn’t mean they are right. See how dumb you sound when you make that argument? The entire point of my comment was that no one considers it a fetus if they want it, it’s their baby. At what exact point does it become a baby? At what exact point is it a human life?


u/leolo007 3d ago

She's entitled to her own opinion.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

idk. why dont you ask HER about the meaning? she's the mother, ffs. and who are you men to think you can control every women's life? leave us be. you have your own beliefs, we have ours. zip it. you only need focus on your own family.


u/Working_Flight8680 3d ago

You really don’t want to apply that line of reasoning to any other law or practice. See I’m worried about killing babies, if a woman is raped or the mothers life is in danger then obviously an abortion is a valid option, if not, well sorry, I don’t think it’s right to kill a child because it’s inconvenient and you couldn’t be bothered to take responsibility for your actions.


u/Jealous404 2d ago edited 2d ago

well then what's all this about making abortion illegal? banning birth control pills? obviously, i will take the responsibility if i consented to it, that's a given. but banning it wont do any good for those who were forced through the activity. im just afraid banning it will make more men think they are very powerful and lead them to do more disgusting things because they know we do not have a choice. we should be setting a clear line. make it more moderated. not outright banning things (impulsively, without thinking of the consequences) we dont like.


u/Jealous404 3d ago

what if giving birth might kill both me and the baby?