r/AITAH 6d ago

My stepmom took all of my horror stuff out of my room for her kid to be less scared

So I (15f) has this whole horror obsession, I’m crazy for it I don’t think it would be much of a surprise if I said Halloween is my favourite holiday..

My father (41m) has married my stepmother (38f) let’s call her Abby… now Abby has two sons and a daughter I’m not going to use their real names but give them fake ones.. Zack (16) Evan (18) and Katie (8)

I would like to start off by saying I don’t want to sound like a brat but for the longest time it’s only been me and my dad

So a few moths later Abby and her kids moved in and the boys had to share a room and for some time Katie had her own but my stepmom needed an office room so while I was visiting my grandma and grandpa Katie moved in my room that’s not the issue I don’t mind sharing but the issue I have is I ADORE anything horror so I have a lot of posters,merchandise I even have a Chucky doll, so when I come back from my grandparents my dad and Abby sat me down and said my room needed to change and be more kid friendly obviously I was pissed and stared complaining how it wasn’t fair

And Abby said her child should matter just as me, that’s when my blood was boiling.. so I yelled it was my room first if she didn’t like it she could sleep in the hallway or in the dog bed

My dad got mad and sent me to my room, I get up in the morning and get ready to go to school and when I came back boxes of my posters and funko pops were in boxes with a bunch of other things, only to see Abby talking them down… I get mad and yell at her that’s until my dad comes over and tries to calm me down and tells Abby she should stop but only for her to say ‘my child is scared of all this shit!’

I screamed for ages going back and forth with her until she threw a box and a glass object shattered.. so if she wants to brake my things I’ll brake her kids, I know this is going to abound petty but I grab her kids Barbie and ripped its head off and pulled the legs off and turned to her and say “brake anymore of my things and I smash your laptop up” My dad trying to deescalate the situation said to me go take five outside and from outside I hear my dad abs stepmom yelling at each other

Should I feel bad?


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u/Cosmicshimmer 6d ago

I think she purposely made an office so she could have an “excuse” to take op’s stuff. You don’t kick a kid out of a bedroom for an office and you certainly don’t take the kids room who has been there for years before you were on the scene.


u/mnth241 6d ago

definitely a power play by step mom. she is a huge a h and to bad ops father doesn't see it


u/CreativeMusic5121 6d ago

He doesn't see it because

1----he doesn't want to
2----in the abstract, it seems 'logical' for kids to share a room so a parent gets a WFH office space.

However, in this instance, it isn't logical. Stepmom needs to find other space for her office ( corner of her bedroom or the living room, since most of the family is out of the house for school or work most of the day). If she isn't WFH, she doesn't get office space, period.

The only thing OP did wrong was in reacting the way she did and breaking the Barbie doll. Now, dad and stepmom will see her as reactive, and having no more maturity than the 8 year old.

OP---- it's fine to feel bad for reacting the way you did. It is also fine to be upset and angry about the situation. If you are able, sit down with dad and calmly explain your position. And yes, apologizing for breaking the doll would be a nice touch.


u/thepotatoworld 6d ago

I would like to add something personal. If my cousin bros or sis break something of mine accidentally or on purpose (it has happened) I would be fine as long as it's something I really care about or value. If anyone from my family damages any of the gifts I received (I've told them not to touch my stuff). sometimes my grandmother feels like she wants to wash my clothes and ruined all my white clothes which was fine until she damaged a gift from my bf. I wore that t-shirt once and it was damaged. I can't describe how hurtful it was and how mad I got. I yelled at her for not doing what I said, ie, to not wash my clothes. I can understand why OP broke the Barbie, sometimes it's a breaking point. With all the shitty things that have happened in my life, I am a strong believer of an eye for eye because every time I was the bigger person people made my life hell. An eye for an eye helped me kick out my abusive father, get out of a very long toxic relationship and be happy. It also helped my mother be happy as she now doesn't feel threatened and scared in her own home.