r/AITAH 5d ago

AITA for “performing” in front of the camera my mom forced me to have in my room? NSFW

I'm a 17-year-old guy, and my mom has always been a bit overprotective. Recently, she took it to the next level by insisting on putting a surveillance camera in my room "for my safety." I found it super invasive and uncomfortable, but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

So, in an act of defiance, I decided to jerk off right in front of the camera every day for a week. I figured if she wanted to invade my privacy, she'd have to deal with the consequences. I made sure to look directly into the camera, making it clear that I knew it was there and I didn't care.

After a week, my mom came to me, furious. She had finally watched the footage and saw what I'd been doing. She said she was absolutely disgusted, and yelled at me for being disrespectful and said I was acting like a child. I told her that if she wanted to invade my privacy, she had to be prepared for what she might see. She took the camera down immediately, but now she's giving me the silent treatment and acting like I'm the bad guy.

My dad thinks I went too far, and I think he secretly finds it funny, but he also agrees that having a camera in my room was too much. My sister won’t even talk to me anymore after my mom told her what I had done, but my friends think it's hilarious and say my mom got what she deserved. I'm not sure how to feel. AITA?


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u/Azhrei_Rohan 5d ago

Being underage tell her to delete the child porn she has 😀



u/deleteredditforever 4d ago

Don’t worry it’s fake. Read the exact same story a while ago


u/wannabezen2 4d ago

I'm starting to think most of these AITA are fake lately.


u/WizogBokog 4d ago

The only real ones are the ones with 3 votes and no replies because they are realistic stories no one gives a shit about.


u/Missing_socket 4d ago

Also they don't follow a formula like format. I dunno something about certain post feel... Fake like too perfect


u/Ashkendor 3d ago

We don't come here for realism. We come here for internet telenovelas.


u/Neat-Statistician720 4d ago

Just bc you saw the same story doesn’t mean it can’t be a repost of something that once was the post with 3 upvotes and no replies. I don’t come here often so it being reposted also shows me the interesting ones,


u/spongeguyspeedster 1d ago

I posted on the sub but i only got one other comment


u/btnomis 4d ago

You learn to just enjoy it as creative writing.


u/gcruzatto 4d ago

And feel sorry for the basement dweller sociopaths who get joy out of lying on reddit for no reason


u/Legitimate-Slice-990 3d ago

I feel more sorry for the basement dwelling autistics who have to say fake to every AITAH post


u/Substantial_Lab2211 3d ago

No need to be ableist


u/Legitimate-Slice-990 3d ago

I was just returning their energy.


u/kendricklamartin 4d ago

Lately? Of course there is a good chance they are fake. Even if they are well written we should always assume random stories on the internet are fake. We should also assume random TikTok videos are staged. Millennials enjoy rage bait shit online so much that we are slowly starting to get willingly duped almost as badly as baby boomers.


u/Confident-Skin-6462 4d ago

most are... lately? lol


u/Ok-Glove2240 4d ago

Sometimes they are easy to spot. Shorter ones with little detail or waaayyyy too much detail about dumb stuff.


u/heyitsmeimhigh 3d ago

Schools out... scholars become creative writers somewhere


u/TigerPoppy 4d ago

Just fake? or AI fake ?


u/Legitimate-Slice-990 3d ago

No, it’s really just a bunch of douche bags that say fake to every story


u/Fantastic_Beans 4d ago

This is probably the most Reddit fake story I've ever read


u/urfavgalpal 4d ago

I hate that I believe it just because I also had a security camera in my bedroom as a kid


u/Fantastic_Beans 4d ago

It's less about the camera and more about the "maintain eye contact" meme that you see in half of reddit comments


u/urfavgalpal 4d ago

Ahhh yeah I didn’t realize that was a meme but jerking of while essentially making eye contact with a parent via the camera did strike me as odd


u/ArmorTrader 2h ago

It's actually a kink, but don't worry I won't link the subreddit.


u/Xtwa 4d ago

I had my phone set up next to the camera so it looked like I was staring the whole time. Sorry i didn’t include that bit didn’t think it would be… enticing for you all


u/thatshygirl06 4d ago

Link ? Or do we just take your word for it?


u/Don_Quipuncher 4d ago

Even if it was real, my thought wouldn't be "is OP an asshole," but rather "how severe is OPs Oedipal complex that they can jerk off while thinking about their mom?"


u/No_Advice_6878 2d ago

Thats actually true. Now it disgusts me a bit


u/Gexm13 4d ago

We are on Reddit so it will probably get lots of karma anyways since redditors are very gullible to rage baits.


u/Poku115 3d ago

My man you are here giving it more engagement too you know?


u/Gexm13 3d ago

I know. I don’t care whether it gets more attention or not.


u/Poku115 3d ago

Sisyphus over here "Complains about shitty fake post, but gives them exactly what they want, enabling their wants to get even more attention trolling, they post a Miriam of other fake posts, you find one and the cycle continues"


u/Gexm13 3d ago

I’m not complaining about the shitty post. I just said that Redditors would turn a blind eye to obvious rage baits lol. I don’t know if you can read or not but I just told you that I don’t care if this post or any other fake post get attention or not. Not my problem and it doesn’t affect me at all. If Redditors wanna be stupid, they can.


u/Poku115 3d ago

Lol I like how everyone just decided to believe you, in an act of defiance to not believe another story they just think it's too ridiculous to be true (even though we all know humanity is ridiculous and foolish enough that this probably happened)


u/deleteredditforever 3d ago

Sure it’s possible but what are the chances that exact scenario happened twice and the person decided to post it on Reddit?


u/SeanJones85 3d ago

AHH so it belongs in r/thathappened 🙄


u/Xtwa 4d ago

Link it then mane


u/sadistica23 4d ago

I was coming in to make this exact point. Maybe two months ago?


u/gavinkurt 3d ago

I hope it is fake because I would hate to hear about a teenager having some crazy mother filming their 17 year old son in his bedroom. I could understand having like a camera for an infant, like when the baby is first born because new mothers worry a lot about their newborn so they can just look at their phone to look in on the baby and make sure the baby is sleeping and stuff. I knew a girl whose crazy adoptive super religious parents removed the door from her bedroom. When I met her, she had already moved out of their house but it was just such a crazy thing to hear. She ended up moving out at 16 because of it and went to live with her boyfriend. And she did stay with the guy for like 7 years so at least she had someone to turn to for a long time and she worked the whole time she has been on her own and she did pass high school. I am not sure if she went to college as we lost touch but I’m sure she’s doing ok. The best thing she did was get away from these people. They were fine with her leaving because she told them that she didn’t believe in their religion. They told her basically if she didn’t want to be saved, she didn’t need to come back. They were so nuts.


u/A_Pie323 2d ago

Yes mothers do livestream their infants, it’s called a baby monitor. Haha, sorry I couldn’t help myself.


u/gavinkurt 2d ago

It’s normal. It can save the mother a trip to the bedroom when they can just check the camera and make sure the baby looks fine. A lot of mothers do this.


u/A_Pie323 2d ago

No I know it’s normal, I was joking 🙃I felt like you forgot the word for baby monitor. But as I’m sure we both know, that’s completely normal but live streaming a 17 year old is beyond messed up, IF this story is even true


u/gavinkurt 2d ago

If a parent is putting a camera in a 17 year olds bedroom, that is just too much. The story might not be fake. There are crazy parents out there. I knew a girl who had her bedroom door removed by her crazy religious extremist adoptive parents. She ended leaving by at 16 because of it. She refused to go back to them and lived with her boyfriend that she stayed with for 7 years until they broke up. At least she had somewhere to go and she worked the whole time she had been on her own and did complete high school on time. Her parents were so religious that they didn’t give her an issue leaving because she told them that she didn’t want to be “saved” by Christ. She lived in an orphanage in Russia when she met her future adoptive parents. She told me the orphanage was better than living with her adoptive parents even though the conditions at the orphanage weren’t that great but the orphanage did provide her with a roof over her head, a decent education, food. She even said if she knew that her future adoptive parents were going to be religious extremists who would take her bedroom door, she would have preferred to just stay at the orphanage.


u/A_Pie323 2d ago

Ok, really?? I read these stories and am like there’s no freaking way. But then again, humanity never ceases to amaze me and I can imagine there are people out there like this. I also wouldn’t be surprised to find out this was fake either.


u/Kelainefes 2d ago

Like seriously, I can see some teenager showing his mom his naked butt, but jacking off looking in the camera? Sounds more like incest smut than what someone that can post with correct punctuation, spelling and spaced paragraphs would actually do.


u/MsMo999 4d ago

Yep only a few words change