r/AITAH 26d ago

AITAH for not sharing my reception with my older sister

Dyslexic & on mobile

Me & my partner are doing a renewing our vows is a few weeks. My older sister got married in court a week ago only telling 3 people then dropping it on Facebook. Everyone asked where her reception will be & she said she send out invitations soon. Yesterday I visited my mom with her sence I can't drive due to medical reasons. On the drive there she bring up her wedding & say she can't afford a reception. She drag on about the entire 45 minute drive there about it. I just stayed quiet as I knew what was doing. We had a good visit with my mom & left. On the way back she starts talk about me renewing my vows & how lucky I am to afford it. About 15 minutes into the drive she comes up with idea of doing a double reception so she can celibate her marriage with everyone at the same time. I told her no as she wouldn't be able to contribute to it & I wasn't going to front the cost for her. She acted like I didn't say anything & just started talking about changes I need to make to "fit both of us" & a fair split guest list. I just said I will not be sharing my reception with you. By the time she dropped me off she had a plan to entirely change the reception to her liking. I just told her I will not even invite her if she continues to push for this. She just says ok & speeds off. Today I woke up to an invite to "her" reception same time & place as mine on facebook. She even post about how kind I was to give her the chance to celebrate her marriage with everyone. I replied to the post saying that I never agree to that & she wouldn't even be allowed there anymore. Some people are now calling me AH for not just sharing the reception hall. It's a splite between my family on if I'm an AH or if my sister is over stepping.

TLDR: My sister want to take over my reception & I refuse to share an even I'm paying for. I have several people saying I'm the AH as it's not my wedding only renewing vows & she can't afford a reception after her court wedding. Am I the AH for not sharing the reception with her.

Edit: I have security already & have a in person meeting today (day after post) with them to discuss the guest list & the possible ability of the uninvited one. Security was already part of the plan even before this incident due to other unkind family members who are not invited so what's adding one more. The only reason I still talk to my sister is for my mother's sake & I will continue to be low contact with her unfortunately. Thank you for your kind worlds. I was starting to to think I might just be AH but then realize most people who are saying are people who wouldn't have been invited in the first place. I will update after the reception as there several people requesting it.


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u/Luluderpkitty 26d ago



u/UpdateMeBot 26d ago edited 3d ago

I will message you next time u/midnightanglewing posts in r/AITAH.

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