r/xbox May 10 '24

Xbox President Bond on the Gamer’s Future Video


Xbox President Sarah Bond just spoke to Dina Bass at Bloomberg Tech about this week’s news and restoring growth in gaming.


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u/Engiie_90 May 10 '24

Going to sound like a sexist pig here but wtf is she doing as head of Xbox?
Does she truly know/ understand what Xbox is?


u/PinkyGrape May 10 '24

To be fair, she does have proper gaming background. There is much worse out there in key functions at publishers.


u/Engiie_90 May 10 '24

Fair enough, Just hard to see people in these positions with the sole purpose of profiting. No care to the actual fan base who pour hours of their lives and money into the products and games. Fans should have their feedback and voice heard all the way to the top and then from the top, take note & go from there.

Totally understand and appreciate that we cannot have it all, but even if they made an effort to show that they are listening and start to give us more of what we ask for and not what they think we want.

Hard to know anymore


u/PinkyGrape May 10 '24

Yeah. I feel you. Words do not match actions. It rarely does feel real. Studios do more than often care about what gamers want but publishers are far from it.