r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/AnotherBigToblerone 5d ago

Draw a blue rectangle above a yellow rectangle, go to jail. Fuck Putin


u/hereforthefeast 5d ago

I recall an article about a Russian woman who was arrested because she posted a photo wearing a yellow raincoat while on vacation. 

The thinnest of skins lol. 


u/EconomySwordfish5 4d ago

A raincoat the stereotypical colour a raincoat should be? Somebody arrest this maniac!


u/TobyTheArtist 4d ago

[Purin to himself in his head while counting on his fingers]: Using the word "rain" implies water, which implies blue, as water reflects the colour of the sky. Together, the words "rain" and "coat" implies something used when its raining, which requires visibility, which, in turn, means that the coat must be coloured in a way that would enhance visibility during downpour. Yellow if one of the colo-- omG ITS A VERBAL AGENT. ITS THE UKRAINIAN FLAG. SEND THE DISSENTING LEXICONOGRAPHERS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS TRAVESTY TO JAIL AND CHANGE THE WORD IMMEDIATELY.


u/Sam5253 4d ago

The United Kingdom is famous for its rain. It rains in the UK.... UK rain... UKrain... UKRAINE!!!


u/TobyTheArtist 4d ago

Spot on, m8!


u/PoopyMcFartButt 4d ago

Well said good point