r/worldnews 7d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/fiduciary420 7d ago

Logic doesn’t even need to play into this. Biden is a normal president, weak trump is a compromised criminal. He didn’t do the authoritarian shit because his job during his first term was to stack the courts with conservative trash, which is a requirement for breaking authoritarian in his second and subsequent terms. Educated grown ups went to history class and know how fascists have seized power and how trump and his complicit compromised republicans were working the playbook. And still are.


u/SilverWear5467 7d ago

If you knew history, then you'd know that liberals are famously bad at preventing fascists taking power.

LMAO at "logic doesn't need to play into this". Sure bro, you go ahead and worry about your feelings, just let us adults use logic whole you do.


u/Eyes_Only1 7d ago

“It’s the liberals fault that the GOP are nazis!” Is a new and very stupid take.


u/SilverWear5467 7d ago

So the actual Nazis, in 1932, killed every known member of the communist party, because they were a threat to them. All of the liberal politicians were spared, because they were not in any way an impediment to their plans and granted the Nazis clout by association. It wasn't until 1939, when the plans were already underway, that they felt it was beneficial for them to kill the liberal politicians.


u/Eyes_Only1 7d ago

“Liberal” has meant many things over the years and has changed definitions greatly over the past 80ish years. A liberal party in 1932 is not the same as a liberal party in 2024, and different countries have liberal parties with entirely different ideals.