r/worldnews 5d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/iamkam- 5d ago

MAGA Morons who say they would vote for Putin over Biden need to see this kind of stuff


u/FSMFan_2pt0 5d ago

Jailing 'mouthy libs', even kids, is a selling point for MAGA.

And they've been voting for Putin over Biden for 8 years now, via the Trump proxy.


u/EncryptDN 5d ago

Never forget Helsinki


u/Bacchanalia- 5d ago

They know.


u/_zenith 5d ago

This is, unironically, the future they yearn for.


u/IllSearch5 5d ago

So they think. Because, as with many things, they assume they can piss in the wind and they won't get hit with splash back. 


u/bsEEmsCE 5d ago

their own son has to get jailed then they see the problem, maybe try to get the others to see, and they proceed to call him a paid actor false flag and send death threats


u/Call_Me_Skyy 5d ago

This might not do it either tbh


u/DannyAgama 5d ago

They know, it's what they want. They would arrest anyone that criticizes their agenda if they could and you better believe they're going to try to make it a thing if they gain control of the country again.


u/PoopingWhilePosting 4d ago

They do see this kind of stuff and they love it.


u/autobahn 5d ago

MAGAs would love to throw everyone left of center in jail


u/PatriarchalTaxi 4d ago

...while also claiming that Trump is a victim for being thrown in jail, even though he actually commited a crime! 🤦


u/Violet624 5d ago

They love it as long as it's them punishing people, and they always think it will happen to someone else, until that tyranny comes for them too.


u/Axelrad77 4d ago edited 4d ago

Many of them love this stuff. I grew up in a deeply MAGA part of the rural South, and many people there wanted to be able to jail teenagers for not standing for the pledge of allegiance, or not bowing their head for prayers, etc. Louisiana just passed a new law (which will hopefully get struck down) requiring the Ten Commandments be posted in all classrooms, and I've already seen a bunch of MAGA parents wanting kids to be jailed if they show any disrespect to the posters.

They generally hate democracy and personal freedoms, but love authoritarianism and state control. They just want their guy to be the dictator, not the other guy.


u/TheRedHand7 5d ago

You realize that this is the stuff they want right?


u/Eddy63 4d ago

Those shallow minds would probably be even fine with it


u/No_Bodybuilder3324 5d ago

for them, anything is tolerable except lgbt


u/indiebryan 5d ago

Pretty sure if Russia is your biggest issue voting Republican is the way to go tbh. Putin annexed Crimea during Obama, didn't do shit with Trump around, and then as soon as Biden gets in launches a full scale invasion of Ukraine lol.

I know I'm just arguing with bots but the idea that Trump is good for Putin is wild.

In my case, Russia does not crack the top 10 most important issues I'd vote for so obviously wouldn't vote for Trump.


u/iamkam- 5d ago

Bot here. If you listen to any of the sworn congressional testimonies of the relevant US ambassadors under Trump (re Ukraine and Russia), you would understand that Putin uses Trump as an asset through which he can apply leverage (such as Putin using Trump to pressure Zelensky or using Trump to cut off aid to Ukraine) and to obtain confidential information - all without the use of force. The reason Putin has used his military with Obama and Biden and not Trump is because it is far preferable for him to try to achieve his strategic objectives without the use of force, and he has that asset in Trump.