r/worldnews 28d ago

Ukraine sent special forces to Syria to attack Russians there, revealing a new front to the war: report Russia/Ukraine


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u/TheOtherUprising 28d ago

I forgot Russia was still in Syria. As someone who is on the left politically I am blown away by the segment of leftists who simp for Russia while calling themselves anti-imperialist as Russia does all the imperialist things they would hate if it was America doing it.


u/cz03se 28d ago

Who the heck on the left is simping Russia?? This sounds like gaslighting to me


u/JPFrankenstein 28d ago

Glenn Greenwald

Jimmy Dore

Russell Brand

Noam Chomsky

Max Blumenthal

Aaron Mate

Roger Waters

Cornell West

Matt Taibbi

Tulsi Gabbard


u/TacticalBeerCozy 28d ago

Noam Chomsky has spent his entire life being critical of US foreign policy, and at no point has he ever said "yea putin is right". At worst he's claimed that US imperialism LEAD to the conflict, which is 100% accurate (like if the US didn't even exist of course there wouldn't be a war because the USSR would still be around).

And Russell Brand is a known nutcase.


u/JPFrankenstein 28d ago

So the USA forced Putin to invade a sovereign nation to rape and kill its citizens and now won't let him leave?

Seems like I'm adding you to the list!


u/Killerfisk 28d ago

(like if the US didn't even exist of course there wouldn't be a war because the USSR would still be around).

Ah, well then the UK is truly at fault for creating the US to begin with. Or whoever we want to be, since we can just pick any event in a long chain of events, select whichever implicates those we dislike as the principal instigators, and point to that as the cause.