r/worldnews Jun 04 '24

Ukraine sent special forces to Syria to attack Russians there, revealing a new front to the war: report Russia/Ukraine


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u/Optimized_Orangutan Jun 04 '24

Special forces are a Force Multiplier. 10 dudes doing something 1000 couldn't.


u/hikyhikeymikey Jun 04 '24

Special forces are training to do different things than the regular infantry. “Force multiplier” isn’t accurate.


u/haveanairforceday Jun 04 '24

The phrase "force multiplier" is specifically associated with the US Army Special Forces (Green Berets). Their primary function is traditionally to train and lead non-US forces (military and paramilitary). In this way they "multiply" the amount of resources committed by the US Military


u/tittysprinkles112 Jun 04 '24

They aren't green berets


u/ghoulthebraineater Jun 04 '24

Technically Green Berets are Special Forces. Things like Navy Seals, Delta Force, etc are special operations.


u/runtheplacered Jun 04 '24

He didn't say they were, he said "associated with". But he's implying that this term can be used for other special forces as well, because, why not?


u/haveanairforceday Jun 04 '24

You're correct. But I'm just explaining why "force multiplier" always comes up when people talk about special forces of any sort