r/worldnews 28d ago

Ukraine sent special forces to Syria to attack Russians there, revealing a new front to the war: report Russia/Ukraine


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u/TheOtherUprising 28d ago

I forgot Russia was still in Syria. As someone who is on the left politically I am blown away by the segment of leftists who simp for Russia while calling themselves anti-imperialist as Russia does all the imperialist things they would hate if it was America doing it.


u/cz03se 28d ago

Who the heck on the left is simping Russia?? This sounds like gaslighting to me


u/Kijafa 28d ago



u/thasmush 28d ago

Uneducated people


u/DonniesAdvocate 28d ago

No. On the whole these people tend to be overly well educated, just look at someone like Chomsky, arguably one of the greatest academics alive today but a total Russia simp too. These people are usually called tankies after backing the Soviet invasion of, I think Hungary in 1956 and tend to be university educated leftists on the whole. Former British prime ministerial candidate Jeremy Corbyn would be another example.


u/teraflux 28d ago

Just to be clear, being pro communism / socialism does not make you pro Russia.


u/Magical_Pretzel 28d ago

You lose any claim to being a great academic when you end up simping for Russia and its allies over your 1 dimensional "America Bad" world view.


u/duaneap 28d ago

And funny enough they are often people who would really suffer under Russian control. My aunt is one of these. Highly educated, insists America is to blame for literally everything bad ever in the world, thinks Russia is more or less in the right, and would be utterly fucked if she actually lived there or we were invaded and occupied by Russia.


u/gotimas 28d ago

"US=imperialist; Russia=anti US = Russia good"

I have many friends like this, its just ignorance, they know about the atrocities done by the US, but not the ones done by Russia.


u/cz03se 28d ago

Ya sounds like more than a few pieces are missing from that puzzle.


u/m0j0m0j 28d ago

That’s because 90% of American leftist intellectuals built their whole foreign policy views around “America is literally the worst thing that exists in the world” and they disseminate this thinking to the next generation of activists - underpaid, overeducated, and frustrated social science PhD havers


u/Ludwigofthepotatoppl 28d ago

I’m a leftist and consider myself at least kind of smart. America’s a total bastard, but look at russia, china, the middle east… holy shit we could be so much worse.


u/Duskuser 28d ago

In general I think the American education system could do a much better job showing how much of a historical bastard Russia is. Lots of young Americans are just simply unaware of the world outside of the US since most of our historical education only touches on Russian-European conflicts via world wars, which paints a very lacking picture.


u/RedditBugler 28d ago

In my experience with American public education, every grade level started over with Columbus and then went chronologically. We almost never made it to WWI in my history classes. Almost everything I learned about modern American history came from supplemental material I found in my own time because I was a nerd. There is a HUGE gap in modern history education in the US that leads to many people not having a frame of reference for today's issues. 


u/scientist_tz 28d ago

When I was in school (80's and 90's) I wasn't exposed to WWI and WWII in a classroom until 7th grade. The reason we were told was "If you want to learn about WWII, ask your grandparents."

That was true. We could ask our grandparents. Hell, I've been to a WWII army reunion event where I met all my grandpa's war buddies. It's not possible anymore. The people who served are almost all gone.


u/Spirited_Ingenuity89 28d ago

That sounds like a normal curriculum scope and sequence.


u/Spirited_Ingenuity89 28d ago

Well, all schools don’t follow the same scope and sequence, but this is not an accurate representation of most curriculums.


u/wellthatsembarissing 28d ago

lol my mom was from Poland so all I ever heard growing up is "Russia bad" "dont date a Russian" lmao ridiculous to think about it. But in a way I wasn't surprised that Russia is the bully again, you know?


u/Lezzles 28d ago

In general I think the American education system could do a much better job showing how much of a historical bastard Russia is

I think, as students get to high school, we do a lot of guilt-based educating to encourage students to self-reflect on their country's historical wrongs (because they are numerous) so the next generation doesn't repeat them. But I think the message received by some is "wow, my country is intrinsically evil", rather than "wow, world politics are fucked up, we need to be better going forward." I don't think this is by any means uniquely American, but we seem to feel vastly more guilty than some of our peers.


u/Loose_Juggernaut6164 28d ago

Imagine instead America as a bulwark against mankinds worst instincts.

By definition, America actually can't possibly be evil. It has had the military capability to annex huge swaths of the world for the past 50 years. Since the fall of the soviet union it has been unrivaled in military capacity...yet somehow our greatest sin is...toppling an oppressive dictator who had gassed his own people and invaded a neighbor, then turning over the keys to the house to the people of that country and leaving.

No world power had EVER acted this way.

So yes, while America sins it lives the most moral life of any super power in world history.

Reflect on that before you criticize.


u/gotimas 28d ago

To some extent I agree, we should first be aware of our own wrongdoing before pointing the finger, but whats really lacking in understanding is a greater historical context in geopolitics, because otherwise its all black and white fairytales.


u/Drachefly 28d ago

Seems more like the noisiest third rather than 90%.


u/theholyraptor 28d ago edited 27d ago

I dont think I've heard of or know anyone like you thinks exist and your assessment reads like a caricature from certain political groups. Yes many of us think the US has a huge ton of faults despite our society sweeping them under the rug and many being absurdly blindly patriotic.

Then you have the recent round of people that are heavily influenced by social media driven by Russian/Chinese psyops as vehemently pro-palestine that lack the comprehension of the far more nuanced history of shit there. Israel may be fucking up horrificly but the blind worship of Palestine good/Israel bad has been a biased/pushed narrative. People on both sides have latched onto it, particularly younger demographics thanks to tiktok.

I havent met anyone that supports Russia let alone for the reason Russia isn't the US unless they're one of the Russian immigrants here (and most don't support their former countries politics.)

Spoiler: you can judge something for its behavior and recognize its flaws and do the same for competing things and ideas. You don't have to worship one thing because you hate the other. This comes up in 2 party politics as well in whataboutism. Yea I'm criticizing that politician. "OH what about other party politician bad behavior!" Ok throw the book at them too. I dont think because I agree with one sides politics more that they are above law or reason for the sake of my team winning.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/LivingstonPerry 28d ago

uhh i dont think they are on the left if they have that backwards thinking. Just sounds like confused and stupid.


u/TacticalBeerCozy 28d ago

Tbh all the leftist I know just criticize both? Both countries are imperialist to an extent.

You can criticize the US AND condemn Russia. It's not exclusive.


u/the_house_on_the_lef 28d ago

Who the heck on the left is simping Russia??

Some of the oldschool Leninist parties in Europe. Boomers who are still affected by Cold War propaganda, basically. For example:


By contrast, democratic socialists tend to be younger, and anti-Russia.


u/ZGM_Dazzling 28d ago

If you go too far left or too far right you end up pro-Russia


u/Butternades 28d ago

The political spectrum isn’t a line it’s a circle. Go too far in a direction and you circle back around to authoritarianism


u/MoonOverBTC 28d ago

We saw it in the UK recently, we had Nigel Farage (hard right) and Jeremy Corbyn (hard left) both parroting the same Kremlin script about how’s it’s NATOs fault that Russian invaded Ukraine.


u/adrienjz888 28d ago

Look no further than horseshoe theory.


u/_sophrosyne_ 28d ago

A lot of the leftist populists in Germany are taking this tack. See Sarah Wagenknecht


u/JPFrankenstein 28d ago

Glenn Greenwald

Jimmy Dore

Russell Brand

Noam Chomsky

Max Blumenthal

Aaron Mate

Roger Waters

Cornell West

Matt Taibbi

Tulsi Gabbard


u/TacticalBeerCozy 28d ago

Noam Chomsky has spent his entire life being critical of US foreign policy, and at no point has he ever said "yea putin is right". At worst he's claimed that US imperialism LEAD to the conflict, which is 100% accurate (like if the US didn't even exist of course there wouldn't be a war because the USSR would still be around).

And Russell Brand is a known nutcase.


u/JPFrankenstein 28d ago

So the USA forced Putin to invade a sovereign nation to rape and kill its citizens and now won't let him leave?

Seems like I'm adding you to the list!


u/Killerfisk 28d ago

(like if the US didn't even exist of course there wouldn't be a war because the USSR would still be around).

Ah, well then the UK is truly at fault for creating the US to begin with. Or whoever we want to be, since we can just pick any event in a long chain of events, select whichever implicates those we dislike as the principal instigators, and point to that as the cause.


u/VRichardsen 28d ago

Who the heck on the left is simping Russia?? This sounds like gaslighting to me

A surprisingly large number of people. They use the logic u/gotimas showed.


u/mschuster91 28d ago

Way, way too many. The same crowd that's cheering for fucking Hamas.

I mean, I get where they're coming from, but even then there's better ways to protest against perceived Israeli oppression than to massacre civilians and take hostages JFC.


u/Duskuser 28d ago

It's just a need to press everything down into a binary good/evil oppressed/oppressor dynamic.
It's comically simplistic, but it does unfortunately explain almost all of their behaviors.


u/mschuster91 28d ago

Yeah. Especially enraging is that the Hamas simps don't even care about what Hamas does to the Palestinian people - LGBT folks get routinely executed summarily over there.


u/Available_Nightman 28d ago

I mean, I wish I could agree with you, but which ways? They tried non-violent protest in 2018 and still got massacred.


u/mschuster91 28d ago

They could have gone for army and police installations. That would still be despicable, but at least not a war crime.


u/nav17 28d ago

Yeah they're full of shit and trying to derail the conversation about how Russia is getting its ass kicked in Ukraine, Sudan, and now Syria.


u/1Buecherregal 28d ago

The whole left party in Germany


u/innociv 28d ago edited 28d ago

Eh there's the progressive left, anarchist left, liberal elite left, moderate left, and some others, but then there are also two other fairly large leftist groups which are talkies and anti-west. It's always Russia/China good, or America bad, for those two.

The left/right alone isn't a very good indicator of peoples views. Just like how with the right you have conservatives, law & order types, nationalists, but you also have Regressives, Qultists, MAGA dog whistlers, nazis (overlap with nationalists but not all nationalists are nazis), etc.


u/Caspz0r 28d ago

Tankies; people who support USSR-style communism. They have a boner for all things Russia, even though Russia is capitalist today. Doesn't make much sense but we're dealing with people who worship Stalin here. Not exactly the sharpest tools in the shed.


u/TheOtherUprising 28d ago

So to be clear they are a very small niche segment of the left. There are a few who are notable in online independent news but if you haven’t heard of these people you are better off for it.


u/RubusDragon 28d ago

A very small subset? Here in South America traditionally almost all leftists simped Russia. Support has dwindled lately but it's still extremely common.


u/TheOtherUprising 28d ago

It’s different in North America. Virtually all left of centre elected politicians in the United States and Canada back Ukraine in their fight against Russia. The segment backing Russia are on the fringes.


u/LegitimateEmu98 28d ago

Pretty popular from more extrem leftist parties in europe.


u/m0j0m0j 28d ago

Go to the largest leftist subreddits and you would be amazed


u/Apotatos 28d ago

And what would those "largest leftist subreddits" be?


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u/myles_cassidy 28d ago

More amazed people care so much about any reddit group tbh


u/KingStannis2020 28d ago

It's not. It's a relatively small group that whose attention is entirely diverted by Israel-Gaza for the past 9 months, but they exist.


u/Only_Telephone_2734 28d ago

A lot of it goes back to Chomsky. I used to hang on his every word and hated everything the US did. Until I realized that the world isn't black and white, and there are other evils than US imperialism.


u/Koala_eiO 28d ago

Who the heck on the left is simping Russia?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon.


u/steeltowndude 28d ago

It's only the "left" in the context of the classic straight-line political spectrum. Plenty of tankies still simp for Russia (China as well) while being "on the left" despite them also hating American liberals. I mean, yes, a far larger segment of the American right is pro-russia, but there are still some on the "other side" that yearn to bring back the USSR in all its communist glory.


u/Great-Ass 28d ago

Do you recall Homer's father? Any backstory he tells he is the bad guy taking advantage of the situation in a frivolous way. Men like that, can simp for Russia, in exchange for something


u/Impsux 28d ago

Communist/Tankies I suppose


u/antiko 28d ago



u/suremoneydidntsuitus 28d ago

There's a lot of contrarian fools who equate Russia = enemy of US, Russia = good. Or the tankie glue eaters who simp for Russia and China because maybe communism


u/starhawks 28d ago



u/mycurrentthrowaway1 28d ago

Tankies who are just fascists pretending to be left wing


u/tomtomclubthumb 28d ago

I think it is about 90% straw man.

It doesn't help that left-wing is a fairly nebulous term and to all intents and purposes doesn't really exist in mainstream politics in the US (and the UK and quite a few countries)


u/PositiveUse 28d ago

Maybe not the American Left, but the European left as well as right wing movements are definitely simping HARD for Putin


u/GervasioVR 28d ago

The Portuguese Communist Party likes to tell everyone that the west and Ukraine are the bad guys, unlike Russia, who are the good guys and the victims of western imperialism, in middle of all of this.


u/Randy_Tutelage 28d ago

Norman Finkelstein


u/kityrel 28d ago

I'm also on the left, pretty far left even, and Russia can go fuck themselves. Israeli govt too. And India, China, Hungary... It's a long list. And under normal circumstances, even Biden, who isn't even close to the left, but at least he's not Trump.

That being said, I know people who are arguably on the left but --hmm-- it's hard to place them there because they've fallen off the chart entirely.

Some hate the USA so much (some of which can be justified for many reasons) that they fall into all kinds of crazy anti-USA camps and conspiracies, which don't land on a left-right chart at all.

Some are so far left and love the idea of revolutionary communism so much that they can't even see that Russia today is nothing like that (and never was).

Some are 100% anti-war, or think that political compromise is a compromise of core principles and too much to ask (and sometimes it is). They may be looking for perfection where none is possible. Some people are just stubborn and unbending. And some people are just fucking gullible.

But if your anger at Biden elects a full on fascist like Trump, that's extremely short-sighted. If your hatred of American global power would sacrifice Ukraine to Russian hordes, that's insane.

Meanwhile, like Russia, Israel is also committing genocide of Palestine, at an even higher rate... Yet the US is supporting Ukraine on one hand and Israel on the other. So it's no wonder people are confused, being asked to choose between two (or many more) genocides. It's impossible without some other way, and the other ways are not comfortable.


u/TheHunterZolomon 28d ago

I don’t know of anyone on the left that supports Russia and never have heard that before. The only people glazing Putin and Russia are people on the right which should come as no surprise


u/suremoneydidntsuitus 28d ago

You'd be surprised, the horseshoe theory is alive and well in some parts of far left subreddits


u/nephilim52 28d ago

Leftist in America hate Russia because they’re much closer aligned to our Conservative Party principles.


u/Juan20455 28d ago

Russia (and China) is everywhere in Africa.


u/izoxUA 28d ago

also russia got power in some sub-Saharan countries trying to control gold mines


u/meburbo 28d ago

I'm in the same boat. Big picture world politics is not a strong suit of the voting American left.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Daguss 28d ago

Are you saying the Assad regime should stay in place?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Daguss 28d ago

Libya failed because NATO went in and had no plan for what happens after they left, it's a totally different situation.

Both Gaddafi and Assad are/were dictors of brutal militaristic regimes which kill their own people (in human rights violations, like Assad using chemical weapons)


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Daguss 28d ago

neocon = being against dictatorships who use chemical weapons on their own populations, good one

smartest authoritarian regime defender


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/Daguss 28d ago

it would be a guise only if the population of those countries werent getting shit on by their dictatorship governments, you're just brain rotted from isolationism.

Do you think Ukraine should get aid from the west?