r/worldnews May 25 '24

Russia Bombs Ukraine Superstore With Hundreds Inside Russia/Ukraine


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u/jeha4421 May 25 '24

Terrorism leads to the US invading afghanistan. Terrorism leads to a country coming together to fight a common enemy.

If the Supermarket down the street got bombed, Id do everything in my power to take as many Russians down with me because they've clearly stated their intent.


u/NotAmericanDontCare May 26 '24

That only works in fantasy land. 

In the real world, the weaker nation (Ukraine) gives up because the civilians can't stand watching everyone die.

The only reason this hasn't happened yet is because EU and US have given billions and billions in aid and equipment and intelligence. 

One very easy example to look up. One of thousands throughout history. 


Give up or everyone dies. Men. Women. Children. 

Whole cities. Dead.

When you're weaker, bravado on reddit means absolutely nothing


u/jeha4421 May 26 '24

I would say the very fact that Ukraine hasn't been taken over after years of fighting actually supports my point. The people very obviously haven't given up and they are still around because of it.


u/NotAmericanDontCare May 27 '24


Read my reply again. 

They're still fighting because they have the west backing them. 

As, my post proves, countries without that support get taken over. 


u/jeha4421 May 27 '24

The support goes to people who are fighting. Also, guerilla warfare is almost unwinnable for the invading force in general.