r/worldnews May 25 '24

Russia Bombs Ukraine Superstore With Hundreds Inside Russia/Ukraine


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u/BcDownes May 25 '24

and morons will genuinely try and say this war is about NATO


u/Mushroom_Tip May 25 '24

They have advanced brainrot if they genuinely believe it's about NATO.

On the day of the invasion in 2022, Putin gave a speech crying about genocidal nazis in Ukraine that were committing crimes against Russian-speakers and how Russia needed to save them and protect them and had zero intention to occupy lands and reiterated that Ukrainians have the right to self-determination.

The same Russian-speakers Russia is now bombing and trying to kill off so they can annex their land.

Anyone who still thinks Putin is a victim can't be helped. They are a lost cause.

Putin constantly lies about the motives for the war to justify Russian imperialism.


u/RollFancyThumb May 25 '24

I'm sure the russian-speakers in Bakhmut are thankful that Putin swooped in and saved them. /s