r/wholesomegreentext 4d ago

Anon dates blind girl

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u/Feisty-Crow-8204 4d ago

Same. Unfortunately my voice sounds like southern, broken glass at the best of times, so it’ll never happen.


u/Huge-Mammoth8376 4d ago

Hey, it's not about the objetive quality of your voice. I was in the voice acting industry for short while, my voice is trained yet I love having my girlfriends read me books with their voice, some have even questioned if I liked it because they were not used to reading a novel outloud but for me is special and It's a thing of pure beauty because that is the voice of the one I love. So don't let that keep you down, for the right person your voice is as beautiful as that of an angel


u/PM_Me_Vod_for_Review 4d ago

Yo, I used to think shit like this was just in fairytales. Then I met a certain woman, and she is absolutely amazing in my eyes.


u/SuperSiriusBlack 4d ago

Yeah, I've heard my voice on recordings. I am not entirely sure why I have friends and loved ones lolol


u/Sir_PressedMemories 3d ago

I feel the exact same way.

I have even had my old child beg me to stop singing because my singing voice is so bad.

But everyone tells me I should do audio book work because I enunciate well and I have a good voice for audio books and voice work in general, just not singing.

I do not understand how I can have such a shit singing voice and a pleasant speaking voice, it makes no sense to me.

The same kid who begged me to stop singing asks me to read to her every night.


u/FirebirdWriter 4d ago

That sounds like a fun voice to me. As a blind person? I enjoy my partner who also has a southern accent reading because it's about her taking care of me and about the time spent. It has nothing to do with her voice


u/nictheman123 4d ago

Try reading some kind of Noir novels to start maybe? Sounds like your voice might be perfect for that.

Alternatively, if you're referring to a US Southern accent at least, Shakespeare actually sounds *fantastic" in a southern accent.


u/firedmyass 4d ago

Hell lean aaaallllll the way into it and go William Faulkner / Flannery O’Connor / etc


u/Budget_Management_81 4d ago

They will like it because it will be associated with someone they love.


u/bielgio 4d ago

Not with that attitude


u/marken35 3d ago

You'll find someone who'll like your voice. I hate mine. I sound like a nasally nerd. But my exes, a few girls I dated in the past, and a bunch of platonic female friends somehow separately said that they found my voice nice and soothing. I didn't understand, because I think my own voice sucks. It was only until I was huffing my cat and that thought came to mind that I understood. My cat's smell isn't anything noteworthy and she can sometimes be stinky, but when I just bury my face in her belly she always smells like comfort. She always smelled like home. So to an extent, I kind of understood.


u/Karukos 3d ago

My guy. My dude. My brother. My friend. My pal. Everyone hates their own voice. I am from a music dynasty. I know conductors and opera singers and so on. You don't wanna know how many of the most talented singers that are currently alive fucking hate the sound of their own voice.


u/Lordborgman 4d ago

First time I've ever seen anyone admit that about a southern accent.


u/Feisty-Crow-8204 4d ago

Well the southern accent itself isn’t bad, but my grating voice plus a southern accent makes it really bad.


u/Lordborgman 4d ago

I lived for 35 years in central Florida. Grew up there, never acquired the accent. I always compared it to an out of tune instrument, which I know that analogy makes people angry. It's just that is what it sounds like to me, as it is just a constant stream of mispronounced words.

I do have this general feeling about most "regional" accents though, it is just that southern accent to me sounds particularly discordant.


u/comped 4d ago

Lived in Orlando for 9 years now - no chance in my accent.