r/vegan 4h ago


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r/vegan 6h ago

Create a vegan town?


Can we collectively pick somewhere and create and cute quaint little vegan town? Lots of vegan cafes, restaurants, coffee shops. Ethically produced clothing shops. Zero waste stores. That sort of thing, you get it.

We would need some sort of job source for people. A big ethical, environmentally conscious company to have its headquarters there to help support the economy or the area. Any ideas? People could obviously also work remote for wherever and work at the local shops and such.

I’m thinking US because we could totally find the space somewhere and I’m already a resident. I’d also be willing to move for this. Chances are I’m going to need to flee this country with my two young daughters anyways the way this election is looking 🫣

r/vegan 13h ago

Discussion How will vegans navigate P25 in the USA?


Edit: There are a lot of comments that this isn't true. It does appear they are talking specifically about GMO labeling. But their bullet point says food labeling. I hope that it is not intentionally vague but I may have misunderstood at the time of my post. They also want to remove food guidelines? Very interesting stuff.


Page 307 for those interested (scroll to about 337)

I just found out food labeling is on the chopping block in the USA. I have been trying to avoid the news because it hurts my mental health when I know which way I will vote anyway.

So what is the plan? How is it possible to navigate this, if it should happen? There's so much to worry about, but this is a huge deal. Obviously, people with allergies will be in danger. But, ethically, companies will not be obligated to share if they are including lacto-ovo or more in their food.

r/vegan 5h ago

New Scientific Review Reveals That Vegan Meat Alternatives Lower Cardiovascular Risks


r/vegan 14h ago

Study: Harvard Researchers Say the Dangers of Seed Oils are Exaggerated


r/vegan 1d ago

Discussion Cough..cough...

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r/vegan 7h ago

Sonoma County vegans!


Do you live in/near Sonoma County, California?! There's a groundbreaking ballot measure campaign happening right now to end factory farming in the county. Measure J (the name of the measure) is being voted on this November. This is the first time this has ever happened in the US!

The opposition is getting hundreds of thousands of dollars from the industry to fight us and we need all the volunteers possible in order to win at the polls.

Check out YesOnJ.vote for more info, including on how to volunteer, or email us at [info@endfactoryfarming.vote](mailto:info@endfactoryfarming.vote)

We can make factory farming history :)

r/vegan 1h ago

Health You wanna become vegan?


Just opened a french speaker YouTube Channel sharing receipes and thoughts about veganism. For now, we are not even 100 people there. If you like, I ll be more than happy to see you joining 😍. I love animals, and people, so I Hope to discuss in comments or mp 😎

The page is called : Babines Vegan.

See you there ✊🏼🌱

r/vegan 15h ago

Which Political Party Aligns Best With Vegan Values?


With elections coming up, I wanted to get a feel for which political party in the UK seems to have the strongest policies that support veganism and animal rights.

I'm interested to hear what everyone else thinks, and why a particular party resonates with them. Maybe we can share some resources or info about each party's stance on animal welfare and environmental issues that are important to vegans.

r/vegan 18h ago

"So extreme and outrageous are the RSPCA’s failures that animals would be better off without it" - George Monbiot in the Guardian


r/vegan 1h ago

Discussion How did you become vegan?


Please specify if your option is not mentioned

39 votes, 6d left
Animal Documentaries
Learned about climate change
Health reasons
Influenced by my pet (realized animals have feelings)
I was born and raised vegan

r/vegan 8h ago

Advice Weekend Trip with my Carnist Friends


I'm nervous about an upcoming weekend trip in three weeks where everyone is a carnist except me and they are my close friends

they are good people and they dont realize٫ nor do they want to hear about٫ how their food choices affect farm animals٫ their health٫ or the earth

Also before anyone asks why dont i back out my husband and i already spent money to go on the trip also there are no other vegans in my area as we live in a rural area and ive had these friends for several years before i went vegan and i love my friends im the one whose changed (for the better but they can too if they decided too they just dont understand that they can and should and i sure as hell dont want to loose friends i adore by trying to force them to go vegan)

I love my friends but usually we hang out for a couple hours i go over to hang out with them and give their spoiled pups loves and even if we eat together they either make something vegan so i can eat too or let me know to bring myself food cause they wont be eating what i can

But im just so nervous about how a whole 2 days eating everymeal together is going to go

will someone decide they have to ask a question or make a comment Or worse will i open my big mouth and say something that sounds rude and uppity and if i say nothing and dont try to educate them at all then im doing a disservice to the cause or being a 'pick me' vegan

Im nervous how should i handle it if someone makes a comment about veganism(and its not a serious question but more of an irritated comment)? should i just ignore it and make a polite excuse to leave the convo? what if i start talking about veganism and offend them? how can i broach the conversation without sounding judgemental?

r/vegan 11h ago

Advice Ideas for vegan fat-free food for outdoor party


Hello! I hope this is ok to post for this sub. I’m having a little party tomorrow for my gf’s birthday, and some of our friends are vegan. We cook and eat with these friend a lot so I don’t really have any problem thinking of vegan food for them and the party. However, one of my vegan friends is having some medical issues where she can’t eat really any fat at all. I’m having some trouble thinking of food to get that she would be able to eat. I know she’s pretty sick to death of just eating plain fruit so I wanted to get some food that she would like. So far I think I’ll have seasoned grilled pineapple, homemade fruit sorbet, and a veggie tray with a fat-free dressing to dip, but I want her to have some sort of main dish as well. Other people will be having classic campfire meals (normal/ plant-based hotdogs, things like that). I was hoping maybe some people here would have some suggestions on things I could make for her so she has plenty of good food to eat, not just side dishes while everyone else has main dishes. Thanks :)

TLDR: need some main dish ideas for an outdoor party that are vegan and fat-free

r/vegan 12h ago

Question When will 50% of the world become vegan?


Choose the closest option

648 votes, 6d left
50 years (2074)
100 years (2124)
200 years (2224)
400 years (2424)
800 years (2824)
1000 years (3024)

r/vegan 10h ago

Health Repopulating Gut Biome After Giardia Without Traditional Sources of Probiotics?


Hello fellow vegans! I’ve been vegan a little over a year now. I got Giardia in February and I’ve had food poisoning 3x since. I haven’t been able to fully repopulate my guy biome since the initial Giardia and it’s really getting exhausting. I’ve loaded up on kombucha, Kim chi, other fermented foods, but clearly it’s not enough.

What are some other sources of probiotics I could use to support my gut health through this?

Edit: I’ve been focusing on fermented foods, but I think I need to go heavy on the fiber. Thanks everyone!

r/vegan 19h ago

Vegan dating


I’ve been a vegan for few years now and a vegetarian for over 10 odd years. Find I find extremely difficult is to find someone vegan to date. All the people I’ve dated/seen are meat eaters and it’s a bit difficult coming to meal times. I know in my own person but just wondering if there’s any specific site/place to find a vegan soulmate

r/vegan 13h ago

Where's the Line?


I'm an abolitionist. I will continue to be one. Nobody will ever tell me anything that would change my position in that regard. But I read so often that we need to be 'less radical' and more moderate, more compassionate and understanding about where people are at, and more patient when going out into the world with the message. I'm a direct person, always have been, but not in an 'in your face' way. Just honest about what I think and believe, but I think I'm far too cautious/democratic/mindful about not putting pressure on anyone as it relates to the philosophy of veganism such that I may not be helpful to the movement. Where's the line?? I'm reading a wonderful book "Esther the Wonderpig" and at one point the author briefly talks about 'abolitionists' and how annoying and unnecessary it is for them to be SO radical. He's a vegan himself but he's a proponent of a more gentle, compassionate approach with others, remembering how blind he, too, was at one point - as was the case for me, as well. So yes, where's the line? Maybe it's situational? Or does that just make my message less effective in the long run? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for being here!

r/vegan 4h ago

Food Cheesecake recipe opinions


So I've always been a cake person more than a cheesecake person, therefore spent a lot more time perfecting cake recipes as a vegan. But I did (years and years ago at this stage) make a few cheesecakes and I remember using both silken tofu recipes, and non tofu recipes (mostly cashew/coconut based) and some were no bake, some were baked. They all came out grand, but definitely a few were better than others.

I want to make a birthday cheesecake for a friend and cannot remember which recipes (tofu or no tofu/bake or no bake) came out better - so my question for you wonderful people is what are your thoughts on which methods and/or ingredients result in a pretty solid vegan cheesecake?

Thank you all 🖤

r/vegan 1d ago

Just booked my first appointment with a vegan therapist


I was in therapy on and off since I was in high school (I’m 25F), but every time I tried to talk about how deeply it affects me knowing how horribly animals are treated in factory farms, my therapist minimized and dismissed my feelings. After experiencing this, I didn’t feel that therapy was something I wanted to continue with if my therapist wasn’t also vegan. I didn’t want to be told by an omnivore that I just need to stay positive and stop thinking about the senseless cruelty that happens every day and is unseen by those that consume the products of that cruelty.

Recently the state of my mental health has gotten to a point that I could no longer justify not at least trying to find a vegan therapist. After doing a quick google search I came upon this list that shows vegan therapists all over the world (highly recommend if you’re in the market for a therapist). After contacting a few of those listed (I’m in California so I’m very lucky that there are so many vegan therapists here) I reached out to someone who is not currently taking new clients but who has a colleague who is also vegan and is taking new clients. She gave me the contact info of her colleague and I am officially on the books for my first appointment next week.

Just wanted to share my story as well as the list of vegan therapists in case it helps anyone out there. I’m not a member of this sub for the sake of my mental health because I’m too emotionally sensitive to subject myself to mentions of animal abuse, but I appreciate you all for reading. I hope we all are able to heal.

r/vegan 1d ago

Beyond Orange Chicken is back at some Panda Express locations

Thumbnail pandaexpress.com

r/vegan 1d ago

Question why do people say neurodivergent people can't be vegan/being neurodivergent is a reason to be vegan?


this is very confusing to me. I myself am neurodivergent but I wanted to become vegetarian since my very early childhood (my family didn't let me back then), became when I was 11 and later when I found out about harm that dairy, eggs and other industries bring to animals, I became vegan too. I almost haven't struggled at all and everything went easy for me I understand being used to certain food/dish and I myself struggle sometimes to find new food cuz I just can't change the order of things sometimes, but there are still vegan alternatives,plus to me suffering of animals was more important or is there any other reason they say so? do they think we don't have empathy or not able to control ourselves? I really don't understand this argument (btw I know other vegan neurodivergent people too)

r/vegan 1d ago

How far are you willing to travel alone for some vegan food?


Philly is only about a 50 minute drive from my house. But I've only been a few times in my whole life. I never have a reason to go. And being in a crowded city gives me a bit of anxiety.

But they're so few vegan options in my area, and there seem to be so many cool looking places in Philly. Trying to psych myself up to go alone.

How far are any of you willing to travel just to sit alone in a restaurant for a possibly pricey sandwich?

r/vegan 16h ago

Relationships 28m East Coast, USA


Finally making a post after years of enjoying Reddit as an observer, but currently at a point in my life in which it seems as if resorting to "putting myself out there" via Reddit is a suitable path toward a solution. Haha bear with me.

I’ve been vegan for a number of years, and I love to see the growth in the community from grocery options, restaurant menus, online media awareness, and in-person festivals/events. Still, it seems difficult to encounter gay/bi vegan men, which is my preference when it comes to dating (although, I’m not closed-minded and remain open to dating someone regardless of their diet).

To this day, I’ve never dated a vegan guy, despite me feeling like it would be an awesome relationship to have. To be honest, I have come across more vegan women (and some have even become great friends) than vegan guys.

So, I guess that’s why I’m making this post. It would be awesome to connect with gay/bi vegan guys. Even more awesome if you enjoy the outdoors, nature in general, physical activities, hiking, rock climbing, music, theater… I mean the list goes on. Hearing about any of your special interests would be cool too — even if they don’t match with mine; I love hearing about what makes people come alive and see the value in learning from others.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Signed, 28yo male, East Coast, USA

r/vegan 7h ago


Thumbnail msn.com

r/vegan 8h ago

Non-vegan cooking entertainment


Hello guys,

Lately, I've been hooked on a YouTube channel where a guy makes recipes while cracking jokes and offering commentary. I really enjoy the entertaining format he's developed; it never fails to make me laugh. However, I've noticed he cooks a lot of non-vegan dishes, which does bother me. Despite this, I find myself drawn to his funny commentary.

I'm conflicted though. I worry that by supporting his channel, I might indirectly be contributing to him making more videos featuring animal products.

What do you all think? Is it okay to watch this kind of content?