r/unitedkingdom Verified Media Outlet 7d ago

Keir Starmer says he doesn’t want schools teaching young people about transgender identities ...


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u/AJFierce 7d ago

This is an anti-trans line of attack.

Asking people to use a different name for you and different pronouns for you is what social transitioning is, and it is reversible and changeable.

It IS unlikely you want to do that unless you're pretty sure you want to transition already. Pushing back against people insisting it's just a phase is also solved by... not insisting it's just a phase. A sort of unbothered acceptance is the best way to give a kid a chance to explore what it feels like to be called her instead of him, or Kevin instead of Kaylee, without forcing them into a defensive posture.

The idea that trying out a new name and new pronouns is in itself a sort of cognitohazard is an anti-trans line of attack, and whether you're repeating it without knowing it or actively using it it's important people reading this see it identified as such.


u/Saiing 7d ago

This is an anti-trans line of attack.

No it's fucking not. He/she/they are just saying two different things are not the same, which is true. I'm so fucking tired of everything-all-the-fucking-time being classified as transphobic. It completely damages the trans-positive argument with this endless crying wolf for no logical reason.


u/AJFierce 7d ago

Imagine how tired we trans people are. "Using a different name and pronouns is psychologically damaging!" Is nonsense and it's a new line of attack, from the last year or so, that has no evidence at all behind it and that well intentioned people are swallowing whole.

I'm not saying this person is anti-trans, just that they have- quite possibly inadvertently- regurgitated an anti-trans attack line they were probably sold as an interesting fact.


u/Saiing 6d ago

What they said is NOTHING LIKE you represented their argument as. They said once you've committed to change and everyone has started calling you by different names, pronouns, identified you as a different gender etc. it's not an easy thing to just to go back. It was a simple and fair observation about false equivalence.

At no point did they mention anything about "Using a different name and pronouns is psychologically damaging!". Your words and your ideas.

If you want to stop being tired, stop looking for evil in everything and then being upset about your own wrong interpretation. That's just fucking tiring for everyone and sadly when it comes to trans rights it's absolutely pervasive.


u/AJFierce 6d ago

It's only as big a deal to change back as we make it to change the first time. If people cry and wail and gnash their teeth and you had to fight for it, maybe a little harder to eat crow if it turns out you'd be happier as you were.

I can spot an anti-trans attack line in the wild, so I think I'll keep going as I am? But thank you for coming online and telling me that I'm overreacting and should calm down and stop making myself upset. What a freah approach! I'd simply never considered it before.


u/Saiing 6d ago

I  can spot an anti-trans attack line in the wild

That's the whole point. You can't, but you think anyone who makes a general point is against you. The ridiculous thing about the rabid pro-trans mindset (and I mean people like yourself and not most people who just accept trans people and are happy for others to be whoever they want to be) is that you think everything is an attack and you massively damage the cause by wailing about it all the time, when it's not there.

Delusional paranoia is such an appealing way to be, right? But if it's your chosen path, who am I to argue?


u/AJFierce 6d ago

Thank you, for "rabid" and your expert opinion on how we trans folk might best organize and react for our cause of liberation.

If I might offer feedback? Stamping in like a petulant child to tell me I'm an idiot doing things like an idiot does not endear you to me, or make me seriously entertain your opinion. You have angry chihuahua energy. I feel yipped at.


u/Saiing 5d ago

Thank you, for "rabid" and your expert opinion on how we trans folk might best organize and react for our cause of liberation.

You're welcome. It might help the move things forward a lot more if you actually took the advice instead of crying wolf and using inflammatory language about being "attacked" every time someone makes a general point which isn't even intended or even means what you think it does. It happens over and over again in this debate and it achieves nothing for you except turning people off from an otherwise valid cause.

to tell me I'm an idiot doing things like an idiot does not endear you to me

The fact that you think I care about endearing myself to you or whether you will "entertain" my opinion says everything about your perceived sense of self-importance. Tone it down a bit, get some perspective, stop with the kneejerk persecution complex and you might find people actually take your views MORE seriously.


u/AJFierce 5d ago

Honestly shove off, will you? Coming in here giving it the big I am telling me I'm hurting my cause and you think I'm being both oversensitive and overaggressive. I do not carenfor or want your advice. You are a stranger on the internet and you immediately insulted and belittled me in message one. I don't have any reason to believe you're trying to help; I mean, you're clearly not.

There is, I believe, no way for me to be trans and advocate for trans rights you would accept. So why should I care about your uninformed opinion? About your angry, angry, angry yapping at my ankles? You say you don't care if I like you but what, you also expect me to respect some nobody's opinion about how I conduct myself when you walk into my mentions and knock over my drink and wave your finger in my face?

Tone it down a bit, buddy. Get some perspective. Stop with the kneejerk superiority complex, this utter fiction you have of yourself as the last rational man, and maybe people will consider your views at all.