r/todayilearned 4d ago

TIL that Michelangelo spent two months hiding in the underground chamber while evading a death sentence ordered by the Pope


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u/TheUmgawa 4d ago

I was so hoping it was because Adam was hung like John Holmes, and the Pope sentenced Michelangelo to death unless he changed it to a more humble model.


u/Yglorba 3d ago

Michelangelo was probably gay (or at least attracted to men), which adds a whole new dimension to that (and to the fact that he gave God an absolutely thicc ass on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling.)

He wrote a ton of erotic poetry to another man; when he died, his grand-nephew published it, but changed the pronouns to make it seem like they were addressed to a woman.


u/skilriki 3d ago

“I swear to return your love. Never have I loved a man more than I love you, never have I wished for a friendship more than I wish for yours.”

You and I don't share the same definition of "probably"

Also, if you believe the old rumors, he was seeing pope Julius II who commissioned the Sistine Chapel painting


u/Yglorba 3d ago

It's only "probably" because there's a slim possibility he was bi!