r/therewasanattempt 7d ago

To steal another person's property

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u/EscapismIsLife 7d ago

I've lived my entire life in poverty. I've had to fight and shed blood, sweat and tears for everything I own. I saved for years to build my new pc recently. I will defend everything I own with lethal force, because it's all irreplaceable. Damn the consequences.


u/Phate4219 7d ago

I will defend everything I own with lethal force, because it's all irreplaceable. Damn the consequences.

This sounds like the kind of perspective you'd end up regretting if someone stole your PC and you shot them in the back as they tried to run away, and you ended up spending 20+ years in jail for murder.

Like yeah, if you worked really really hard to earn enough to get your PC it's worth a lot to you, but more than decades of freedom?


u/EscapismIsLife 7d ago

At that point they would have been in my house. Perfectly legal to shoot them in self defense.


u/Effective_Delivery17 6d ago

Even if that were true, which it isn't, killing someone even in self defense is gonna do a number on you psychologically. And for what, a computer?