r/therewasanattempt 5d ago

To steal another person's property

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u/Leows 5d ago

First, name any number of accidents you can think of. Fires? Explosions? Sinking?

Now, imagine rescuers, firefighters, family members, friends, or whoever has to move these things around trying to help have their hands lacerated.


u/riccomuiz 5d ago

Accidents going for the first thing in sight that would have a first aid kit or emergency items.


u/Jaques_Naurice 4d ago

So my wife got hit by the boom while sailing. As our boat is not that big, I had to move a cooler and a 7yr old out of the way to get to her. I assume all your boats are cooler free or you store them below deck.


u/Mr_Industrial 4d ago

If Im panicking, I might think theres first aid stuff in a cooler. I once watched someone headbutt the glass window to an unlocked pull open door of a fire extinguisher holding box. Yes, he got glass in his face. People get stupid in emergencies. Do we really want to make the problem worse by making your own little SAW trap?


u/lordsysop 4d ago

Family or friends grabbing the cooler too


u/Lowercanadian 5d ago

Running for the coolers on a boat in his yard?   Hard to imagine 


u/FrogInShorts 5d ago

Not the boat sinking into the parking lot


u/Leows 5d ago

Not the reply ignoring other examples


u/FrogInShorts 5d ago

why so mad at joke


u/grief242 5d ago

I'm literally NONE of those scenarios is moving the cooler anywhere near necessary.

Fire? I'm what case would rescuer need to lift the cooler. Is the order Beer, women and children first?

Explosions? An explosion is a very immediate problem. Assuming it was an explosion that didn't eviscerate the area than why would you need the cooler? To destress with a beer?

Sinking? If I'm sinking why would I grab a cooler instead of say a life raft or any other buoyant object around

I get the sentiment but really think


u/Leows 5d ago

Let's say there is an emergency situation and you have to rescue a person on a boat. However, there are things on the boat. And some of these things are on the way to rescue said person.

Would you ignore all the things on the way and drag the person across whatever clutter you found, or would you clear the way first? If you're a first responder, would you clear the area for first aid or yolo around whatever is on the way?

In every example I gave, objects might be obstructing the way to help people, especially if they are unconscious. Be it a cooler, a chair, a table, a treasure chest, whatever.

An explosion could even blast the cooler off the boat into land or water. If someone would ever grab the cooler to take it off the streets or clear the water, they could potentially hurt themselves as well.

There are way more scenarios where some random and innocent person could hurt themselves - especially if they're trying to help you - than there are scenarios where you would prevent something from happening. Unless that something is trying to hurt someone.


u/mortal_kombot 5d ago

The people arguing with you are so dumb and will never be satisfied.

Guaranteed half of them are likely Sovereign Citizen freaks too.


u/Leows 5d ago

That's completely alright. For the few that are legitimately on the fence on the subject or don't actually understand why that'd be a problem, hopefully my explanation was enough.


u/SandboxOnRails 5d ago

Nah. The reality is that people crave blood and want to see people suffer without having to consider basic empathy. You see it in any discussion of self-defense. People spend time and resources picking out the right tool that will be the most fun to dismember another human and act like you're insane for saying that running away is the safer move. They phrase their future self-defense claims as "I got to" instead of "I had to". Hell, look at Jordan Neely. People cheered a public execution because the guy "made people uncomfortable". It doesn't take much to make people support truly horrific acts against other humans, and the idea of "criminals" is just another way to other those and justify any amount of violence. Like cutting someone's fingers off because maybe they were trying to steal beer.


u/mortal_kombot 5d ago

It doesn't take much to make people support truly horrific acts against other humans, and the idea of "criminals" is just another way to other those and justify any amount of violence.

So true. The same people who spend all day whining about high crime would hate to live in a crime free society, because then they couldn't satisfy their grotesque bloodlust.


u/SandboxOnRails 4d ago

They'd just want to see "crime" redefined. It's Nazi shit. Otherize groups, commit horrific acts, justify it based on theories about what they're totally planning to do, and then pick the next group. No hyperbole, it's the rhetoric and ideas that allow people to embrace violent fascism.


u/Madstupid 5d ago

Like it or not... It's still illegal


u/NimbleNavigator19 4d ago


I'm playing devils advocate here, but technically if you open the lid of a cooler and flip it over its not a terrible flotation device depending on how large it is. Its all dependent on if the air trapped inside can offset your fatness.


u/BitwiseB 4d ago

Fat floats. It’s the muscle-bound people who sink.


u/kkeut 5d ago

"the boat is sinking! into the driveway.....somehow! and exploding!"

"don't worry, we're the fire department! first priority: rescuing the beer cooler! let's get to it, men!"


u/Possibly_a_Firetruck 5d ago

If you're using your own stuff, you'd disarm your own boobytraps right? Who's gonna jump on a burning boat on a trailer to grab a cooler?


u/Leows 5d ago

If an accident of pretty much any type happens, things don't just disintegrate. Someone is gonna have to move them around at some point. If you are incapacitated, who's gonna disarm your boobytraps? Who's warning the helpers?

What if something happens while you're away? Are firefighters supposed to not touch anything and let it all burn down?


u/Redditforever12 5d ago

you make a very good point


u/fengkybuddha 5d ago

Remember the Boston bomber? They found him hiding in a boat. What if police went on the boat and need to move stuff?

There is no legitimate reason to booby trap.  You make it just harder. Locks? Chains? Move stuff inside?


u/Stainless_Heart 5d ago

There are legitimate reasons. There are just more important alternate legitimate reasons not to.


u/fengkybuddha 5d ago

There are no legitimate reasons unless it's war.

The whole point is to kill or maim somebody.  It's hidden so it doesn't prevent anything. Do you think it'll prevent the next person? Are you going to post pictures of what happened to the first guy?


u/GlitchyFinnigan 5d ago

Depending on the situation, booby-traps in war are a form of war crime and there are protocols and conventions against the use of them


u/Possibly_a_Firetruck 5d ago

Is this really some "bEcAuSe ThE tErRoRiStS!" pearl clutching?


u/toetappy 5d ago

No, it was an example of someone innocent going onto a boat that they do not own and getting cut by a boobytrap.


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u/toetappy 5d ago

Recently, I've tried to have real conversations on here with people I disagree with. These fuckin yokels got me all flabbergasted


u/therewasanattempt-ModTeam 4d ago

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u/neatlystackedboxes 5d ago

oh my god why can't a single idiot on Reddit ever just say "oh, I didn't think of it like that but I see what you mean now. thanks for respectfully and cogently answering the question I definitely asked in good faith. I definitely DIDN'T snottily ask because I'm utterly convinced of my intellectual superiority and I'm definitely not butthurt to be proven wrong because I appreciate learning new things as they make me a wiser and more well rounded person."

there are tons of reasons people might accidentally engage the booby trap - people have already given you the most obvious examples like emergency first responders & kids. that's what you asked for. you thought there was " nO PoSsiBle LeGiTimaTe rEaSon" but hey look! you're wrong. get over it.

P.S. - even if someone is trying to steal your precious cooler, you can't maim them. that's not the legal punishment for thieves, like jfc who raised you? are you ok?? you can only attack someone in self defense and booby trapping is never that.


u/teteAtit 5d ago

All of these reasons + the super likely possibility that someone’s friend might just move the cooler before/during/after boating activities.


u/neatlystackedboxes 5d ago

you're missing the point - nobody is talking about TAKING the cooler. you basically asked what reason would someone have to be there if they weren't trying to steal. well, emergency first responders would have legitimate reason! if you're trapped in the burning boat, the emergency first responders may need to move it to get to you to save you. that's only one example of many. nobody has the right to maim or injure unsuspecting people who have not done ANYTHING. "well, they were GONNA do something!!" is not an excuse. and it's a little psychotic.