r/southpark 5d ago

Shut up Mimsyyyy Meme

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u/CategoryExact3327 5d ago


u/Clockwork-XIII 5d ago

Is that David Croenberg?


u/CategoryExact3327 5d ago

Yes, he was a recurring character in the last 3 seasons of Discovery. Loved him in it, the show gets way too much hate.


u/Granlundo64 5d ago

I think the people complaining that it's "woke" are giving it too much hate. I think the people that say it's just generally trash are giving it an appropriate amount of hate.


u/Clockwork-XIII 5d ago

Yeah I was about to say I wasn't a fan although I wouldn't classify my self a trekie, bitrekial maybe ha ha. More of a stargate and star wars fan, the last few years worth of media not withstanding. But also given the fact that Croenberg pops up in acting roles in things like Jason X, and he was good in nightbreed. Brilliant director and a good writer.