r/southcarolina ????? 3d ago

Me and fiancée looking for friend groups discussion

Probably not the place, so I apologize if so. If anyone has some pointers to any groups or what not, let me know. Me (23) and my fiancée (22), just moved to the Columbia area. We essentially uprooted our lives and started fresh down here, and are looking for friends and stuff to do in the area. We are outdoorsy, like to ride atv's, go wheeling, riding the Harley, etc. We would rather have a bonfire and drink beer in a field with others and talk about life, instead of going to bars and clubs if that makes sense.

Thanks everyone.


5 comments sorted by


u/Will512 ????? 3d ago


But also it may not be a bad idea to go to breweries to meet people like you describe bc I'm pretty sure they're out there. I don't know enough about breweries here to say which fits that vibe best


u/wikkix ????? 3d ago

Check out REI

Go to the river

Join an F3 group


u/jaciviridae ????? 2d ago

M24, I also just moved here so I can't do much for the group aspect, but if yall want to go for a ride or have a beer some time shoot me a message!


u/ImportanceBetter6155 ????? 2d ago

Sounds good buddy I'm gonna shoot you a PM


u/passivetherapper ????? 1d ago

Ay yo. The collective I belong to is reviewing music submissions Live tonight around 7 est. We stream on Twitch and YouTube. Join the Discord and submit your song. The hosts play the song live and review it after. WE LIVE NOW