r/southcarolina Piedmont 3d ago

Weekly "Moving to South Carolina" Megathread discussion

For anyone moving to South Carolina, post your questions as comments in this thread instead of making your own post.


15 comments sorted by


u/Kjisherenow ????? 1d ago

Moving to Charleston in Mid July. Wife is working remotely but I have to give up my job. Looking for job resources in the accounting industry. I have 20 plus years experience. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated


u/-LovelyLiz ????? 1d ago

What's the best local food place you would recommend? Good quality/price relation of course!


u/phareous Piedmont 1d ago

For what city?


u/transguythatdraws ????? 3d ago edited 2d ago

Are there any jobs or resources for people with disabilities? I have a complex biomechanical issue with my feet causing nerve pain and chronic plantar fasciitis resulting in my need to use a folding seat cane, rollator, or on bad days, a wheelchair for pain management.

I'll be moving to the Rock Hill area. I'm coming from the Texas Panhandle which has shit medical care and basically no resources.

What am I in for when I move here to live with my SO?

Are there any options for healthcare for people who make >$10k/yr? (I've only done freelance illustration for income bc I can't work at McDonald's or Walmart in Amarillo when I live 15 mins out of town w no car of my own. So freelance getting $200-700 a month is all I know...)

Can I potentially get a job or have help finding one that will accommodate my inability to walk/stand for long periods? Or even if it's a job I need to walk a lot, would they be okay with me having a rollator?

Are there health centers I can look into to be able to get help or go to PT without paying $80-120 per session? (Like a sliding scale place?) Any recommendations? Are there any resources for Trauma informed therapy? Is there decent public transportation? (Tbh I think most of the US has shit transport so the bar is low)


u/aglasscanonlyspill ????? 3d ago

Only children qualify for medicaid in South Carolina. There are very few resources that are cheap or free in this state.


u/transguythatdraws ????? 3d ago

Ah so it's similar to the Texas Panhandle then, gotcha. At least there's a healthcare center my SO goes to that will work on a sliding scale then so, that's an improvement from where I'm at currently! :)


u/phareous Piedmont 3d ago

South Carolina isn’t exactly known for public services. You can try here though: https://www.scvrd.net/101/Services


u/transguythatdraws ????? 3d ago

Yeah I figured. But at least I'll be in a state where I don't have to drive 6 hours to reach a doctor in the same state maybe! You can drive for 8 hrs straight with no traffic and still be in Texas LMAO.

I'm also willing to go to NC or other nearby states if necessary. (Well. For specialists or such. I'll still have to live in SC.) Thank you!

Is there an art or comic convention scene? I hear Charlotte is good for stuff like that?


u/phareous Piedmont 3d ago

I’m sure there is. Pretty short drive to Charlotte (except rush hour). Also there are some free clinics in Rock Hill for medical. You can Google a list


u/ImpossibleFront2063 ????? 3d ago

Findhelp. Org may be able to help with disability and work


u/transguythatdraws ????? 3d ago

Ohh thank you so much! This looks handy!


u/chrisweidmansfibula Florence 3d ago

I’ll save everyone the trouble, you want to move to Greenville/Charleston/Columbia. Everywhere else in the state is dog shit, those places are fine.


u/Regalbass57 ????? 1d ago

How are the areas that are surrounding those cities? Like the kind of suburbs outside of them? Like Taylors to Greenville kind of distance.


u/phareous Piedmont 3d ago

Rock Hill/Fort Mill aren’t bad if you drive to Charlotte


u/CheezDustTurdFart SC Expatriate 3d ago

God bless you for making this! I wanna cry tears of joy.