r/southcarolina 5d ago

All male congress politics

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u/JimBeam823 Clemson 5d ago

The few Republican men who were against a total ban were also targeted.

12% of South Carolina voters showed up for the latest primaries. 12%. Many of these seats are unopposed in the general election and are decided. 12% of the voters decided them.

Right wing activists consistently show up to vote. That’s why the Republican politicians fear them more than the women of South Carolina.


u/Worth-History7023 ????? 4d ago

I was going to say. You can blame the senators all you want. At the end of the day the people decide to who’s in office. Vote next time.

And we all should by the way.

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u/theposshow ????? 3d ago

If Democrats and moderates want a voice, vote in Republican primaries. It's really that easy.


u/weaponjae ????? 4d ago

Easy there. People that don't vote have been telling me it was the DNC or something.


u/JimBeam823 Clemson 4d ago

But the people who don’t vote are going to be leading The Revolution. /s


u/Party_Emu_9899 ????? 4d ago

Yah. I voted because I'm way left, and I didn't want to see the crazies take control.


u/No_Station_8274 Columbia 3d ago

As opposed to the party of SHOUT YOUR ABORTION? We are the crazies for wanting everyone to live?


u/Party_Emu_9899 ????? 3d ago

Um. I hate to tell you this, but the mother mortality rate in this country is abysmal. If for some reason, my BC didn't work and I got pg is absolutely abort because I'm having my son very nearly killed me and I don't want to leave him alone. And you shouldn't get to decide that for me.

And yeah, I'd shout about it too because there are just too many people who want to make women feel like shit for making that kind of choice.


u/Party_Emu_9899 ????? 3d ago

AND ALSO abortions happened when they weren't legal. It just meant far more women died.


u/commentaddict ????? 1d ago

The irony here is that the majority of even conservatives under 60 are pro choice.


u/JimBeam823 Clemson 1d ago

True, but that still includes a lot of people who don’t have to worry about getting pregnant and care more about a tax cut.


u/NewEngland860 ????? 5d ago

Women complain about men making political decisions. But there are more women than men in USA. So use your numbers to make a change.


u/BookDev0urer Scatter My Ashes in Capital City Bombers Stadium 5d ago


Same argument for the (previously) low TV numbers for women's sports. They always complain that men don't watch....but the women aren't either.


u/heliogoon ????? 5d ago

And the women who do watch sports are usually watching the men.


u/illustriouz ????? 4d ago

See: religion


u/RPJeez ????? 4d ago

Don't forget all the guys pretending to be women.


u/ted_cruzs_micr0pen15 ????? 4d ago

All 0.3% of them. So many.


u/ezbreezyslacker ????? 3d ago

Alot of laws and legislation being passed for the 0.3 percent then

Kinda silly when you admit that


u/ted_cruzs_micr0pen15 ????? 3d ago edited 3d ago

You mean the ones targeting them?

Yeah silly as hell. If you’re saying the constitution is silly, you’re being obtuse. The only law protecting trans people is the constitution and specifically the fourteenth amendment.

If you’re saying you think the constitution is silly, then go live somewhere without the freedoms ours guarantees. If you want to discriminate you’re free to do so in places like Russia, Iran, North Korea or China. Maybe you’d prefer to live under a boot, or is it just that you want others to live under yours?


u/No_Station_8274 Columbia 3d ago

What about all the laws protecting the “0.3%”


u/ted_cruzs_micr0pen15 ????? 3d ago edited 3d ago

You mean the fourteenth amendment? That protects all of us, not just the “0.3%.” You’re making yourself look stupid thinking that there are laws protecting the LGBTQIA+ community, it’s just the fourteenth amendment, which protects everyone from discriminatory treatment. Gender is a quasi-suspect class so any law restricting the rights of trans people is examined under the fourteenth amendment and intermediate scrutiny.

Perhaps you have issues with the due process clause of the fifth amendment, and the inability for businesses to discriminate in hiring, given that the right to secure employment is a property right and discrimination in hiring/firing is considered a violation of due process, again under the constitution?

What exactly is your quarrel with our guarantees of freedoms enforced under our constitution? Or maybe you don’t like the constitution because you want to be able to discriminate against people? If that’s the case, go live in Iran and tell me how it is… you won’t be missed.

The constitution protects everyone, jackass.


u/No_Station_8274 Columbia 3d ago

Never once did I mention the constitution, but I did say the LAWS that protect the 0.3%, which is just like you said discrimination against the 99.70%.

I’ll stay in the U.S of A thank you very much, I don’t care what you do to your body, but what I do care about is the fact that YOU think I have to respect you for what you did.

There should be no laws protecting a certain class, everyone in this country has the opportunity to make something of themselves, you don’t need laws that guarantee a level of class warfare.


u/bex199 ????? 2d ago

this is an impressive amount of constitutional/legal illiteracy. and you’re so confident about it!

“protected class” means the classification is protected - so when gender-based discrimination is illegal, that means it is illegal to discriminate based on gender. that’s all. that’s why there’s plenty of doctrine finding discrimination against men. same goes for race, ethnicity, age, etc etc etc. this has been settled for a VERY long time.

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u/Blusterpug ????? 3d ago

Silly in the homophobic, transphobic bigoted kind of way.


u/itsnothing_o_O ????? 4d ago

It’s not men. Men don’t care if you have abortions. It’s religion


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 3d ago

Men care about women having sex for pleasure and not procreation- some men.


u/itsnothing_o_O ????? 3d ago

Mormons are really the only ones that believe that you should only have sex for procreation. The other religions believe that the unborn baby is a life and that you shouldn’t kill it.


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 2d ago

Like a crab or a shrimp


u/Hazzman ????? 5d ago

End. First. Past. The. Post.

This will continue to happen for as long as we are subject to the whims of two parties.


u/knuthamsunfan ????? 5d ago

End. This. Stupid. Trend. It doesn't lend gravitas to your argument, it just makes you look developmentally challenged.


u/Glomar_fuckoff ????? 5d ago

More options is a bad thing?


u/Sheerkal ????? 4d ago

You misunderstand. He's saying the periods after each word are dumb, not the argument.


u/Glomar_fuckoff ????? 4d ago

Oh! Yes. I agree


u/Redwood177 ????? 2d ago

Yes. I. Agree. As. Well.


u/atomfenrir North Augusta 4d ago

I don't like it either but it's well beyond the stage of a fad and pretty well established in the culture now. I even see it on billboards and other business materials sometimes🪦


u/RAIDguy Columbia 5d ago

Why is any woman voting for a Republican?


u/KHaskins77 ????? 5d ago

Religion is a hell of a drug.


u/Party_Emu_9899 ????? 4d ago

And internalized misogyny.


u/TheKaptinKirk ????? 2d ago

Why is anyone who is not a white, Christian, heterosexual male voting Republican? They will use you, and when they don’t need you anymore they will get rid of you.


u/Diver_Bluebeard ????? 4d ago

Very good question! It's the party who denys women's rights.

What does that say about those women and their choices????


u/No-Ice433 ????? 4d ago

Your saying these Republican voting women are stupid right? You will tell them the right way to vote?


u/TriceratopsWrex ????? 4d ago

They can't be made to change their votes, but, yes, women who vote Republican are monumentally stupid.


u/maximumkush ????? 2d ago

What is a women?


u/TriceratopsWrex ????? 2d ago

How pathetic of you to assume that because I abhor the Republican party that I support the Democrat party.

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u/Diver_Bluebeard ????? 4d ago

That's a rather ignorant uninformed misleading response. Everyone has the right to vote as he/she decides. My refection is upon what would lead women to vote for a candidate whose perspective is to take away women's right. However, your response reveals much. Thank you!


u/MrTwzaTranny ????? 4d ago

And this is the problem women must vote Democrat, blacks and Latinos must vote Democrat.... people should vote according to their beliefs and needs. Not all women are pro abortion, not all blacks are for a welfare state. Presuming such is just ignorant.


u/Callimogua ????? 4d ago

The fuck is a "welfare state"? Should the state not care about the welfare of it's most vulnerable citizens?🤔


u/MrTwzaTranny ????? 4d ago

People make up the state. If they choose to be charitable, then that is a choice. The State should not be allowed to take money from one group and give it to another. There are circumstances, of course, but watching someone get a manicure and driving a Lexus while paying for groceries on EBT is infuriating.


u/ExistingPosition5742 ????? 4d ago

Are you stalking people from the grocery store lol?


u/UnexpectedAnalysis Upstate 4d ago

Yes, how dare the state take my money and give $13.4 million to hire 175 school resource officers! Or $40.6 million to help build a nursing home for veterans!

Ah, but you probably don't mean those groups getting money. At least I'm sure you have concrete, non-anecdotal evidence for a majority of welfare recipients driving luxury vehicles on their way to getting a manicure.


u/quadmasta ????? 4d ago

They mean those groups getting money


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Detritus_AMCW ????? 4d ago

Some women may believe that, many don't. Your vote is your vote, it is your right. Each party needs to show why they should be elected and if we as voters feel strongly about a candidate or party it's our job to get out the vote.

That being said we also need to get it back to the people, the amount of money going into campaigns from corporations and wealthy individuals is nuts. Citizens United and the recent Snyder decision firmly affixed the for sale on our politics.


u/RPJeez ????? 4d ago

Don't ever say that on reddit, unless you're on a conservative sub lol. The SC page is taken over by the far left, or extreme feminist.


u/DickFlairXXX ????? 4d ago

Great question


u/Jmc_da_boss Greenville 5d ago

Oh no! The leopards are eating their faces lol who could have foreseen this


u/mantistobogganer ????? 5d ago

Right. 3 women GOP senators. Do the right thing once, immediately face the consequences from your own team.

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u/Mammoth-Position2369 ????? 5d ago

It’s because no one voted for the women. It’s not a conspiracy. People vote for who they want in office. Everybody always wants to pretend some damn conspiracy against women. Wake up, it’s not.


u/AccomplishedDot2930 ????? 4d ago

I mean, these women lost in a fair election. Their seats weren’t taken from them and just handed to male candidates. They lost in a fair, democratic process.

It’s terrifying that this lady is advocating something different.


u/Cynically_Sane Upstate 5d ago

I'm curious about your second paragraph where you state apparently every woman should be in favor of abortion on demand. What exactly do you mean by this?


u/3DsGetDaTables ????? 3d ago

Is it really a fair election (and this is independent of party) if all it takes is the money/Party committee to shift its focus to push even worthwhile people out of the election and drown them in attack ads and etc?


u/nukestiffler ????? 4d ago

why is it terrifying? if it were all women it wouldn't be terrifying. it would mean men don't care about public policy.


u/Cornbread_Collins13 ????? 4d ago

Seems like a voter issue tbh


u/blackie_stallion ????? 4d ago

South Carolinian here, my dad used to say, the world could end and we’d have another 10 years we’re so behind the times.


u/Soonerpalmetto88 ????? 5d ago

Many women in congress. If you're talking about the General Assembly then say so, it's a very big distinction.


u/Cynically_Sane Upstate 5d ago

Before the voice of women is completely silenced, I just want to add something that has little relevance to this, per se, but I say we need to ban Viagra (and the like) while we're at it because if pregnancy is the will of the Lawd then so is the limp dick these ignorant fucks are using to make these ridiculous decisions.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Cynically_Sane Upstate 4d ago

Feels that way almost. Just a matter if women will lose their right to vote before the guns gain their right to cast a ballot


u/knuthamsunfan ????? 5d ago

Agreed completely. The societal preoccupation with sexual intercourse is why we're having this debate at all. The unhealthy shouldn't be allowed to procreate.


u/Cynically_Sane Upstate 5d ago

I hate to use the term "they" but it fits here...if they insist that abortions wouldn't be necessary if women would just keep their legs closed then the same applies to their penis. If they would just keep their dick in their pants they wouldn't need to obsess over a woman's uterus. Against my better judgment, I hope that the ones who only see it as women are sluts and bring it on themselves will find themselves in a situation where their spouse or partner or family member, who's a devoted wife and is monogamous, is knocking on death's door and a simple d&c could save their lives. But yeah, let the whore die and leave behind other children and their husbands to pick up their roles in the family. This is the laughing stock of this ideology because we all know that the vast majority of men couldn't handle what women go through on a daily basis. Much less don the Mr. Mom hat while burying his ho bag trying to balance his grief and navigating the remaining children's grief. Don't forget that the laundry needs done, pets need fed and exercised, the kitchen needs cleaning before you can start cooking dinner for your deceased whore's offspring.

I am acutely aware of the fact that there are plenty of amazing single dads who are able to manage the task. But I can also guarantee that none of them are wearing suits on the daily and work in our (shitty) government. I heard a saying way back in college many many moons ago that has always stuck with me:

"How can you trust me with a child when you can't trust me with a choice."


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 3d ago

Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy .

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u/BannedinthaUSA ????? 1d ago

That problem will fix itself. They’ve found microplastics in semen, penises and ovaries.

Plastic will be the death of mankind eventually.


u/Formal-Crab-7939 ????? 3d ago



u/Lazerguy1996 ????? 3d ago

Well, it sounds to me like the women need to come out and vote!! But NO, we will create videos and complain about it, and it all revolves around abortion.


u/dday3000 ????? 3d ago

And yet women vote Republican.


u/jt7855 ????? 3d ago

Trying to play man against woman as if only men are against abortions and only women are for abortions. Total nonsense.


u/NewLifeNewDream ????? 2d ago

She's sexist


u/Moneyfish121212 ????? 2d ago

End Citizens United, follow the money all the way to the Supreme Court.


u/waspboomer North Charleston 5d ago

this is bull shit. My Senator was Sandy Senn and I voted for her last time and this time, She lost. I dont like that she lost but she did. Its not like someone prevented her from running.


u/gocards2224 ????? 4d ago

The “terrifying men” are not to blame for this.

First, there are more registered Democrats in South Carolina than Republicans.

Second, there are more women than men in South Carolina.

Third, not all women are in favor of abortions.

Lastly, if you have a problem with something…GO FREAKING VOTE! And stop pretending posting on TikTok is actually going to have any real life consequences in government.


u/Sarcasmadragon Spartanburg County 4d ago

There are more republicans in South Carolina though. SC doesn’t require party affiliation, so most people don’t register with a party. I guess more democrats register because they don’t want people to instantly assume they’re republican.

I’m genuinely curious now though. Is there anyone here who has registered with a party in this state and why? I’ve never really seen the point so it’d be cool to learn some other people’s perspectives.


u/DaisyHGirl Upstate 3d ago

You don't register by party in SC. When I registered to vote here, there wasn't an option to choose a party.


u/Sarcasmadragon Spartanburg County 3d ago

I know. You can register directly with the party if you want to. I was just wondering if anybody in the sub has registered with a party and why they chose to


u/DaisyHGirl Upstate 3d ago

Do you mean join? There is an option to join the democratic party at the county and national levels, I’m not sure about the state level.


u/Sarcasmadragon Spartanburg County 3d ago

Ahhhh. Yes. My bad. I was using the wrong word. Thank you. Yah. Why do people join if they don’t have to?


u/DaisyHGirl Upstate 3d ago

You can become a member for a year if you send a donation. At the county level, you get invited to meetings, breakfasts, luncheons, etc. I think at the county level you can join by volunteering, not just sending a donation.


u/jennej1289 ????? 4d ago

After my daughter is done with college we are going to go back to the west coast.


u/Hairy-Sherbert803 ????? 4d ago

bye lol


u/dww332 ????? 4d ago

Excellent! Can we do anything to help your daughter graduate sooner?


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 4d ago

Brain drain in SC


u/lesposi8893 ????? 4d ago

lol got this right.


u/beerrunn ????? 5d ago

Please explain how they got every woman in SC not to vote for these women?


u/MsAgentM ????? 5d ago

That's a silly comment. First off, only residents in their districts can vote for these women. These reps got votes, just not more than the men running against them.


u/beerrunn ????? 5d ago

Oh I see, so they redrew lines so the women running only had males in their districts causing them to lose. Sorry if sarcasm escapes you.


u/Glittering_Win_9677 Summerville 5d ago

This is a conservative state with conservative voters who vote for the things they believe in. One of those beliefs is that abortion should be illegal or at least done rarely and early in the pregnancy before a heart beat is detected. You don't have to agree with them. It doesn't make it any less true that they believe this.

People ask how women can vote for men who are against abortion because apparently every woman should be in favor of abortion on demand. Sorry, there are many, many women, including me, who are not.

We are also mostly not voting on this single issue. We also consider the economy, education, safety and many other issues when we vote for the person on the ballot that we think will best represent us.

I get that some people, mostly liberals and progressives, think they are not represented in the state legislature. I faced the same issue from the opposite side when I lived in Maryland. It's very frustrating and I'm happy I was able to move to a conservative state. Not everyone has the opportunity to move to a different state.


u/ChronicAnomaly ????? 4d ago

Thank you for this. It isn't said enough. I have a couple of friends, 2 sets of married couples, who had abortions early in their life. It affects them to this day. I won't even bring up any abortion related issues around them because I can see the change in them as soon as it's brought up. People love to push "women's rights" into the abortion category, but it's just not true. These 2 women had an abortion and deeply regret it to this day. They are stounchly anti abortion but it hurts me when I see them talk about it and see the deep pain they have carried throughout their life.


u/Bastilleinstructor Upstate 3d ago

I completely agree, it's not without trauma for the woman. I know two who, in high school, had abortions. One did so because she believed being pregnant at 17 would ruin her life. The other had parents and the boyfriend who forced her to. Both have regrets. Neither are conservative (for the record). One had issues getting pregnant after she got married. The other was told she couldn't get pregnant due to a complication and wound up getting pregnant again in high school, but hid the pregnancy until she was too far along. Both have regrets. Both are haunted by their decisions for different reasons. I don't know if everyone feels lousy about it, but I know these two women did. They went on to become mothers and raised their kids and lived their lives. But that regret is still there. Incidentally, one of the women wouldn't have been here today had abortion been legal here when her mother got pregnant, but that's a story for another day.


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 3d ago

I certainly don’t regret my abortion and I personally have never met anyone who regretted theirs.


u/Voradoor ????? 3d ago

So I guess no one ever does then.


u/TriceratopsWrex ????? 4d ago

Your friends are like most conservative women then.

"Fuck you, I got mine," is essentially the conservative mantra.


u/GrizzlyActual41 ????? 5d ago

Good lord there is no end to the whining. If it’s not this it’ll be something else


u/curvycounselor ????? 5d ago

Yep they redrew the lines to make sure theres no voice for women.


u/DubbulGee ????? 5d ago

Please tell me how you gerrymander female voters out of a district...you make up 51.1 percent of the population in the US.  Stop whining and fucking do something about it already.


u/timesink2000 ????? 5d ago

In the case of my former senator (Senn), you draw the district so that it is no longer a mix of conservative and moderates, and is instead an almost fully conservative district. The people that she had served well were not able to vote for her, and the people in her new district only knew that she voted against the abortion restrictions.


u/curvycounselor ????? 5d ago

People who would vote for woman can be a demographic and the lines are drawn around that demographic.


u/AccomplishedDot2930 ????? 4d ago

What demographic is that, exactly? Lmao


u/curvycounselor ????? 4d ago

A more progressive demographic.


u/AccomplishedDot2930 ????? 4d ago

Huh? Like what though? Describe it.


u/AccomplishedDot2930 ????? 4d ago

Lmao, the hilarious delusion that you can gerrymander a majority of the population. The math ain’t mathin’


u/LotsofSports ????? 5d ago

Women's vote will be the next to go.

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u/Diver_Bluebeard ????? 4d ago

Well....been living here in SC after military retirement for about 20 years. Knew how the state was before I retired. No surprise when South Carolina's favorite political sons include Lindsey Grahmn, John Calhoun, Robert Byrd, and Preston Brooks and a host of other bigoted, homophonic, anti-abortion, slavery loving, anti-womens rights......it's no surprise. It's South Carolina at its best.....which says it all.


u/Consistent_Ad7908 ????? 2d ago

You said homophonic and you got me interested. What is this? Love slavery? Is that because some of the minority led areas are also some of the lowest in both wages and economical development (Clyburn fans let me hear you! Circa 92 baby) therefore they must like slavery cause working for sub $10 in this era in any job is just that slavery?


u/Jamessterling64 ????? 4d ago

Sounds like she/her/it needs to move to a state that allows her/it the “choice” to murder her/its baby at any time.

Baby Lives Matter 💕


u/desensitize_terror ????? 4d ago

Why do they never say “white males”?


u/DickFlairXXX ????? 4d ago

South Carolina is ran by racist, woman hating pieces of shit.


u/stinkywinkydink ????? 5d ago

if youre a woman and a republican and still expect equal representation from your party, youre one of the biggest fools in south carolina.

who cares, the GOP have been doing this shit for decades and people still vote for them every election


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


u/karmaizdum ????? 2d ago

Shes not even from south Carolina


u/qubanamerican ????? 2d ago

Thanks god


u/ScoredMeteor0095 ????? 2d ago

Not saying it isn’t so. I’m just confused as to the motive. A bunch of male senators somehow through behind the scenes efforts got rid of all the female senators in order to control abortion rights. If they did do this surely there’s more to be gained than that right? I mean, just seems like quite a PR risky scheme with no clear payout other than a slightly larger population of voting, worker ants I guess. Is that really the end goal here?


u/Beautiful-Walrus2145 ????? 2d ago

Why is this not sexist cringe?


u/Jaythefidgetspinner ????? 2d ago

This state is so dysfunctional. I’ve lived here for 25 years. You get what you pay for and it’s so much more than just “voting”.


u/CawdoR1968 ????? 1d ago

You can always leave, no one is making you stay in the state, are they?


u/fcfrequired ????? 2d ago

Another leftist who can't fathom someone not voting with their predefined "bloc."

What if the women voted with the party line, against abortion? Would they not be counted as women, and be called traitors? (Hint, check every reddit thread to confirm your guess)


u/Fine-Artichoke-7485 ????? 2d ago

BS. They lost their elections because they were lousy representatives of the citizens


u/expatriateineurope ????? 2d ago

it doesn’t get any clearer than an unsubstantiated allegation made by a scorned party


u/fargohorny ????? 2d ago

It's literally up to the voters of each state. That does include women.


u/Fit_Awareness_5821 ????? 2d ago

We need to get grocery prices down first lady I’m more concerned about people getting enough to eat rather than ending live entities that you don’t want to feed in the first place


u/jessieistone ????? 1d ago

The kitchen awaits


u/Every_Complaint_9305 ????? 1d ago

It’s happening. All the transplants are trying to California our South Carolina.

There’s not an abortion ban, it’s 6 weeks.

Woman aren’t being targeted or blocked from office. It’s banter like this that’s steers people away from voting for them.


u/Single_Dad0901 ????? 1d ago

Am I the only one who was listening to what she said but was also completely distracted by the fact her teeth are hella crooked like she has a massive over bite and under bite to where her teeth are just over lapping and crossing one another with every word. And on top of that only half of her mouth moves. It was just hard to completely stay focused when I was just wondering what in the world is going on with this woman's mouth? Did she have a stroke recently or?


u/GraybeardRanger ????? 1d ago

Abortion is neither health nor care.


u/orgalorg6969 ????? 1d ago

Lol it's south Carolina. The original slave state. All of the religious people I've seen there are getting drinks at brunch right after service being trashy, then they leave the wait staff fake trump or Jesus money for tip.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/southcarolina-ModTeam ????? 1d ago

Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


u/TheLifeCoach1 ????? 1d ago

Big ? What kind of woman would want to k!// a baby


u/Longjumping_Turn_792 ????? 1d ago

Use tax payer funded contraceptives....stop whining


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 5d ago

This is silly. Women are not infallible and there are more women voters in the state regardless. Men and women are not at war with one another. We need each other. Besides, South Carolina is thriving at the moment.


u/SnooStories4162 ????? 5d ago

Thriving at what? Population is all I can think of, otherwise we are at the bottom of the list on everything else.


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 5d ago

Employment. Growth.


u/SnooStories4162 ????? 4d ago

We only have growth in business because SC gives huge tax cuts to rich people/companies and pay for employees are so low compared to other states. So catering to the wealthy? No thank you, there is enough of that already. We have growth of population because of low cost of living compared to other states and because of magas moving here to feel at home because SC caters to magas. Meanwhile it's low income residents suffer. Education is put on the backburner here and we are regressing to the dark ages as far as human rights.

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u/lesposi8893 ????? 5d ago

Thriving where? With some of the worst public schools, high income taxes, incredibly high car taxes?


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 4d ago

And what state in our union with the same diversity and population are you saying is better or near perfect? What would make the schools better because it isn't money?


u/lesposi8893 ????? 4d ago

Really, money plays no role in public schools? There's a reason the best public school systems are in the northeast.


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 3d ago

So, name the school system in the Northeast with the same demographics that are doing better. I'll wait....


u/lesposi8893 ????? 3d ago

Same demographics, as in? Not sure what the implication is here


u/JohnathanBrownathan ????? 2d ago

He keeps saying "same demographics", meaning "the black people are dragging our state down thats why we suck". Blatant racism.


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 2d ago

Unfortunately you assumed my race 😕. Also, the question remains. It's not a trick question or a racist one. I'm not sure why you said black as though a group of people should be singled out because of their race. I'm saying the answer isn't money. And if you take time to research those North Eastern states that closely match ours, you will see that the problem is not money.


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 3d ago

No implications. Simple question.


u/Interesting-Cap3038 ????? 3d ago

...... Baltimore Maryland spends 21k per child and has no child proficient math, science or reading. We spend a little over 11k. So, it's not about money.


u/lesposi8893 ????? 3d ago

Baltimore is a mess, I don’t think we want that to be the bench mark


u/IsItFridayYet9999 Midlands 5d ago

Sounds sexist to me


u/phi_slammajamma ????? 4d ago

why the leftist obsession with killing their children? It's pure evil. Baal would be a democrat.


u/Mediocre_Ad4380 ????? 5d ago

And all of them will say(in a deep south accent) "welcome to the south darlin".


u/CoolFirefighter930 ????? 5d ago

Same reason we got old people running for president!


u/The_Last_Legacy ????? 5d ago

Just use protection and be quiet


u/Cynically_Sane Upstate 4d ago

If only it were that simple


u/MustangEater82 ????? 4d ago

It's not a conspiracy....

One large group demonized the women because they were GOP and only because they were GOP.

Another part is heavy anti-abortion.

Between both groups hating on them, they lost.

Some folks that feel this is the #1 issue maybe should have supported them, but they didn't.

It's good to look at all canidates, the demographics of the state and who may or may not win.  Prioritize your issues and vote accordingly.

There isn't an attack on women, no one cares beyond their policies.  This is just trying to spool divide.

This is as bad as when the minority daughter of an immigrant that got the confederate flag removed from SC, was called racist.


u/OldWorldBrawler Orangeburg County 4d ago

How about go vote then? Obviously the people are going to vote for who they want in office. You want change, go vote.


u/Hairy-Sherbert803 ????? 4d ago

this is addressed to all in the comments, not this lady. if you aren’t going to vote, how can you complain? you can’t sit on your ass bitching on social media about political issues when you aren’t going out and making a difference, you just want somebody to make the difference for you. go out and fucking do something about it. women have the numbers to make this state whatever they want and simply don’t. now, not all of those women are going to agree on every policy or who they should elect. people aren’t going to agree on everything. if you want change, make it. if not, move somewhere the change you want is happening/already happened.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/southcarolina-ModTeam ????? 2d ago

Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

interesting. but I have a complete loss of faith in most of these offices. mainly bc I live in a military police state with a gov that will proactively target anyone based on any reason. getting fixated on a classifications such as race or sex is a great way to distract from the current state of slavery people are born into and accept.
example, ask why the gov is using wartime powers on its own people. it's a big club... and you are not in it.

also 90% of internet traffic is botnets. reddit went public because it'll soon be facing tons of free speech violations claiming bots are "people". Robots/ai have no rights, no free speech, they are not people. yet you let them control your lives.

so yes this post about male vs female is disingenuous at its core.


u/Hard-To_Read ????? 5d ago

So to recap, you’re saying that because we are subject to a class war (which we can all agree is true), that this post on the completely separate issue of sexism in SC politics is somehow trying to mislead?  What the fuck are you talking about?


u/[deleted] 5d ago

"class war" ... no I was referring to the gov using wartime powers domestically. after the pat act the American people became wartime combatants under the law. you have no "citizen rights" as long as you maintain a specific label. this is why you hear the word "extremist" so often now.


u/SCNewsFan ????? 5d ago

Good lord, wake up buddy. Turn off News Max and your other conspiracy sources and deal in facts.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

thank you botnet


u/stinkygoochfumes ????? 5d ago

You make no coherent argument and are all over the place. You’re dumb.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

it's hard for bots to understand complex arguments.


u/SnooStories4162 ????? 5d ago

Ok bot


u/[deleted] 5d ago

thank you botnet


u/SnooStories4162 ????? 5d ago

You're welcome botlord


u/[deleted] 5d ago

thank you my subject.


u/snuggle2struggle ????? 5d ago

My only objevton to the video is that the supreme Court was not all male when the abortion ban passed.


u/Own_Fig_1571 ????? 4d ago

Crybaby. Waaah!!


u/the_Actual_Plinko Lexington 4d ago

If you want more women in office, maybe start promoting women who actually represent our values. Being against baby murder is probably a good place to start.


u/knuthamsunfan ????? 5d ago edited 5d ago

Oh look, another bitter aging woman whose identity is 'abortion' clucking on and on about God knows what. Have kids, folks. Resentment and loneliness are the rewards for brazen ignorance.

edit: also made it 5 seconds into the video, semi-colon, I know everything I ever will based on the SSRI eyes and birth controlled affect.


u/PacificWesterns ????? 5d ago

Do you think that access to abortion is only for a teenage girl who mistakenly got pregnant?

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u/Diver_Bluebeard ????? 4d ago

Definitely sounds better ...and factually correct.... when you clarified it.....just as you now did! 👍

THANKS for the clarity!!!


u/chessyes Summerville 3d ago

how would YOU handle it, i am a 20 year old transgender gay leftist registered democrat and this is like my first major election since turning 18, i am terrified of having both options as my president. I hate the democratic guilt of the biden supporters saying “if you don’t vote biden, you ain’t insert minority here and i hate the ignorance and intolerance of the trump supporters taking over the country, the alt right has taken us over and we have allowed them to because the democrats are too nice. when it all boils down to it for both candidates, they have allowed themselves to be represented by a bumbling fool who is more concerned with the interest of the old rich and white men that have been and always will be in power. it’s not political anymore, it’s personal.


u/Lonely_Version_8135 ????? 3d ago

One is a lying pos who will make abortion illegal federally and one is a decent human being who has done a fairly good job the last few years.


u/chessyes Summerville 3d ago

they’re both liars ones just a narcissistic old geezer with some backwards ass plans and wants to run the country like a monopoly and the other is a dementia ridden old geezer that wants to continue enabling a country with money we don’t have to give,,, the only way democracy will win this election is if biden sets his ego aside and steps down and endorses a younger candidate


u/Consistent_Ad7908 ????? 2d ago

Would you say there is an “alt left”?


u/chessyes Summerville 2d ago

sure, there’s two sides to every coin


u/Poetryisalive Upstate 3d ago

I mean knowing my state SC women are probably happy this happened. Go back to the “good old days”. Making decisions is a scary thing for republican women I’ve heard


u/RocknPaPa ????? 3d ago

All I hear is "Anti Male" hate speech when I watch this.