r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/Exodys03 3d ago

Such a difficult decision but "keep fighting" isn't the answer, IMO. Nobody blames Joe Biden for the debate performance. He was bad because of limitations out of his control. Limitations that we all will experience eventually if we're lucky enough to live into old age.

It's much like asking a boxer who has been knocked down and suffered a concussion to "keep fighting" for a few more rounds. They may be able to stay upright but willpower will not make them any more effective. He is unlikely to be able to complete his term in office and the existing cognitive decline will only accelerate.

I'm registered Independent. Would never vote for Trump in a million years but the debate changed my mind about Biden's fitness for a second term. It would be an act of patriotism, IMO, to finish out his term while supporting someone else who can keep Trump out of office.