r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/coldphront3 Louisiana 4d ago

The obvious issue that Democrats would run into in the event of Biden dropping out would be finding a new candidate that they think can get the votes to beat Trump within 4 months.


u/RealMichaelParenti 4d ago

This is not the issue people make it out to be. 1. Hold a snap election among registered dems, which European countries do all the time but apparently it's beyond 'tHe GrEaTeSt DeMoCrAcY In ThE WoRlD' or just 2. pick one of the three governors the commentariat has universally fixated on, Newsom, Whitmer, or Pritzker. Whitmer being the obviously best choice for so, so many reasons, for my money.


u/termacct 4d ago

I'm coming around to Whitmer instead of Newsom. I didn't fully appreciate the hate for California / coastal "elites"... (Would have loved for Warren to have run in 2016!)


u/InflationLeft 4d ago

Newsom has a lot of political baggge that Whitmer doesn’t, including his affair when he was mayor of SF, his “rules for thee, not for me” approach to COVID lockdowns, his smug coastal elite demeanor, and the general state of California today.


u/AntoniaFauci 3d ago

Given the context of who his opponent would be, Newsom has zero measurable “baggage”.