r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/singlebullet 4d ago

If that's what they're telling him, THEY ARE NUTS! I was just watching Wes Moore being interviewed on TV. They kept interspersing the interview with clips of Biden during the debate. It was so awful, so freaking embarrassing, I had to turn it off.

The Dems have been doing this for a decade now, where the high profile insiders get the nod automatically and voters don't count. They did it with Hillary, who wasn't really all that popular, and they gave her enough delegates to ace the convention before a single primary vote was counted. They did it again with Biden even though they knew he was a risk, and had badly lost the first few primaries. Obama had to step in and juggle the players to insure Biden got the nod anyway. That's the Democrat's idea of democracy.

This time around they've done it again, making sure Biden didn't even really have to do a damn thing for the nomination, it was as if it was preordained and all over.

Because of that this is where we are. Sooner or later Biden was going to have to show if he still had anything left in him, and what he showed the other night was one of the saddest demonstrations of misplacement that I've ever seen. I couldn't have imagined a bigger gift to Donald Trump, who is the most dangerous candidate this country has ever had for President, and who must be defeated.

I'm hoping they VERY QUICKLY get in Whitmer and Newsom (either at the top of the ticket is okay by me). That would be our only chance of avoiding more Trump craziness, but the fact is, because of the Democrats nonsense way of doing things it may already be too late.

P.S. P-l-e-a-s-e, forget Harris. The only reason she's even in there is that Hillary pushed her in and she doesn't have the popularity or the polling to help us out now. Also, for those pushing Buttiegieg, no way it will happen. Just forget about him. He doesn't have the experience, hasn't done that great a job in the administration, and I have sincere doubts enough of the country is willing to elect a gay man who is married to another man.


u/robbviously Georgia 4d ago

Buttiegeig will have to be VP if he wants a serious chance at the presidency.

Newsom would destroy Trump and that’s who they should bring in as the replacement nominee.


u/Sweetieandlittleman 4d ago

Newsom or Whitmer.