r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/SF6_Juri_Feet_Lore 4d ago

The average age of the Senate is 65 years. 65. This isn't a Joe Biden problem. This is an American government problem. Power hungry, rich assholes that don't want to give up their power. If Joe Biden steps down due to age, it opens up a lot of uncomfortable questions for so many other people in government.

If Trump wins the election, the blame will squarely fall on power hungry Joe Biden and the DNC who are mortgaging the future of America for their own selfish benefit.

If this upcoming election is so important, why is Joe Biden the candidate?


u/gobigred79 4d ago

Just like there is a min age to run for elected office, there should be a max age. 70 seems reasonable. But it will never happen because congress will never pass the amendment to make it happen. They are not going to force themselves out of office.