r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/termacct 4d ago

One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice...



u/Hyro0o0 California 4d ago

"Hey guys, you know what we should say in the article? That Biden has long leaned on Hunter for advice."

*entire room roars with laughter*


u/NotTheUsualSuspect 4d ago

I had to check it wasn't Babylon Bee... this is actually satire levels of bad.


u/termacct 4d ago

Will all the Late Night shows run with this on Monday?


u/I_Am_Robert_Paulson1 New York 3d ago

I wonder if George Soros was there too


u/FetusDrive 4d ago

Why wouldn’t the author of the article write that in the article?


u/probably-theasshole 4d ago

Man, y'all are so fucking ignorant. Sure hes done crack,but look at the rest of his resume. Wtf have you done besides not done crack that even comes close to comparing.

He got a bachelor's from Georgetown, a law degree from Yale. He was the executive VP at a large before the age of 30


u/Automatic-Automotive 4d ago

I think you overestimate how much accomplishments mean when your father was an extremely long running senator, vice president, and then a president. The dude doing crack and completely spiraling is actually a pretty good indication he wouldn’t have the resume he had without an extremely successful family.


u/probably-theasshole 4d ago

I understand that aspect but people act like the dude has been living in his dad's basement his whole life.


u/Intelligent_Low9218 4d ago

He started sleeping with his brothers wife a week after he died


u/Regular_Bee_5605 4d ago



u/Cazzah Australia 4d ago

It reflects terribly on someone's moral character, principal, self control and judgement. Such a person should be suspect for an important advisor, much less an advisor to the most important person on the planet.

But you already knew this. You are just so politically tribal that you will bend over backwards to justify sleeping with your recently deceased brother's wife a week later.


u/WrastleGuy 4d ago

“ He got a bachelor's from Georgetown, a law degree from Yale. He was the executive VP at a large before the age of 30”

Dude was born on third base with his dad being a senator.  

Which part of the resume do you want me to look at?  Impregnating a stripper?  Fighting the courts to not have to take a DNA test?  The family refusing to acknowledge the child?  

Having sex with his dead brothers wife and cheating on his wife and three kids?  

The many financial crimes?

I’ll still take Joe over Trump but fuck Hunter Biden.


u/Embarrassed-Advice89 4d ago

Did Hunter pass the Bar?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Embarrassed-Advice89 3d ago

Lol okay dude


u/SowingSalt 3d ago

His mother was killed alongside his sister in a vehicular collision. He and his brother Beau were in the car as well.


u/JordyWales 3d ago

Imagine defending a nepo baby and a crack head. Even if you hate Trump this has got to be the dumbest take I’ve seen in awhile on Reddit


u/Stillwater215 4d ago

What are the two things Trump keeps hitting Biden for: his age, and Hunters indiscretions. Why would they announce that Hunter is advising his Dad to stay despite his age???


u/deliciouscrab 4d ago

They who?

If they = Biden's inner circle, because they're tone-dead and stupid.

If they = the press, because it's something moronic and awful that might actually have happened knowing these people.


u/Nerd_199 4d ago edited 4d ago

his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice

This sounds like something out of a right-wing rumor factory. Thank you NYT for making me even more pissed than I already was at this family.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/northern-new-jersey 4d ago

Right, and they're secret Trump supporters. 


u/CalifaDaze California 3d ago

Being critical of the idiocy of a Biden campaign for president doesn't make you a Trump supporter


u/PeliPal 4d ago

If it's what happened then them leaving it in is appropriate, and leaving it out would be journalistic malpractice


u/earthworm_fan 3d ago edited 3d ago

A lot of shit has weirdly been becoming reality from these "right wing rumor factories"


u/rookie-mistake Foreign 4d ago

This sounds like something out of a right-wing rumor factory. Thank you NYT

that sounds pretty consistent tbh


u/pataoAoC 4d ago

It's funny that you copied one of my comments literally word for word. But I appreciate the support and agree with the sentiment, bot or not.


u/Qualityhams Georgia 4d ago

NYT has not subtly been anti Biden this election


u/SkyriderRJM 4d ago

Seriously whatever Hunter advises should be ignored and do the opposite.


u/PruneObjective401 4d ago edited 4d ago

What if, in the end, Hunter Biden is the reason this country falls apart...


u/TheCwazyWabbit 4d ago

What if in the end, Hunter Biden's laptop is the reason this country falls apart...

Hint: It already is because the fascist propaganda machine has brainwashed so many people with it.


u/Grenata 4d ago

Can't brainwash people with the truth.


u/Dtired808 4d ago

You do realize Hunter is the smartest person our president knows, right?


u/cswigert 4d ago

To order to keep fighting Hunter is advising him to buy a gun.


u/termacct 4d ago

Don't mention this to Hallie Biden. (She threw Hunter's gun into a dumpster, somebody turned it into the cops and that's how HunterGunGate happened)

I wonder if Hallie was at today's family meeting?


u/Temporary_Inner 4d ago

Who the fuck throws a gun in a dumpster. 


u/TheCatInTheHatThings Europe 4d ago

Hallie Biden


u/throwaway_uterus 3d ago

God, I hate this family. They're not even a fun soap opera, its just dangerous stupidity over dangerous stupidity. They're just lucky I am scared shitless of another Trump presidency.


u/PHATsakk43 North Carolina 4d ago

Hallie probably deserves a felony for theft and then abandoning a firearm where a minor or someone else who shouldn’t have it could access it.

Jesus, you’re making this up, right?


u/termacct 4d ago

No, um...you know Hallie Biden is the widow of Beau Biden and after he died she and Hunter um...dated. She also had drug issues - if she ditched the gun while high, I guess that makes it sort of less bad? (FWIW, I voted for Biden in 2020 and will do so again in 2024 but would prefer a younger choice)


u/PHATsakk43 North Carolina 4d ago

I mean, I’ll vote for a moldy ham sandwich before I vote for Trump or a 3rd party candidate. But that’s not what I want to do.

Hell, I was just 100% on Team Biden until Thursday.


u/WrastleGuy 4d ago

Well now I’m really concerned that he listens to Hunter for anything, holy shit


u/quote_if_hasan_threw 4d ago

Please god let this be NYT trying its hardest to make Biden look bad.

If this is actually true, it is actually, unironically absolutely unquestionably Joever


u/mikelo22 Illinois 4d ago

Well it is only one source. No corroboration


u/SerendipitySue 3d ago

i read elsewhere hunter is often on airforce 1 with dad. i have not confirmed that though.so may not be true


u/Mental_Lemon3565 4d ago edited 4d ago

Fuck, the wheels are falling off. The president has dementia and is being advised by his crackhead son.


u/CAWildKitty 4d ago

^ top notch summary of the current situation right there


u/HopefulStart2317 4d ago

Best possible candidate/s


u/AntoniaFauci 3d ago

And the current president isn’t doing much better.


u/gangstasadvocate 4d ago

Gang gang. I like crack.


u/Quadrenaro Puerto Rico 4d ago

Oh jezz lol. This week has been an absolute comedy of errors. You can't cry, you can only laugh. Also, I want to know who wrote that. The article had multiple writers.


u/termacct 4d ago edited 4d ago

FWIW, here's the complete paragraph:

"One of the strongest voices imploring Mr. Biden to resist pressure to drop out was his son Hunter Biden, whom the president has long leaned on for advice, said one of the people informed about the discussions, who, like others, spoke on condition of anonymity to share internal deliberations. Hunter Biden wants Americans to see the version of his father that he knows — scrappy and in command of the facts — rather than the stumbling, aging president Americans saw on Thursday night."

So we're trusting whichever NYT writer got the quote that the source is also trustworthy.


u/Thewheelalwaysturns 4d ago

Uh, yeah? Welcome to journalism lol. This is how it has always been.


u/garden_speech 4d ago

Yeah this is obscene. 95% of the articles about Trump in this sub have “anonymous sources” but this is the one to question? Lol


u/billyions 4d ago

The United States used to have stunningly good journalism.


u/No-Scratch-599 4d ago

Hunter Biden has another trial lined up in a few months, Hunter Biden is still hoping for a pardon...


u/suishios2 3d ago

Easier to give Hunter a pardon if you are bowing out - once a new candidate is in place, focus on what Biden does goes away - new candidate can say "the pardon is regrettable, but there is nothing I can do about it", then pivot to the many shady pardon Trump handed out


u/No-Scratch-599 3d ago

I'm thinking more that if Biden feels he cannot run for president he might just resign all together. If he is at the point where he is asking his family if he is competent to run, and they said no, then he might feel he isn't competent to serve currently.


u/SerendipitySue 3d ago

i think this one is taxes so..could be tax documents may...implicate people


u/Atom_Beat 4d ago

"Hunter seems to have good judgement, so I'll listen to him."


u/Johnnycc 4d ago

Yeah... we're in actual hell.


u/EIephants Colorado 4d ago

He gives great advice if you can get him to just slow the fuck down for a sec


u/termacct 4d ago

Now if Joe asks Hunter for advice and does the exact opposite... :-)


u/EIephants Colorado 4d ago

We finally defeated Medicare!


u/writebadcode 4d ago

He clearly got interrupted mid sentence on that one.


u/EIephants Colorado 4d ago

Sure buddy


u/writebadcode 4d ago

I’m not saying he didn’t mess up. Hell he had lost his train of thought right before he said but it’s very clear that the word Medicare was not the last one he intended to say.

You can make anyone sound bad if you cut them off mid sentence.


u/EIephants Colorado 4d ago

That’s not what made him sound bad


u/Wereplatypus42 4d ago


HUNTER BiDEN enters with a bag of white powder. JOE BIDEN offers him a hug.


Hey Dad - I have an idea . .


Hunter, I know you mean well and I always listen to your advice, but this time, I’m feeling energized by my passion for democracy.

JOE BIDEN waves off the bag and grabs a novelty water bottle that his campaign staff has labeled with something stupid and takes a sip.




It is six months later. HUNTER BIDEN is watching from a folding chair. The camera turns and we see JOE BIDEN sitting next to him. They are watching something horrifying unfold on stage.


Goddamnit, dad.



u/jquest303 3d ago

Cenk from The Young Turks - “Why the hell is the president of the United States taking advice from someone who was recently on crack cocaine” lol


u/100clocc 4d ago

"dad if you don't do this... we BOTH go to jail"


u/SirPorkinsMagnificat 4d ago

Is he also going to start doing crack cocaine?


u/Hyndis 4d ago

That would make Joe Biden look more energetic, something he desperately needs right now...so maybe the advice isn't all bad.


u/NottDisgruntled 4d ago

Maybe Joe needs to distance himself from his son until after the election. FFS Joe has the self-preservation sense of a toddler licking exposed wiring.


u/BrassBass 4d ago

Jesus people, that is still his son.


u/mezolithico 4d ago

He wants a pardon. If Biden loses he'll pardon Hunter. If he steps down then no pardon


u/termacct 4d ago

Whoa...very intriguing point!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

How is daddy going to pardon him if he's not president.... Bleh.


u/cmcewen 4d ago

I’m not sure being an addict means you can’t give advice on other topics, or even give advice on avoiding drugs and alcohol.


u/Vitaminpartydrums 4d ago

Dude is a recovering addict he’s still crazy smart. He got his BA at Georgetown and his JD at Yale.

Making bad decisions doesn’t disqualify you from loving your father


u/takatu_topi 4d ago

George W "they hate us for our freedom" Bush was a Yale graduate.

It's almost like the children of extremely powerful politicians have a better chance at getting into elite schools.


u/SkyriderRJM 4d ago

INT and WIS are two different stats.

Hunter has terrible WIS. Don’t listen to any advice he gives.


u/not_creative1 4d ago

May be he’s hoping for a pardon of some kind


u/To6y Wisconsin 4d ago

His dad's already president.


u/not_creative1 4d ago

His legal troubles are just getting started. He literally was found guilty on many charges last month.

He probably wants his dad to be the president for next couple of years when shit hits the fan


u/FknDesmadreALV 4d ago

Everyone saying he wants a pardon like trump wouldn’t pardon his own kids for far worse shit


u/rookie-mistake Foreign 4d ago

and like Biden didn't already say he wasn't getting one. The astroturfing is only going to pick up the closer we get


u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

What’s so bad about that? Hunter, the guy who had his name drug through the mud, lost a mother and sister in an accident that he was in and hospitalized for, then lost his brother to a terrible disease, turned to drugs to cope and became an addict, had is dick and personal information shown to the world, is facing prison time, yet has the courage to wake up each day still give enough of a fuck and fight in him to tell his dad not to stop or give up?

Shit, if it’s anyone to listen to, he’d be the first one. Everyone has had shitty days, that dudes had a shitty life (minus the privilege and prestige, but all things considered), yet he still has the balls to keep going.

I swear people only see the situation but not the person and the perseverance…


u/acommonconcern 4d ago

He did show a ton of grit when he got that DC prostitute pregnant and then fought against child support in court until forced to settle because she was going to go public with all the details. Also shows a ton of grift, but that’s a Washington skill that gets highly rewarded.


u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

Depended on what you see and define as grit. But if you want to hyper focus on that one thing, then sure, showed he’s willing to fight something, I guess…


u/captain_hookeroo 4d ago

yeah the problem is that I don’t give a shit about cheering on someone’s personal grit when that perseverance is at the expense of the american people. that’s just cheering on egotism.


u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

Can you explain how it’s at “the expense of the American people” I’m not tracking…


u/captain_hookeroo 4d ago

bc Biden’s is likely gonna lose, and he could step down to allow someone w a better chance of winning to run


u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

If I’m following, dropout a few months before a consequential election, find a new campaign manager, VP, and all the administration that comes with a campaign, ensure all delegates get behind you, fundraise again, get new press and commercials out, and hope they win? As compared to keep the one in that has 3.5 years of a work record behind them, has beaten the guy he’s running against, and judge him after 90 mins of a bad performance compared to the guy who had 4 years of terrible presidency.

Honest question, if Biden killed it in the debate and ran laps around Trump and had the world rallying behind him, would you still want him to drop out, or are you basing your reaction on one moment that didn’t go well?


u/captain_hookeroo 4d ago

Biden is on track to lose right now and doesn’t have much chance of improving his prospects. He could pledge his delegates and funds to someone else. Trump is one of the most beatable candidates in history. Biden SUCKS at campaigning right now. The debate shows he does NOT have what it takes to campaign anymore. Had serious doubts before, but that was the worst debate performance in the history of television. Rolling the dice is better than an almost-sure lose.


u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

Trump was also beatable with Clinton, look how that turned out… how do you figure he sucks at campaigning, every event I’ve seen with him is energetic and supports him. Since Thursday he has raised $33 million. The debate was 90 minutes that wasn’t great, but for fuck sake, trump was just as bad. From what I’ve seen or heard, Biden actually gained support and a boost in polls. Let’s say Biden takes your advice and steps down, who are you picking, and don’t take the cop out and say “I don’t know, just not Biden” pick a person and their VP and how they fair.

Just a random guess, but you wanted Bernie, am I wrong?


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/WudupSuckaz 4d ago

Please identify what I’ve said or where you determined I have an attitude. Now if you’re getting emotional that I’m not jumping onboard with your idea, and you construe it as an attitude, sounds like a personal problem, not an attitude problem.

And cool, she won the popular vote, she is also sitting on the couch watching the debates like us as well… Keep in mind, Biden too won the popular vote, and the electoral college, the one that matters. So of the names you chose, sure they are popular with you, but winning the popular vote and loosing is like being voted most popular in high school and you’re still at home with your parents now, a lot of good it did…

Do I have my head in the sand, no. But am I using logic vs emotion to make a decision, yes. And logically speaking, it’s a tough to impossible ask a few months before an election.

Of those names, have you actually checked 1) are they willing to run 2) are they actually capable of beating Trump 3) who will they pick as VP that people will get behind and support.


u/UnquestionabIe 4d ago

I'm guessing Hunter suggested going on a bender and using daddy's connections to avoid any real consequences. Fucking upper class bullshit as usual, the only part about the GOP persecution of him is how it should apply to their own party's family members because they've got a lot of messed up shit going on too.


u/kosherbeans123 4d ago

lol even the republicans couldn’t have made that up….