r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/singlebullet 4d ago

If that's what they're telling him, THEY ARE NUTS! I was just watching Wes Moore being interviewed on TV. They kept interspersing the interview with clips of Biden during the debate. It was so awful, so freaking embarrassing, I had to turn it off.

The Dems have been doing this for a decade now, where the high profile insiders get the nod automatically and voters don't count. They did it with Hillary, who wasn't really all that popular, and they gave her enough delegates to ace the convention before a single primary vote was counted. They did it again with Biden even though they knew he was a risk, and had badly lost the first few primaries. Obama had to step in and juggle the players to insure Biden got the nod anyway. That's the Democrat's idea of democracy.

This time around they've done it again, making sure Biden didn't even really have to do a damn thing for the nomination, it was as if it was preordained and all over.

Because of that this is where we are. Sooner or later Biden was going to have to show if he still had anything left in him, and what he showed the other night was one of the saddest demonstrations of misplacement that I've ever seen. I couldn't have imagined a bigger gift to Donald Trump, who is the most dangerous candidate this country has ever had for President, and who must be defeated.

I'm hoping they VERY QUICKLY get in Whitmer and Newsom (either at the top of the ticket is okay by me). That would be our only chance of avoiding more Trump craziness, but the fact is, because of the Democrats nonsense way of doing things it may already be too late.

P.S. P-l-e-a-s-e, forget Harris. The only reason she's even in there is that Hillary pushed her in and she doesn't have the popularity or the polling to help us out now. Also, for those pushing Buttiegieg, no way it will happen. Just forget about him. He doesn't have the experience, hasn't done that great a job in the administration, and I have sincere doubts enough of the country is willing to elect a gay man who is married to another man.


u/robbviously Georgia 4d ago

Buttiegeig will have to be VP if he wants a serious chance at the presidency.

Newsom would destroy Trump and that’s who they should bring in as the replacement nominee.


u/Sweetieandlittleman 4d ago

Newsom or Whitmer.


u/cvanhim 3d ago

I will say with regard to Harris, keeping her on the ticket is the only way to utilize the current campaign funds which right now is a lot of money, but I agree that Newsom or Whitmer would be much much much better than Biden (I’m partial to Whitmer). I even think Harris could destroy Trump at this point, though, if needed. She would certainly do better than Biden via cutting his baggage on age


u/singlebullet 3d ago

Harris was losing her own primaries before Hillary managed to push her into the VP slot. Hillary was carting Harris around the Hamptons very early in the '20 race trying to raise funds for her pursuit of becoming the President. In the end, it sure looked like Harris was going to flat out lose in her own State of California. Harris, for whatever reason, has never been very popular or well-liked. Her polling consistently shows that. Harris possibly becoming President, given Biden's age, has always been a problem in this mix. Replacing Biden with Harris would surely be a dead end.


u/cvanhim 3d ago

I agree that it looks that way, but I do think Harris would beat Trump. I think it would be close, but I think she still has a better shot at this point than Biden.


u/sir_mrej Washington 4d ago

People don't know Whitmer

People won't like Newsom

Your magic names aren't other people's magic names.

Replacing Biden won't work.


u/infinite_in_faculty 3d ago edited 3d ago

People don't need to know Whitmer she just needs to win the rust belt where she is wildly popular particularly in her home state. Nobody can win the WHite House without Michigan she guarantees that.

People will get to know Newsom, he is flawed but very charismatic and can actually speak in coherent sentences to deliver the Democratic Party message properly which is what people will be voting for.

Replacing Biden will be chaos but it will also focus the world's media to the Democrats and essentially give free campaign advertising it will also energize the base and bring in new voters.

The worse thing they could do right now is to do nothing, and carry on with this loosing trajectory. Take the risk, shake things up, it will be crazy and it will be chaos but it will be worth it.


u/sir_mrej Washington 3d ago

I'd like to see Whitmer run in four years and see how far she gets. I think you underestimate misogyny in this country.

I love Newsom and I want him to run in 4 years.

Replacing Biden will energize SOME of the base, but it will also divide ALL of the base. Why did you choose THIS person and not THAT person? Why didnt we have a PRIMARY to decide all this? etc etc etc.

New voters will be amazed that the Dems are in this much disarray.


u/infinite_in_faculty 3d ago

You don’t seem to understand the electorate it’s not about winning over misogynistic Republican voters.

This about Winn over independents in battleground states like the Pennsylvania or the rust belt they are the ones who decide the elections, we are trying to appeal to the independent voters who voted for Haley/Tulsi and the like who are still undecided.

Guess what independents tend to not give a shit if the candidate is a woman. The only ones who care about the nominees gender are all in the hard right.

This election is not about Republicans, it’s not even about you this election is about independents, who are now seeing Biden as a dementia patient who can barely form a sentence and claims he finally beat Medicare!!

Try to understand the electorate.


u/sir_mrej Washington 2d ago

I agree with everything you said.

My point is - Biden has name recognition and is attached to Obama.

The other candidates will start off in a MUCH worse place, PLUS all the stories of Dems fucking up.

I do not believe ANY candidate can overcome all of that and win this fall. I wish they could. I wish we had a better bench of people. We don't.

Also independents DO give a shit if it's a woman. This country still has pockets of racism and misogyny everywhere, not just in the Trumpers. :(


u/Independent-Bug-9352 3d ago

How much have you actually thought this through beyond like, one level a chess move?

What, do you think "Breaking News: Biden Steps down; endorses Whitmer" will not get any attention following that and the subsequent unprecedented open convention? Do you really think this won't be widespread news on every television and dinner-table conversation in America for months on end?


u/sir_mrej Washington 3d ago

Two people were in the Presidential debate.

One of them said nothing whatsoever of substance. Also when that person was previously President, they wrote things like 'hamberder' and wrote on weather maps with a sharpie.

The other person in the debate was an old doddering mumbling old person.

Is the news talking about how fascist and horrible the first one is? Is the news talking about how they said nothing of substance in the debate? Nope. The news is talking about the second person and how mumbling they are.

Why the fuck do you think the news is gonna treat "Dems in disarray" any better?

The fact that there are still 'undecideds' means there's a ton of people who don't really pay attention to politics or all of the craziness we think about on a daily basis. Do you really think those people are gonna read "Trump" and "Whitmer" on the ballot and know who the fuck Whitmer is?

LOL you also mention the open convention. I literally have watched parts of two conventions in my entire life - Obama's, and part of Hillary's. That's it. And I follow politics. 'Undecideds' in Pennsylvania aren't watching that.


u/Independent-Bug-9352 3d ago edited 3d ago

And guess what? Nothing moved the needle

The news talked about January 6th. The news talked about Trump's 4 criminal indictments. The news talked about Trump's Covid response, Project 2025, nuking hurricanes, injecting bleach, etc, etc.

And guess what? It hasn't made a difference. Biden is still losing.

What astounds me about your response is you couldn't actually confront my question head-on but instead chose to dance around it.

Maybe you should ask yourself the question why there are so many undecided voters. Once there, you can discover that 70% believe Joe Biden is too old and that the debate just solidified and exacerbated that perception.

So unless you actually have a better idea and actually confront my argument head-on, then I'm going to presume one has nothing of substance.

Fun fact: Josh Shapiro did better in Pennsylvania with independent swing-voters than Joe Biden.

Edit: That you compare an open convention with an incumbent president stepping down to normal closed conventions is all I need to see.