r/politics Pueblo 4d ago

Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David Soft Paywall


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u/Hellhammer2 4d ago edited 4d ago

Let's be absolutely clear about what the situation is here - the Democratic party is betting absolutely everything on Joe Biden's health not deteriorating in the next six months. If they are wrong, not only are we headed for a very organized implementation of fascism, but it will be the complete obliteration of the Democratic party apparatus as a whole.

As facism is on the rise in Europe I think it is becoming clear that neoliberalism is failing now that a monolithic hegemony fueled by constant economic imperialism is no longer possible. It turns out that we are indeed not at the "end of history" as they proclaimed in victory following the fall of the Soviet Union. The true battle between fascism and socialism is about to return in a big way.

I hope that we all survive it.


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

We are being held hostage by the democratic party

These people knew Joe was unfit and he run through the primary unopposed with them assuring us everything was OK.

It wan't OK, it isn't

Kamala won't organize the 25th because she's going to realize her only chance to be President if Joe actually wins. Nobody would vote for her to be President otherwise.

I feel like we are leveraged to choose between dementia and evil and the democratic party has put us here. We can call Trump names all day but these people know Joe Biden can't be President and they're relying on us to hate Trump enough to ignore Biden's obvious mental condition.

We are voting with a gun to our heads. This is not right. Shame on all of these disgraceful people. We need Big Gretch.


u/sir_mrej Washington 4d ago

Welcome to the system we have in place! IT SUCKS but it's what we've got.

It would be great if the Republicans werent fascists OR if our fellow Americans didnt vote for fascists.

But here we are.

So you can blame the DNC. Sure. But blame the Republicans more.


u/TarFeelsOverTarReals 4d ago

You are presuming what we saw at the debate is his baseline. That goes against what we have seen in other recent public appearances. Moreover, if you truly think this is his baseline and they were lying to cover it up, why agree to a debate? Your logic doesn't logic.


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

Decline means that decline.. it doesn't hold a flat trendline, he isn't going to gravitate to normal. He's going to get older not younger. He is not Benjamin Button, you saw he was unfit.


u/TarFeelsOverTarReals 4d ago

Seemed pretty fit the last four years. I think that is a larger sample size than one night. His answers were more on topic and supported by facts than his debate opponent. Did you actually watch the debate or read through his responses, or were you just told that he did awful and went with it?


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

When did you see him unscripted and defending himself for 90 minutes over the last 4 years? We got our first actual look at him, it was way worse then we have been led to believe. His policy is the democratic party policy, his record is their record, a staff and a cabinet that can run the office - he can't lead the free world and we all see that.

They pulled back the curtain and we saw the wizard has dementia


u/TarFeelsOverTarReals 4d ago

I worked in an emergency room. Having baseline cogent elderly patients exhibit signs of dementia or mental decline during sickness is extremely common. You have no evidence to suggest that wasn't the case here. He cited facts and stayed on topic which is not usually the case for patients with dementia.


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

Do you believe he is fit to serve for 4 more years?


u/TarFeelsOverTarReals 4d ago

Unlike you I don't profess to know things that cannot be determined with scant evidence. If you remember, in 2016 people thought Hillary was going to die before the election due to one episode.


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

You didn't answer, man that's just pathetic. So sad the things people compromise.

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u/Regular_Bee_5605 4d ago

He's absolutely fit to serve. He's an amazing president. The only thing that's in question is whether he has the capacity to successfully run this campaign. The rigors of being president and also campaigning simultaneously would take a huge toll on anyone, so of course it's going to take a major toll on an 81 year old. He was exhausted, ill, probably sedated from cold medicine, and I also think he was under such immense pressure that he caved into panic and just choked. Doesn't mean he has dementia.


u/RCA2CE 4d ago

So the part of the job outside of the public eye, the part that a staff member can do - that's the place you think he can do.. but being in public, defending himself and inspiring voters - he can't do that.

That's sort of why we're here, someone's been signing his name on things.


u/ianb2468 4d ago

Getting gaslit by the DNC and the Bidens


u/Jim_Tressel 4d ago

Every other comment is gaslighting or fascism.


u/TheWyldMan 4d ago

I'm thinking maybe we should be more worried about the party that thought it was ok to openly lie to the American people and let unelected bureaucrats run the country. That doesn't exactly sound like democracy to me.


u/the_than_then_guy Colorado 4d ago

At this point, the Democratic Party already made that bet and it's up to Biden to drop out now.


u/Realistic-Editor5080 4d ago

Did you just pick every poli-sci buzzword from the last couple decades in an attempt to sound intelligent or is this AI? Please tell me this is AI…


u/ExtensionFeeling 4d ago

Don't think it's AI but yeah it's a bit much.


u/Simmery 4d ago

Seems like an AI wouldn't misspell 'fascism'. But who the heck knows on the internet today?


u/GaryRuppert America 4d ago

AI usually is able to correctly spell fascism.

Dems are putting a lot of chips on the idea of "this guy who lost an election in 2020 plans to turn America into a dictatorship" when voters have been hearing fearmongering about Trump as a President for 8 years. This election is about who was the better President between Trump and Biden.


u/TNlivinvol 4d ago

Trump has told us what he plans to do. The MAGA cult has told us what they plan to do. We have ears, we have eyes. Stop gaslighting.


u/GaryRuppert America 4d ago

It goes in one ear and out the other because Dems have been crying wolf about Republicans for decades. The more you all shout about some grand plan, the more that normal voters think you all are some sort of nutters.


u/TNlivinvol 4d ago

Sure buddy. They overturned Roe and have banned IVF in a state. Now another state is requiring public schools to teach the Bible.

We see it. Trump says it. His followers say it. It’s not a secret.


u/5G_afterbirth America 4d ago

Way to avoid comment on the substance of the point and instead attack how much jargon it contains.


u/Aldren 4d ago

With the massive sudden influx of users all thinking that Biden should step down, im thinking is a push by the Right/Russia to get this message out

Sure the debate was horrible but Biden is still sharp, and his policies are working very well. Switching him out with 5 months to go would be suicide for the Dems


u/Th3Pool 4d ago

Yeah cause Biden is looking like winning right now. His poll numbers are worse than 2020 even before the debate. The influx of users is because everyone saw with their own eyes the lies Bidens campaign has been telling. Unbelievable we are at this point right now. Democracy is at stake but apparently Joe Biden thinks his ego is greater than the future of the country. If Biden loses, his legacy will fall into the trash heap of history.


u/Aldren 4d ago

Cant argue that but replacing a party leader now would 100% guarantee Trumps win


u/Th3Pool 4d ago

and you know this how? dont mention 1968 cause those were very very different circumstances.


u/IDUnavailable America 4d ago

He doesn't, and anyone that confidently claims that they do is an idiot. There's still a few Biden diehards making overly-confident claims about how catastrophically bad it would be to have the Dem leadership pressure Biden to drop out and endorse someone else and, as you can see from his response, they can barely articulate why beyond "dude just trust me I'm definitely right".


u/Aldren 4d ago

Trumps team would absolutely eat it up on how the left can't decide on a leader. They also would have much less time to campaign

It would have been nice if he never threw in for reelection but 5 months is too close to switch it up now


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u/Prahasaurus 3d ago

Let's be absolutely clear about what the situation is here - the Democratic party is betting absolutely everything on Joe Biden's health not deteriorating in the next six months.

Not deteriorating? How does it get worse without him dying? The man doesn't even know what day it is, can't finish a coherent thought. And you think it's going to be fine so long as it doesn't get worse?



u/SirPorkinsMagnificat 4d ago

It doesn't really matter if his health deteriorates more—that debate showed everyone that he isn't capable of being president *right now*, let alone for the next 4 years. He's clearly in mental decline and there are probably many horror stories about his mental state that we don't even know about that are even worse than anything in the debate. I can't believe we're not seriously talking about invoking the 25th amendment. I mean, even Jon Stewart made a joke about it.


u/SilentHunter7 Pennsylvania 4d ago

that debate showed everyone that he isn't capable of being president right now, let alone for the next 4 years.

Except you're forgetting that he is president right now, and by all metrics his leadership has been excellent.


u/DisneyPandora 4d ago

Not based on the economy and inflation


u/SilentHunter7 Pennsylvania 4d ago

The United States has had the lowest inflation and strongest economy among developed countries since the pandemic. Whatever the fuck he's doing, he's done better than literally everyone else.


u/libroll 4d ago

You’re worried about fascism now?

The current president is only able to function for six hours a day. That means the other 18 hours, a secret, anonymous power completely unelected by the people is running the country and making decisions. And this is a plot implemented and carried out in secret by the Democratic Party.


u/MusicIsTheWay 4d ago

Is that shadow-president in the room with us now?


u/libroll 4d ago

I don’t know, since we’re not allowed to know who it is.

Who do YOU think is making decisions during Biden’s sundowning hours? What do you think the process is when a decision comes up and the President is not able to make it?


u/SubParMarioBro 4d ago

No. When you bet everything on green and it hits green, you win. With Biden, even if his health does great for the next six months we’re still doomed to a Trump presidency.