r/politics 6d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/SinisterMeatball 6d ago

I'm voting for Biden regardless but seeing Trump do his bullshit last night makes me not want to hear that shit again for 4+ more years. It was exhausting hearing all the media coverage on him daily. Even trying to tune it out you still hear it from people at work.


u/Mataelio 6d ago

It gave me a level of anxiety I have not experienced for several years


u/JimTheSaint 6d ago edited 5d ago

He has literally given the whole world anxiety. It probably can be measured. Because his whole strategy is to sow chaos - and he does it well 


u/Various_Geologist_99 5d ago

whole and I think the world is more fearful of having a weak President like Biden for another 4 years. We'll probably end up with war in China and a larger war in the Middle East.


u/JimTheSaint 5d ago

Actually I meant his "asshole strategy" /s No the world 100% see Trump as the weaker president. It is obvious that Putin has something on him - he has not said bad word about Russia ever - no matter how much Russia fucks with everyone. Trump just keep bowing down to him.  Also keeping the peace in the world is not just the job of the US - it needs all of NATO but Trump does not want to play with everyone else - so it Trump gets elected - China will 100% try something maybe not with Taiwan but one of their other neighbors - becaue they know Trump don't care and they know he makes NATO splintered. 

And if he gives anything to Russia in Ukraine which everyone knows he wants to do - Russia will see that as a major victory and in 3 years they will find another reason to attack a neighbor because that is the thinking of autocratic leaders. 

The world sees biden as the strong one because he wants to fight to protect democracy - Trump only wants to fight to protect what he cares about in any given moment - and that is not a lot.