r/politics 6d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/trippinfunkymunky 6d ago

This is what blew my mind. So many conservatives have no idea Trump had Mike Johnson kill that bill in Congress so Trump could run on immigration.

It amazes me how little so many voters actually know about what is going on. Biden had the opportunity to drive some truths home but seemed too exhausted to be effective last night. I couldn't even understand what Biden was saying half of the time.


u/Consistent_You6151 6d ago

He is clearly tired from all the campaigning while Trump sat his fat ass in court for weeks. Biden has some sort of upper respiratory infection. He looked like he was on cold n flu tablets, whereas Trump was on adderal! Firing up with complete lies and answers totally unrelated to the questions!


u/barto5 6d ago

Trump’s a buffoon, there’s no doubt about that.

But Biden rambled, lost his train of thought several times and just looks too old and feeble to take on the hardest job in the world.

I’ll still vote for him because he’s not Trump. But it’s a pretty sorry state of affairs when we have to choose one of these two men.


u/meatball77 6d ago

I do at least have faith in Biden's administration. He could be puppeted for all I care, the people he has working care about the country more than themselves.