r/politics California 4d ago

Biden concedes debate fumbles but declares he will defend democracy. Dems stick by him -- for now Soft Paywall


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u/Death_and_Gravity1 4d ago

People have been raising red flags about Biden's reelection chances for years and every time they were told by the Party to sit down and get in line. It took the worst debate performance in modern political history for the DNC to wake up to how much trouble their hubris got us into


u/James_E_Rustle 4d ago edited 4d ago

It's the same idiots in charge as 2016. The DNC is a hopeless, corrupt, inept organization. Nobody should be surprised they learned absolutely nothing.

The left wing needs to decide if they want to get serious and start a real grassroots movement to create an actual left wing party. Because the DNC is not it at this point and is almost directly responsible for this Trump mess we are in.


u/Wide-Surprise8810 4d ago

Look what they did to Bowman! Which makes them complicit in genocide in my opinion but I digress... Joe has a rare moment where he can "be" the dominate and deciding voice in that clown car. Deals need to be made. And fast!


u/Kaprak Florida 4d ago

... Bowman got primaried because he's a weirdo 9/11 conspiracy guy and the fire alarm stunt????


u/PunkJackal 4d ago

On top of which he says he reps the Bronx but is primarily a Westchester candidate


u/not-my-other-alt 4d ago

His district was different the first time he ran. NY dems gave him a big swath of Westchester in the redistricting.


u/KnowThySelf101 4d ago

No those were "scandals" brought up by oppo research. He was gerrymandered and spent out of office by conservative dems and AIPAC.


u/Wide-Surprise8810 4d ago

The fire alarm stunt was game. You don't seem to have it.