r/politics 4d ago

Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform Paywall


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u/Thorne1269 4d ago

Yep CNN screwed the entire country by mis-managing the debate. They just let a known con man and liar spew lies non-stop to a nationwide audience with zero fact checking.


u/ChucksnTaylor 4d ago

This is such nonsense. The debate itself was actually one of the best managed debates in a long time thanks to the new rules. CNN did nothing wrong here and actually pressed Trump more than once. The fault here resides with Biden and him alone. First for agreeing to the debate, and second for completely shutting the bed.


u/Old-Rhubarb-97 4d ago

Bullshit, allowing a candidate to say whatever they like is wild, just because the format is slightly better doesn't give CNN a pass. Trump changed the rules 8 years ago, the complete inability to adapt to him, over and over again, has doomed the US.

My fear is it is fucking over the entire world.


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 4d ago

So what, they're just gonna stop Trump every time he lies? Give him the ammo to say he's being "unfairly targeted"?


u/Old-Rhubarb-97 4d ago

... yes, stop him, correct him, forfeit his time.

The alternative being having a presidential candidate stand up there saying democrats want post birth abortions, or hundreds of thousands of people are being murdered by illegal immigrants is a far worse outcome.


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 4d ago

Again, he will use that to his advantage. The man turned being a convicted felon into a strength. You don't understand the enemy.


u/Old-Rhubarb-97 4d ago

Better than letting him spew insanity without consequence.


u/Normal-Lawfulness253 4d ago

That view is myopic. All his lies will do will embolden his base, not convince undecided voters. Preventing him from talking will do more to convince undecided voters as there will be some amount of plausible deniability coming into play. Biden needed to deliver to counter Trump's bs and he failed. You can blame CNN all you want, but at the end of the day the blame lies with Biden's unwillingness to step aside. It's RBG all over again.