r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/StainedBlue 6d ago

Ok, let's be real here. What we saw last night probably was an accurate reflection of how he is normally without a teleprompter. The real reason we're all voting for him – and let's face it – is because he's not Trump. That is itself a very good reason for democrats and left leaning voting, but it's not a good enough reason for undecided voters, else they wouldn't still be undecided. And with how close this election is, it is those undecided voters who will decide the election.


u/Skellum 6d ago

The real reason we're all voting for him

Is because his domestic and foreign policy have been fantastic and the US had benefited greatly and we cannot allow the GoP into power as they will literally murder people.


u/StainedBlue 6d ago

That's his administration. Biden could be replaced by any younger Democrat with similar views, and we would have gotten similar policy decisions. Heck, they'd probably do better. There's a literal wealth of competent high-ranking Democrat governors with great track records who would do great and easily win the presidency if ran against trump. But because of an octogenarian's fucking stubbornness, we have to risk the very real possibility of losing the white house to the Republicans for 4 fucking years. And given the coat tail effect, his unpopularity will taint the legislative landscape and cost us seats there as well.

We definitely can't allow the GoP into power, and I'm definitely voting for Biden, but I'll never forgive him for his refusal to step down and pass the party torch. He'll be fucking 86 by the time his term finishes. He's had a good career, so just end it already while the decline is still beginning. It's the RBG and Feinstein fiascos all over again, and I'm furious that I'm going to be complicit in this.


u/NokKavow 5d ago

because of an octogenarian's fucking stubbornness

Trump won in 2016 because Biden, then the VP, didn't want to run. He'll win in 2024 because Biden insists on running.

He'll be fucking 86 by the time his term finishes

Only if he's lucky. Male life expectancy in the US is 76.