r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/ireaditonwikipedia 6d ago

For months voters have been telling pollsters that they have serious concerns about Biden's age and the response has been finger wagging and telling people to get in line.

Last night's disaster just proved their point. Heck, even I have concerns now. Of course I am never going to vote for an orange rapist, but this debate has done NOTHING to assuage the fears of age.


u/longtermattention 6d ago

The messaging has pretty much been "Don't believe your lying eyes and ears." He's doing the same shit with defending Israel saying they aren't doing war crimes. Things you can clearly see for yourself


u/Magjee Canada 6d ago

The message is basically:

Look, either you stick with Biden, or you get the trump again?


You don't get to have good, you only get to have the threat of even worse


u/sir_mrej Washington 6d ago

That’s how our system works. Welcome to being a grownup. We don’t get to choose unicorns


u/Magjee Canada 5d ago

What system would that be?

The democratic primary system was redone to allow party insiders to select the candidate and sidestep regular members votes 1/2 century ago


Being a grown-up doesn't mean you have to enjoy existing in a rugged system

It's not about generating a perfect candidate, it's about using a primary system to let people decide on one


Being grownup would be recognizing Biden shouldn't have run for a second term

Not denying reality and lying about how energetic and coherent he is (in cabinet meetings no one can view) and how he's going to easily win

It's delusional


u/sir_mrej Washington 5d ago

I don't enjoy the current system

Sitting presidents almost never go through primaries. That's the current system. Yep, he shouldn't have run again. Should've said that on day 1. But here we are.

He's not energenic, he's not a great choice, but he's better than Trump.

As long as you vote Biden and tell others to as well, feel free to complain all you want