r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/Plunderberg 6d ago

And if he can't do that in the next (last) debate he is absolutely cooked.

Wr need a new candidate who we don't need to reinvent the wheel for, with a chance to win greather than 27 percent. If Trump is the antichrist we're being told he is? They need to start acting like it.


u/Skellum 6d ago

Wr need a new candidate

Could you and others stop saying something this nonsense? You dont get a new candidate. Every interest group has locked in, every voter knows who they're voting for if theyre comitted. There is literally zero fucking time to change this and changing this now with no primary means no stakeholder buy in.

Biden could take his dick out and begin masturbating on TV and he will still be the candidate. Focus on real things that can be done.


u/paultheschmoop 6d ago

You don’t get a new candidate

You’re right, and this is the biggest problem. Biden should never have been the candidate in the first place, and voters didn’t have the choice to pick a better candidate. And now we’re risking losing the most important election of our lifetime because the DNC fumbled what should’ve been the easiest layup in election history. Infuriating.


u/Skellum 6d ago

Voters didn't have a choice

Voters could have chosen from any of the available candidates back in 2019/2020. They chose, to a significant margin, Biden. I dont think people get that every time they do this "omg biden was chosen for us!" thing it's basically an attempt to disenfranchise every voter who did support him.

If your argument is "I wish we had people more representative of me" then yes, that's a reasonable wish. I understand it. I dont know you, so I dont necessarily agree with you, but I understand it and it's more valid than "we just yoink people's choices from them and appoint someone!"


u/paultheschmoop 6d ago

Biden was chosen by the voters after the DNC put the order out for all of the centrist candidates to fall in line. He was, in fact, not being chosen by a significant margin before that happened, where Biden was selected as the “unity” candidate.

Regardless, I wasn’t even talking about 2020. I was talking about 2024, where the voters indeed did not have the choice of another candidate. Biden should not have been a candidate in 2024, as he is too old. He should’ve stepped aside to give voters the choice between coherent candidates, but chose not to. Now we are paying the price.


u/Skellum 6d ago

Candidates dropped out. Voters chose to vote for Biden.

Wow. Amazing. Voters made a choice and their choice aligned with Biden, not with Bernie. Fucking amazing. It's like people have free will and generally understood what they wanted to vote for.

I get it, you demand a recount until you get your way as you dont accept the legitimacy of the 2020 election. It's been all we can hear from MAGA for ages, it's amazing how it keeps making it's rounds.


u/paultheschmoop 6d ago

If you’re going to invent a straw man to argue with, have fun with that. Allow me to reiterate:

I wasn’t even talking about 2020

You misunderstood me, argued against something I wasn’t talking about, and then doubled down when I clarified that you actually weren’t even discussing the same thing I was. Truly impressive.

I do not give a shit about 2020.

Many voters, myself included, thought that Biden’s age and the visible aging signs that he’s shown over the past 4 years were an electoral liability in 2024. If given a less risky candidate, many would have voted for them instead of Biden, since we don’t want to take any chances of Trump winning. No choice was given. There was no legitimate primary in 2024. Biden was the only option. Now, what do you know, his age is a serious problem and very well could lead to Trump winning the presidency again despite the comical amount of baggage that Trump comes with.

Pretty much literally any other milquetoast democrat would not have this problem. But the one choice that we were given is indeed now a liability.