r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/ireaditonwikipedia 4d ago

For months voters have been telling pollsters that they have serious concerns about Biden's age and the response has been finger wagging and telling people to get in line.

Last night's disaster just proved their point. Heck, even I have concerns now. Of course I am never going to vote for an orange rapist, but this debate has done NOTHING to assuage the fears of age.


u/By_Design_ Oregon 4d ago

They are going to quadruple down and if Biden poofs into a pile of ashes before the election, the DNC will dig Dianne Feinstein out of her grave.

The DNC heard people saying "a corpse is better than Trump" and took it as a challenge.

Fuck every DNC leader.


u/busterak47 Florida 4d ago

last night's debate is exactly why there should have been a legitimate primary challenge with town halls and debates. Dems learned nothing from 2016. They force through their 'legacy' picks and the will of the voters be damned. Cheapens the hell out of their "defending American democracy at all costs" message when they refuse to listen to their constituency.

Anyone fed up with both parties should look to bury MAGA in 2024 and bury the DNC in 2028. It's time for real change.


u/CCDemille 4d ago

What you need to break American politics out of its deadlock is ranked choice vot8ng and give people a range of choices.


u/Deathismybitchlovur 3d ago

Why would Dems learn any lesson look in r/politics if the DNC presented a pile of shit everyone would fall in line and vote for it