r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/BLF402 6d ago

If you go back and watch the debate last night Biden was more on point when it comes to the platform whereas trump was just spewing nonsense lies and self congratulatory rhetoric.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/noiserr 6d ago

It is not cope. Biden while looking frail and not really being all there, still delivered some coherent responses which were factual. I mean I know it's a really low bar, but the person above is saying the truth. As the debate went on Biden kept improving with his responses.

That said, I still think he lost the debate. But perhaps there is a silver lining. The Dem voters now for sure know that there is a real possibility of Trump winning. And that may actually boost the votes for Biden. Biden actually received a surge in donations post debate, I think for this very reason.

This is not cope.


u/AWanderingGygax 6d ago

This is RBG all over again, Colbert training montage and all. Van Jones could barely comment last night due to tears in his eyes over Biden's physical welfare. Kamala couldn't keep a clear voice, it was something out of VEEP.

But on Reddit people "don't see" the Democrat panic. You guys need to be absolutely terrified right now.


u/noiserr 6d ago edited 6d ago

This is RBG all over again

I've seen people make this parallel before, and I don't think it quite applies here. RBG situation was unique to SCOTUS. She could have stepped down during Obama when asked and preserved the seat in the process, without the need of electorate. She selfishly decided not to.

This time the choice is much harder.

  • Biden beat Trump already.

  • Biden is not a generally hated President and is going against an opponent who is.

  • Biden is an incumbent who improved the economy (this is a big one).

  • He's genuinely done a lot of good things in the office (and some not so great things, but such is the nature of the job).

And while I do hope they pick someone younger. I do not think it's at all an easy decision like it was when it comes to RBG.


u/AWanderingGygax 6d ago

By "this is RBG all over again" I mean that people are hedging on a "safe" octogenarian bet that will inevitably fail when it's time to swing the bat.


u/Ok_Meaning_6862 6d ago

Reddit is a combination of russian, chinese and democrat party bots they wont see anything


u/Jorge_Santos69 6d ago

I love how y’all are too foolish to even realize you out yourselves as regular consumers of Fox News and the like