r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/naetron 6d ago

The major lesson from 2016 shouldn't be "the DNC should have given us someone better." It should be, "look what happens if you let Trump become President."


u/pax284 6d ago

yes and that thought process is why they are running Biden again...and he is going to lose.

Because fuck actually fucking trying to find a candidate that the people actually fucking want to vote for. that's hard. Just through up Biden because hey, it isn't Trump and that is the only qualification needed.

Being able to talk for 2 minutes without rambling and confusing yourself. Not a requirement.


u/naetron 6d ago edited 6d ago

they are running Biden again

Who is "they"? Biden is the President. He is the one choosing to run. If you are referring to the DNC, then you are misunderstanding some of the basics of how this all works. There is no one that can force Biden to step aside.


u/zzyul 6d ago

They may not be able to force him to but they better be in his ear and the ears of all his inner circle explaining to him why he needs to agree to not accept the party nomination and run in November. This is RBG all over again. Her reluctance to step down cost us Roe. Biden’s reluctance may end up costing us our democracy.


u/naetron 6d ago

I'm leaning towards agreeing with all of this. I think Biden has been a great President. I also think he has been a pretty terrible Presidential candidate and it's starting to worry me.


u/SweatyLaughin247 6d ago

As is often the case in this sub, most people have no idea what the DNC is, what it does, and who staffs it.

It does make a convenient scapegoat though.


u/pax284 6d ago

the DNC.

You are correct no one can stop him from running again.

Just like no one can stop you or anyone else from running, doesn't mean that you or Biden should have gotten the full weight of the DNC behind you just cause you aren't Trump.

The DNC easily could have primaried Biden, but they chose not to because they knew he would look exactly like he did last night, even against friendly opponents. Then we are told not to believe our eyes, and he isn't actually an octogenarian who can't speak for 2 minutes without confusing himself.


u/naetron 6d ago

Biden controls the DNC. You are saying he should have primaried himself. It makes no sense.


u/pax284 6d ago

no, no he doesn't.

The head of the DNC is Jamie Harrison. Who is surrounded by all the normal C-level exec types in a committee.

To suggest Biden is in solo control of the DNC is laughable.


u/naetron 6d ago

How do you think Jamie Harrison got his job? Lmao

And I didn't say "solo control".


u/pax284 6d ago

Biden controls the DNC.

I claim you suggested it, cause you did.

Yes, he was appointed by Biden. Are you suggesting that he should be loyal to Biden over the party or the country because of that? Sounds very Trumpian of you.


u/naetron 6d ago

Of course not. Are you suggesting that the Democratic President of the United States does not set the agenda for the DNC? Or are you suggesting Harrison and other DNC leaders should have openly revolted against the entire actual Democratic leadership? You realize the DNC has no real power, right?


u/pax284 6d ago

The DNC controls the convention, and every member of the DNC is a "super delegate"(those things that won Hilary the primary over Bernie), so once again, suggesting they have no real power is laughable.

You are right. The president sets the policy agenda. However, the fundraising and campaign strategies, as well as anything else for the democrats, are funneled through the DNC.

And to call having a primary challenger a "revolt" is also very over the top and Trumpian of you.


u/naetron 6d ago

Sounds like Harrison himself doesn't feel like he has much control over the DNC. I don't know, maybe you're right and I'm wrong. Calling me Trumpian a couple of times after twisting my words was great though. Keep that kind of stuff up!



u/pax284 6d ago edited 6d ago

"twisting my words"

You suggested that because Biden nominated Harrison for the job, he is loyal to Biden over the job. The thing Trump values more than anything is loyalty to Trump, no matter the job.

You then called having a primary challenger a revolt. Clearly exaggerating what having a primary even is by suggesting that any challenger whatsoever to a man who can't speak for 2 min without confusing himself is an act of mutanty against the president.

Trump over-exaggerates every time he speaks.

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