r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/cornflakegrl Canada 6d ago

Yes, and you can continue to improve from stroke related symptoms, age does not get better.


u/GoodUserNameToday 6d ago

No but a cough drop and a glass of water helps you get better after a cold and dry mouth 


u/Slapbox I voted 6d ago

A cold never makes someone ramble off and end a sentence nonsensically.

I'll vote for anyone over Trump, but Joe Biden is on the path to certain defeat and the only way to change course is to change candidate.


u/seasiren_666 6d ago

i've already commented this elsewhere but infections affect the elderly different. i'm not saying Joe was suffering from cold-induced delirium but it's not at all far fetched to say that. I worked in a nursing home and even the most sane of old people would go crazy when they'd get certain infections.

is Joe probably just getting old, maybe. I don't really keep up with him so i can't say. but these dudes are super old and illnesses will affect them differently than they affect us. especially if he is already declining — sickness would only make it worse.


u/ladyphase 6d ago

It really is wild—my dad is 73 and hallucinates when he has a UTI.


u/seasiren_666 6d ago

it can be so scary for all parties involved. I walked in on many, otherwise, sane residents talking to themselves because of UTIs and other infections. it still scares me some of the things they would say and see.


u/Kaprak Florida 6d ago

This actually specifically happened to Chuck Grassley some years ago IIRC.

He had a UTI and it made him seem like he was going nuts. No he's just older than dirt and sick.


u/Holycity 6d ago

Sounds like he shouldn't be president to be honest then.


u/seasiren_666 6d ago

I agree. elderly should not be running our country. they're susceptible to delirium.


u/ilovecfb Tennessee 6d ago

This makes it worse, you see that right

If a cold can put him down like that, what’s the flu gonna do. This guy wants to be president til 86 guys. 86 years old


u/seasiren_666 6d ago

per literally all of my other responses. I know. it wasn't supposed to make it better, it is just the truth. both Trump and Biden are too old to be in office. a UTI would take either of them out. Trump isn't immune to anything i'm saying here. i hate them both.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/seasiren_666 6d ago

illness could affect both Biden and Trump that way.