r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/DannySmashUp 6d ago

I hope and pray that Biden wins. For the sake of maintaining American democracy, NATO and the sanity of the planet.

But Fetterman is not someone I will ever listen to.


u/DuskGideon 6d ago

Don't waste your time with that. Pray he gets replaced with someone who can win instead.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

It’s too late for that. Biden already beat Trump once. They voted anti-Trump and they’ll do it again.

Let’s see what has happened since then:

  1. ⁠⁠⁠Trump became a felon.

  2. ⁠⁠⁠Trump tried to overthrow democracy by sending an armed angry mob to Congress and plotted to have fake votes counted.

  3. ⁠⁠⁠He has more pending criminal trials including mishandling top secret documents and election interference.

  4. ⁠⁠⁠He was found liable for sexual assault.

  5. ⁠⁠⁠He was found guilty of inflating his assets to obtain better loans.

  6. ⁠⁠⁠Biden has a track record of decades-high legislative achievements and a booming economy with lower inflation than most other developed countries.

  7. ⁠⁠⁠Abortion was severely limited or banned in some states which led to a blue wave of victories.

I don’t see how Biden stumbling on a dozen words last night is going to move the needle much. People are still going to vote anti-Trump.


u/NinjaOtter 6d ago

General population doesn't give a shit about that if Trump promises more money in their pockets

People are simple man, and all that "noise" flies in one ear and out the other for them

Just because you're rational doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to see the irrationality of the populace


u/thrivingintheblue 6d ago

Trump has never won a popular vote


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 6d ago

Ya people have forgotten Biden only ever won in 2020 because people hate Trump.

Also, thanks for a non-reactionary take.


u/SchemeMoist 6d ago

That might have worked last election but doing this whole "put up a terrible candidate and threaten people into voting for them because the alternative is trump" will only work for so long, and this is the 3rd election of this shit. And Biden is noticeably, visibly worse this election.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

No problem. If you want to feel better about Biden’s mental faculties you should watch his speech from today.


It’s great!


u/DuskGideon 6d ago

You're acting like replacing Biden wouldn't improve the odds of Trump losing. Your facts are good, but your base premise is flawed.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

I don’t think it would. Biden is a known quantity that beat him already.


u/MetalMeddler 6d ago

Biden won.. barely because he convinced people that don’t like him to vote against Trump. Can the same excuse be used again? I thought voting for Biden in 2020 would buy 4 years for a good candidate to arise. Since there is no other good candidate then why should I buy 4 more years for the dipshit dems to put Hillary back in there. There is no leadership in America.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

Since Biden beat Trump, Trump has become a felon, found liable for sexual assault, instigated Jan 6, and has other criminal charges pending.

Meanwhile Biden has had a very successful four years.


u/MetalMeddler 6d ago

And he should have used those successful 4 years to find a successor. His VP isn’t even someone he sees as a successor or else she would’ve ran instead.


u/DuskGideon 6d ago

My boomer step mother, one week ago, spent 20 minutes attempting to convince me that Biden is still mentally sharp and charismatic.

I told her this was how the debate would go. I told her I saw live town halls four years ago where Biden was already not answering questions correctly, getting confused and verbally trailing off. She didn't believe me.

MSM gaslit her. MSM gaslit millions of Americans. He should never have won the primary four years ago but they deliberately downplayed and hid this crap from the public. The boomer suburbanite base that voted for him for 2020 most certainly was not largely aware that Biden's mind was already going because they were watching MSNBC and CNN.

Edit - I've spoken to her since the debate. Her view of him was completely shattered.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

Well you should feel pretty bad then because the last four years have been good. I care more about results than armchair diagnosis.


u/DuskGideon 6d ago

Pretty good how?


u/MrEHam 6d ago

Biggest climate change bill ever

Biggest gun reform in over two decades

Chips act

Great economy with lower inflation than most other developed nations

Infrastructure bill

United world against Putin invading Europe

Capped price of insulin

Unprecedented student loan forgiveness


u/MetalMeddler 6d ago

Minimum wage is still the same $7.25. I’m 27 years old and the minimum wage has been the same since I was 12. I don’t make minimum wage but I also don’t benefit any more from Biden in office than Trump. At least in a Trump presidency people are actually motivated to go outside and burn shit. I also already paid off my college. Biggest climate bill and most extensive drilling in American history.

Biden doesn’t propose solutions to fix things, just band aids to prevent people from rioting.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

Trump gave a Trillion dollar tax cut to the rich. Money that could’ve been used to fix some things. A lot of things. Trump goes in the opposite direction.


u/MetalMeddler 6d ago

Damn. Then I guess Hillary Clinton wasn’t the best choice for candidate in 2016 then. Maybe one day DNC will put forward a good candidate that makes Americans proud to follow their leadership. Until then I’ll be supporting 3rd party candidates that may one day get enough votes to get them public funding.

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