r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/processedmeat 6d ago

If that was going to happened it would have been done by now.  Biden is the nominee.  

Your options are get on board or have a trump presidency.  The party doesn't care about what you want. 


u/bestforward121 6d ago

Then I guess we’ll just lose. I’ll vote blue no matter who but do you actually think Biden has any shot at winning after that performance? After all he’s only getting older.


u/Silvaria928 6d ago

I’ll vote blue no matter who but do you actually think Biden has any shot at winning after that performance?

This one debate does not erase the damage done to women's reproductive rights. This one debate does not erase the deaths that Trump directly caused because of covid. This one debate does not erase the blatant racism. This one debate does not nullify the felony conviction.

Within 10 days the media will be focused on the sentencing and this debate will be ancient history. Meanwhile, we will continue pointing out all of the above in our fight to make sure Trump stays out of the White House forever.


u/bestforward121 6d ago

The media and the voters have been hammering Biden’s age since 2020, and it has been his single biggest liability for years. If you think that debate performance is going to be forgotten then you’re a fool.

If I was a Republican strategist I’d be running clips of Biden from that debate every hour of every day.


u/Silvaria928 6d ago

If you think that on November 5th tens of millions of people are going to say, "Gee, I would have voted for Biden but for that one debate back in June", you are not thinking long-term.

We still have four months to go, four months of Trump saying and doing stupid things to turn people off. Four months that will include a sentencing and possibly at least one more trial. Four months of being reminded that he is already a convicted felon. Four months of being reminded that women are dying because of Trump. I guarantee you that Democrat strategists will be hammering that last two point home on a daily basis and we already have plenty of evidence that the abortion issue could very well be what kills Trump's chances at the White House.

People like you seem to forget that we're on the same side here, and there is literally nothing productive to be gained from name-calling.


u/bestforward121 6d ago

I hope you remember this comment when Biden loses to trump in November. We have a chance to replace Biden with someone who has a chance to win, and if Biden and the DNC drives us off the cliff while berating us for raising our concerns that he’s too old I’ll have to just step away from paying attention to politics for my own sanity.


u/Silvaria928 6d ago

I don't know who is berating you for having concerns about his age since all I've seen today across the entirety of the Internet is concern about his age.

Furthermore, I never said that I wasn't concerned about his age. I didn't want him to run in 2020 because I thought he was too old back then.

As far as replacing him, perhaps you have forgotten that the DNC has made it extremely clear that they are not beholden to us for their decisions. We learned that back in 2016 and their pick of Biden in 2020 only reinforced that.

So I'm genuinely curious, what exactly would you have us do to change the situation?


u/bestforward121 6d ago

Keep demanding that Biden step down, exactly what I’m doing now. I’ve called my democratic reps and asked them to do the same.

You’re the one trying to downplay this as no big deal that everyone will forget about.