r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/LuchaLutra 4d ago edited 4d ago

Don't tell me to chill the fuck out bro, our party is propping up a man who has NO BUSINESS running a second term as our "strongest" choice.

You had a bad debate once...that is correct. You also said some really dumbass things...but your "bad debate" happened in your 50's...not your fucking 80's.

This clown man...stop defending this shit and trying to unpanic the party members. We have EVERY RIGHT to be freaking out, and it's YOU and the party's fault for not giving us someone with more of a fighting chance instead of a placeholder.

Like form a god damn huddle with your other seating colleagues and figure this shit out, NOW, not later. America ain't got no time for a later. Biden needs to be out on a train ride somewhere enjoying his retirement, not scaring the ever loving hell out of millions of people with the realization that Trump can actually win. He is NOT as strong as he needs to be, stumbling over his words and looking like he is about to pass out from exhaustion. We can't have that shit being portrayed all over the country and the world. We can't.

So tired of this moving goal posts namby pamby bullshit. The utter audacity. Learned not a damn thing from RBG, or Feinstein. You guys are going to kill this dude because you are too damn lazy and scared to step up to the plate.

Fucking cowards. Grow a damn spine and fight for our country. I didn't give 5 years of my life to this country for ya'll to play tiddlywinks and play grab ass. Give me some semblance of security that our country is even worth it anymore, because I believe it is, but I ain't seeing that fire from ya'll.


u/SolidLikeIraq New York 4d ago

They need to immediately figure out the top 10-15 replacements and do a media blitz tearing apart everything that Trump said. Everything. Go after him brutally with no hold back at all.

Whoever gets the best responses from the Democratic electorate gets pushed forward as the candidate this year.

Biden could hardly stand or respond to easy layup lies. If the Dems lose this election, the entire world changes dramatically.


u/thosewhocannetworkd 3d ago

It’s inevitable man. There’s no stopping this at this point.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/cloud9ineteen 4d ago

Did you respond to the wrong comment? The person you replied to is recommending replacing Biden as candidate


u/Obvious-Mechanic5298 4d ago

Yeah appears so. Think it was the one higher