r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/Dp04 6d ago

Fetterman was recovering from a stroke…. I don’t think comparing Biden’s performance to a recovering stroke victims is a very powerful positive message.


u/CaveRanger 6d ago

A stroke victim who abruptly decided to be a conservative after his recovery.


u/9bpm9 6d ago

You guys sure love to identify anyone who supports Israel as a right wing conservative.


u/whomstc 6d ago

go ahead and ignore his anti immigrant and anti climate stances that he flipped on as well


u/kongenavingenting 6d ago

anti immigrant


Unchecked immigration does not work. As a neighbour to Sweden, I should know. Christ sake yesterday Sweden's former PM publicly apologised to us for the mess they've made for us in Scandinavia with their immigration bullshit.

What kind of purist lunacy is this? He's dissenting on immigration so he's not leftist? That's like trumpists shouting RINO. You're that person.

anti climate

A quick search tells me he's concerned about energy security, not anti-climate.

Here's a helpful perspective: if you don't have energy security, you don't have a functioning society. At the end of the day, your comfortable reddit-posting ass isn't going to give up any of your (many!) privileges, so how about don't be a hypocrite and realise you and him have the same policy stance. He's just honest.


u/whomstc 6d ago

lol cool bud i'm glad "a quick search" was all it took for you to come back here and be confidently wrong


u/DWGrithiff 6d ago

Unchecked immigration does not work. As a neighbour to Sweden, I should know.

You mean there are racists in northern Europe ???? 😲 

Assuming you're about 12 (based on the rest of your post), I'm surprised you're not more concerned about a future with runaway climate change. Stay in school.


u/kongenavingenting 5d ago

Ah yes, calling others a racist and then trying to insult them. Telltale signs of internet brain rot.


u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

Nah, I am in Denmark and there are plenty of racists here.


u/kongenavingenting 5d ago

There are racists everywhere.

Denmark, as with Scandinavia in general, is one of the countries with the least amount of racism.


u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

Denmark, as with Scandinavia in general, is one of the countries with the least amount of racism.

😂 That's hilarious.


u/DWGrithiff 5d ago

Unless you were implying that Norway should build a wall to keep those damn Swedes out, yes, I'm comfortable attributing anti-immigrant sentiment to blatant racism. At your tender age, though, you have time to broaden your horizons and grow out of this 🤞 


u/kongenavingenting 5d ago

There's this thing called nuance.

Speaking of age, it's something adults typically allow for.

And speaking of Sweden, ask them how unchecked immigration is going.

Ideals are all well and good, but as anyone can tell you filling a glass from a faucet is preferable to filling it with a water jet. It's all water, but one will destroy the glass due to other circumstances unrelated to it being water.

Just in case the analogy doesn't compute: it's the same with immigration, it's all well and good but if it's not done in a controlled manner something gets destroyed. It has nothing to do with skin color. The Americas had uncontrolled immigration before, you know. Tell me, what happened to the native population then? (Rhetorical question.)

Ps. Notice how I'm able to interact with you respectfully? You should try it, it's awesome. If you can't or won't that's strictly a personal failing, it's straight up ugly soul territory.


u/DWGrithiff 4d ago

I don't respect you at all, so treating you with false respect would demean the ideal of honesty. Anyway i don't get paid to educate Norwegians or whatever, so I'll leave you to your native school system and hope some immigrant teacher is able to work some sense into you. 


u/kongenavingenting 4d ago

Oh holy shit you are straight up damaged.


u/DWGrithiff 4d ago

A quick search tells me he's concerned about energy security, not anti-climate.

This is still the high point of this thread.

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u/In_Formaldehyde_ 6d ago

This sub is for US politics, don't bring your bile in here. The party clamoring for mass deportation already exists if that's your biggest issue. People aren't just voting on economic policies, social policies also matter. Not to mention Fetterman himself is married to a formerly illegal Brazilian woman.


u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

quick search tells me he's concerned about energy security, not anti-climate

So you were nosing in and commenting about something before even looking into it... That's odd

And the last line is basically the same as saying "he tells it like it is."


u/kongenavingenting 5d ago

So you were nosing in and commenting about something before even looking into it... That's odd

It's called "updating yourself".

I checked if there was anything I was unaware of, before replying.

Jesus Christ the sheer inability to offer the absolute barest of understanding is insane.


u/SwindlingAccountant 6d ago

And his position on banning lab grown meat is what?


u/9bpm9 6d ago

How in God's name is that even a left or right wing issue at this point. It isn't beneficial to the environment yet because of the resources it uses and can not even be done at a large scale.


u/SwindlingAccountant 6d ago

SO why ban it if its still in the research phase? Is it because Mister Sad Guy gets a lot of money from the Beef Industry like he takes a lot of money from AIPAC?


u/Chellhound 6d ago

Anyone who supports Israel is a right-wing conservative. There is no way to support genocide from the left.


u/CatD0gChicken 6d ago

/politics doesn't understand that we have 1.87 right wing parties


u/UnlawfulStupid 6d ago

There is no way to support genocide from the left.

Wikipedia: Mass killings under communist regimes


u/Chellhound 6d ago

I should clarify: there's no way to support genocide from an ideologically left position. Anyone can call themselves a leftist and then do a genocide.


u/UnlawfulStupid 6d ago


u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

Ideology. In practice, it hasn't been. Same way that the GOP claim to be conservative but their actions don't actually align with the ideology


u/Chellhound 3d ago

Obviously. And?


u/Silly_Shoe268 6d ago

Supporting a ethnostate and a genocide makes you far right


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/klubsanwich America 6d ago

John Fetterman does


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/klubsanwich America 6d ago

John Fetterman openly and enthusiastically supports an ethnostate and a genocide


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

And if the ICJ find that they are committing genocide? Will you admit you were wrong or just call the ICJ anti-semitic?


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

Once again, if it turns out that the ICJ finds that Israel is guilty of it, how will that change your behavior?

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u/HardcoreKaraoke 6d ago

That's a big narrative that I think people are underselling about Biden. Even before last night it seemed obvious that he's going to lose a lot of voters who will abstain because of Israel.

Commenters like that other person might not be the majority but they don't have to be. Idiots like that abstaining is a massive blow.


u/sideAccount42 California 6d ago

I find being called an idiot and anti-semitic very compelling reasons to vote for Biden. It may be personally cathartic to you but do you think it's actually helpful?


u/kvlt_ov_personality 6d ago

No true Scotsman!


u/KloppOnKloppOn 6d ago edited 6d ago

supporting a right wing israeli government that at best has flirted with genocide sure sounds like a lefty position

edit- you aren't wrong though about people doing this too often though in general


u/aidanmurphy2005 6d ago

Awww yes and Gaza is the pinnacle of liberal and progressive ideals


u/sideAccount42 California 6d ago

If we're just gonna put words in people's mouths why do you think Israeli settlers should be able to steal Palestinian homes in the West Bank?


u/aidanmurphy2005 6d ago

I don’t think they should be able to. Israel isn’t a moral country but they are a hell of a lot better than the governing body of the West Bank which are literal terrorists


u/sideAccount42 California 6d ago

August 28, 2023 - West Bank: Spike in Israeli Killings of Palestinian Children

I don't even know what to say to you when this is what you think should continue. I don't know how to not see the Israeli government as terrorists as well. I don't know how to not question the unequal designations from internation bodies, groups, and governments on this.


u/KloppOnKloppOn 6d ago

never said it was


u/RagingInferrno 6d ago

The far left accuses anyone who isn't on the far left of being a Republican or a nazi.


u/whomstc 6d ago

how dare lefties label politicians by their stances


u/RagingInferrno 6d ago

You mean mislabel.


u/Goldentongue 6d ago

...because they are.