r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/thegoodnamesrgone123 4d ago

Here is the thing. I don't care that Biden is old and had a bad debate. Trump could have come out, shit his pants, and his base, and most of the media would still tell everyone that he did great.
The GOP doesn't like women or gays or minorities. They have made it clear that they are going to hurt anyone that isn't rich white and Christian. So I'm not going to vote for the party that wants to burn the world down. Also if you listen to what Trump said he basically shit his pants last night.


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

I don’t care that Biden is old hand had problems last night. He surrounds himself with actually competent people and tries to do the right thing. And he’s I’m in touch with reality instead of whatever fever dream Trump lives in. 


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 4d ago

Trump made zero sense last night.


u/Randomfactoid42 Virginia 4d ago

Not one bit of sense. Trump loudly proclaimed “I have no idea what’s going on”. 


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/JazzlikeLeave5530 3d ago

How do you feel about Louisiana, which is almost entirely controlled by Republicans including both senators, 5 of the 6 representatives, every statewide office, and where both chambers of the state legislature are majority Republican (73 R vs 32 D and 28 R vs 11 D), passing a law requiring the display of the 10 commandments in schools? Surely that goes against your belief that nobody should be given special treatment? They didn't do it with Muslim scripture, or Buddhism, or Hinduism. If you truly believe that then I would imagine this info would make you question your support of such a large number of their members passing this law.


u/Murky-Site7468 3d ago

The state we're in...


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 3d ago

Yeah but you vote for people who want to treat them like second class citizens. It makes zero financial sense for me to vote Democrat but I do because they aren't trying to throw those people in camps like Project 2025 calls for.