r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/EnglishMobster California 6d ago

She played the game and dropped out before Super Tuesday so as to not dilute Biden's primary vote. Remember Biden was trailing until everyone else suddenly dropped out to prevent Sanders from winning.

Everyone who did as they were told and dropped out got rewarded.


u/EpicurianBreeder 6d ago

Think of the kind of world we could have now if the DNC didn’t actively torpedo Bernie’s campaign. Twice.


u/bananapeel 6d ago

The DNC would rather risk losing to a fascist twice than win with a progressive. Think about that.


u/CalmRadBee 5d ago

I mean look across the global south and south east Asia. America sides with fascism over socialism every. single. time.