r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Exactly what I felt and I didn’t watch, just listened while working.

First 30 seconds I even sent a text asking if he looked sick as his voice was off.

Biden may have stumbled but he spoke nothing but facts. That doesn’t matter. People are looking at candidates and comparing them to what their current opinions are of them. Trump came in and, thanks to the muted microphones, didn’t appear AS MUCH OF a bully as he usually does. He had some verbal diarrhea but he sounded strong.

Biden sounded old and tired.

Biden did a lot of things I like and I’m voting for him. But all I’ve heard at work today is how old he sounded, how weak he sounded. That’s what people are looking at unfortunately.


u/invokereform 6d ago

Optics are very powerful.


u/jejsjhabdjf 6d ago

It’s not just “optics”. Biden’s performance revealed that he was not capable, physically, of running a country. Everyone who votes for him now knows that they’re really voting for his handlers and that those handlers will lie and say he’s in charge. That’s not how democracy is supposed to work and it’s not just a superficial optics issue.


u/Gen-Random 6d ago

He demonstrated pretty clearly that he is capable today. Last night, he had no notes, a lingering cold, and focused on citing facts in the face of fraud. On the whole he did poorly, but that debate wasn't worth deciding the future over.


u/jejsjhabdjf 5d ago

You watched a man not know where he was or how to speak, staring off into space because of his dementia and you still have to cope so hard you call him capable of running a country. It’s really depressing how stupid your ideological fanaticism makes you and even more depressing if you get a vote. Absolutely shameful.


u/Gen-Random 5d ago

The basic principle of democracy is that my perspective is different from yours. If I am not free to honestly communicate my experience, we no longer have democracy. I am not devoted to an "ideology" as Marx described, I see one man a criminal and the other a capable leader, and if you're not the least worried about Trump you simply don't care about the principles of our democracy.

Here's 2 minutes of Biden's half hour speech yesterday. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6QtISXR5nKo