r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/Turd_Nerd_Bird 6d ago

With this and all the shit the Supreme Court is ruling on while they can hide behind the debate coverage, it's not looking good for the country.


u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Legit why once I finish this degree I’m moving abroad. Tried it out with a semester abroad (note: I’m almost 30 but in grad school). Loved it. First world nation. My GF is over there and had considered coming to America. But when we saw how well Trump was doing in the polls…

The fact he has even 10% support, not to mention how much he has, made us decide we didn’t want to be here. Too many racists, too many fascists. So finish up, accept the job abroad, and likely not come back.

Spent near 30 years here and actively campaigned for DNC but it’s just not feasible to remain.


u/Thundfin 6d ago

Bye felicia


u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Bye :D!


u/Thundfin 6d ago

Maybe if you leave the country us tax payers won't be left with all of the failed college loans shrug


u/Nukemind Texas 6d ago

Already paid my back thankfully! Worked in law school so I could get out ASAP after! No sword of damocles preventing renunciation of citizenship once I've been a resident long enough.